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Spectrum analysis of ADC sampling sequence based on stm32

2022-07-05 22:37:00 Xiao Qiu HUST

   This article mainly introduces the right ADC The collected digital sequence FFT Spectrum analysis .

Determine sampling rate

   In addition to complying with Nyquist's sampling law, some problems need to be considered in determining the sampling rate . In a digital system , We can only do some finite discrete operations , For finite sequences , We can't do it DTFT, Can only do DFT. This requires Treat a finite sequence as a periodic sequence .

Normalized angular frequency

   The known sampling rate is f s f_s fs, Then a frequency is f 0 f_0 f0 f 0 < f s / 2 f_0<f_s/2 f0<fs/2) After the ideal cosine signal of is sampled, the sequence should be :

x [ n ] = A cos ⁡ ( 2 π f 0 ⋅ n T 0 ) = A cos ⁡ ( 2 π f 0 ⋅ n f s )      n ∈ Z x[n] = A\cos \left( {2\pi {f_0} \cdot n{T_0} } \right) = A\cos \left( {2\pi {f_0} \cdot {n \over { {f_s} } } } \right)\;\;n \in {\rm{Z} } x[n]=Acos(2πf0nT0)=Acos(2πf0fsn)nZ

   As can be seen from the formula above , The sequence we actually get is independent of the specific sampling rate or signal frequency , But by their ratio f 0 / f s f_0/f_s f0/fs Decisive , It's like signal frequency f 0 f_0 f0 Sampling frequency f s f_s fs Normalized .
   When the signal is continuous , The frequency of the signal f f f It can be any real number . And in this discrete case , f 0 / f s f_0/f_s f0/fs The frequency has been limited to 0~1 Between , The corresponding angular frequency is 0~ 2 π 2\pi 2π.
   Combined with the periodicity of the spectrum, we can know π \pi π~ 2 π 2\pi 2π Spectrum and − π -\pi π~ 0 0 0 The spectrum of is the same .
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   For a real sequence ,0~ π \pi π The spectrum of corresponds to the frequency 0~ f s / 2 f_s/2 fs/2 Complex exponential sequence of , And the rest of the π \pi π~ 2 π 2\pi 2π The spectrum of is the complex conjugate of the former . The real sequence is formed by the superposition of two conjugate complex exponential sequences . According to this characteristic , In computing a real sequence DFT when , It's only half the length , Because the other half just takes complex conjugation .

Finite length sequence

   The previous analysis is all in “ Ideal ” Under the condition of ,“ Ideal ” It means that the cosine signal must always exist , From the beginning of the birth of the universe to the distant future, it always exists . Such a signal is not available in real life , The actual signal always has a beginning and an end .

Rectangular window

   Directly intercept several periodic points from the ideal sequence to form a finite length sequence , So the ideal sequence is multiplied by a rectangular window in the time domain , That is, their convolution in the frequency domain . The frequency domain representation of the ideal cosine sequence has been analyzed above , All that remains is to focus on the spectrum of the window function .
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Calculate the rectangular window DTFT, Direct use DTFT Analytical formula of :

X ( e j ω ) = ∑ n = 0 N − 1 e j ω n = 1 − e j ω N 1 − e j ω X\left( { {e^{j\omega } } } \right) = \sum\nolimits_{n = 0}^{N - 1} { {e^{j\omega n} } } = { {1 - {e^{j\omega N} } } \over {1 - {e^{j\omega } } } } X(ejω)=n=0N1ejωn=1ejω1ejωN

Then we can use the following formula to further simplify ,

1 − e j 2 θ = 1 − ( cos ⁡ ( 2 θ ) + j sin ⁡ ( 2 θ ) ) = − j 2 sin ⁡ ( θ ) e j θ 1 - {e^{j2\theta } } = 1 - \left( {\cos \left( {2\theta } \right) + j\sin \left( {2\theta } \right)} \right) = - j2\sin \left( \theta \right){e^{j\theta } } 1ej2θ=1(cos(2θ)+jsin(2θ))=j2sin(θ)ejθ

Finally get :

X ( e j ω ) = e − j ω ( N − 1 ) / 2 sin ⁡ ( ω N / 2 ) sin ⁡ ( ω / 2 ) X\left( { {e^{j\omega } } } \right) = {e^{ - j\omega (N - 1)/2} }{ {\sin \left( {\omega N/2} \right)} \over {\sin \left( {\omega /2} \right)} } X(ejω)=ejω(N1)/2sin(ω/2)sin(ωN/2)

   stay ω = 0 \omega=0 ω=0 The location of , X ( e j ω ) = 1 X\left( { {e^{j\omega } } } \right) = 1 X(ejω)=1, And in the ω \omega ω yes 2 π / N 2\pi/N 2π/N The integral times of , X ( e j ω ) = 0 X\left( { {e^{j\omega } } } \right)=0 X(ejω)=0. So when the period of the signal is exactly N N N When , There will be no spectrum leakage ( Please supplement the convolution process by yourself ).

Rising cosine window (Hann window )

   Rising cosine window is also called Hann window , It can be expressed as :

w [ n ] = 1 2 ( 1 − cos ⁡ ( 2 π n N ) ) ,          n ∈ [ 0 , N − 1 ] w[n] = {1 \over 2}\left( {1 - \cos \left( {2\pi {n \over N} } \right)} \right),\;\;\;\;n \in \left[ {0,N - 1} \right] w[n]=21(1cos(2πNn)),n[0,N1]

Calculate its DTFT:

X ( e j ω ) = 1 2 ∑ n = 0 N − 1 ( 1 − cos ⁡ ( 2 π n / N ) ) e − j ω n X\left( { {e^{j\omega } } } \right) = {1 \over 2}\sum\nolimits_{n = 0}^{N - 1} {\left( {1 - \cos \left( {2\pi n/N} \right)} \right){e^{ - j\omega n} } } X(ejω)=21n=0N1(1cos(2πn/N))ejωn

   I can't find the solution explicitly , But you can substitute some special values to observe . When ω = 0 \omega=0 ω=0 when , X ( e j ω ) = 1 / 2 X\left( { {e^{j\omega } } } \right) = 1/2 X(ejω)=1/2, And when ω = ± 2 π / N \omega=\pm2\pi/N ω=±2π/N when , X ( e j ω ) = 1 / 4 X\left( { {e^{j\omega } } } \right) = 1/4 X(ejω)=1/4.
   X ( e j ω ) X\left( { {e^{j\omega } } } \right) X(ejω) The result of convolution with the spectrum of ideal sequence will show spectrum leakage . For single frequency signals , Two peaks will be generated on both sides of the original single peak 1 / 2 1/2 1/2 Peak amplitude peak , At the same time, the peak amplitude also attenuates to the original 1 / 2 1/2 1/2.
   Although it is called “ Spectrum leakage ”, But it doesn't really leak out , But by convolution . Therefore, in general, adding up the leaked spectrum directly is only an approximation .
   Different window functions have different spectral characteristics , The side lobe of the rectangular window is relatively high , Once the spectrum leakage occurs, it will introduce a large error to the amplitude measurement of a specific frequency , But its frequency resolution is also the highest .Hann Although there will be spectrum leakage in the window , But its side lobe decays fast .

Sampling rate and sequence length

  DFT The minimum frequency that can be resolved by the obtained spectrum is called frequency resolution ,N Point sequence to do DFT Can get N Spectrum of points , Therefore, the frequency resolution is f s / N f_s/N fs/N. It is best to choose the appropriate sampling rate and sequence length so that the frequency of the signal to be measured is exactly an integral multiple of the frequency resolution . If the frequency of the signal to be measured is exactly an integral multiple of the frequency resolution , Then you can use rectangular windows directly ; conversely , If the frequency of the signal to be measured is not an integral multiple of frequency resolution , Then you need to add windows according to your needs .

Analog front end

   In determining ADC After the sampling rate of ,ADC The cut-off frequency of the previous anti aliasing filter should also be set at f s / 2 f_s/2 fs/2 within . But it should also be greater than the frequency of the signal you care about .
   This oversampling method is generally used to sample some low-frequency signals ,ADC The previous anti aliasing filter is a low-pass filter , The sampling rate is greater than twice the maximum frequency of the signal . But the sampling theorem tells us that as long as the sampling rate is greater than Signal bandwidth The sampled signal can be recovered by twice . So there is also a bandpass system ,ADC The former is a bandpass filter , Using the characteristics of spectrum periodic extension of digital sequence , Use low-frequency sampling rate to collect high-frequency signals .

Simulated signal

   stay ADC It hasn't been adjusted yet , Or sometimes I want to generate a single frequency simulation sequence by myself , You can write directly at the sampling rate f s f_s fs Next , frequency f 0 f_0 f0 Cosine sequence of :

x [ n ] = cos ⁡ ( 2 π f 0 f s n ) x[n] = \cos \left( {2\pi { { {f_0} } \over { {f_s} } }n} \right) x[n]=cos(2πfsf0n)

DSP Library function

   In the previous one article in , I mentioned using CubeMX After project generation , stay Drivers/CMSIS/Lib It's in the catalog DSP The library files , So I don't need to import the library from the outside DSP The library .
   But these two library files are a little different , I am using CFFT I found that only the library files imported from the outside can be calculated correctly . If you use the existing library file , The program is in link Then it seems that something strange has covered the entry of the reset address , Come up here hardfault. Here, so it's better to check this again DSP library .
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  CMSIS Of DSP The library provides two kinds of FFT Function of , The set of real Numbers FFT And the plural FFT, Both have their own characteristics . Can be used to calculate by ADC Of the sampled sequence FFT.

The set of real Numbers FFT

   The set of real Numbers FFT Fast calculation , It's our first choice ! It can handle a length of 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096 The real number FFT.
   The input sequence is a continuous real number , I thought the input was also to be plural FFT equally , The real part and the imaginary part are stored at intervals . But in fact, what it needs is continuous real numbers .
   Not the same address operation , Input and output need to be stored in different places . The output sequence is a complex sequence , The length is half of the input sequence , Because the results of the other half and the first half are conjugate , There is no need to double count .
   Because the complex number is stored in real part and imaginary part at intervals , A complex number takes up twice the storage space of a real number . So the actual physical space occupation of input and output is the same .
   For example 1024 Dot floating point RFFT, The input is a piece of length 1024 The first address of the address space of floating-point numbers , The output also needs a space of the same size , But the storage will be 512 Plural .
   Output storage is not all plural , A sequence of real numbers x [ n ] x[n] x[n] do FFT And then get X [ k ] X[k] X[k], X [ 0 ] X[0] X[0] It must be a real number , X [ N / 2 ] X[N/2] X[N/2] It must also be a real number , These two real numbers exist together in the position of the first complex number .
   Sample code :

arm_rfft_fast_instance_f32 xInstFFT;
arm_rfft_fast_init_f32(&xInstFFT, 1024);
arm_rfft_fast_f32(&xInstFFT, pSrc, pDst, 0);

   Calling RFFT Before , You need to initialize an instance first , It mainly sets the lookup table of rotation factor .RFFT All the time bit reverse, In this way, the input and output are in the order we are used to , and CFFT Yes, you can choose whether to bit reverse.arm_rfft_fast_f32 The last parameter in is choose to FFT still IFFT.

The plural FFT

#include "arm_const_structs.h"
arm_cfft_f32(arm_cfft_sR_f32_len1024, pData, 0, 1);

   The plural FFT The data required to be input is stored alternately in real part and imaginary part , And it is the same address operation , The output results will overwrite the input data . Compared with RFFT, It doesn't need to be initialized , It only needs include arm_const_structs.h This header file , You can find ready-made examples .
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   This header file is in CMSIS Of DSP/Include Under the path , Although we can't use what is provided here DSP The library files , But the header file can still be used . The penultimate parameter is selection FFT still IFFT; The last parameter is whether bit reverse.

Hann window

  Hann The coefficient of the window can be used Matlab Calculation , These coefficients can be stored as constants , It is convenient to call directly when adding windows .
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   open Matlab Window designer , choice Hann window , Then select “ periodic ”. Save the coefficients to the workspace , Then find a way to write C/C++ Just go to the source file of .

function [w] = genHann()
    w = hann(1024, 'periodic');

   I use Matlab Coder Turn the above function into C Code , But it's also troublesome , It's better to copy it directly from the workspace and write it to the source file .


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