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条形码识别性能低,如何优化Dynamsoft Barcode Reader解码性能
2020-11-06 22:28:00 【roffey】
Dynamsoft Barcode Reader SDK一款多功能的条码读取控件,只需要几行代码就可以将条码读取功能嵌入到Web或桌面应用程序。这可以节省数月的开发时间和成本。能支持多种图像文件格式以及从摄像机或扫描仪获取的DIB格式。使用Dynamsoft Barcode Reader SDK,你可以创建强大且实用的条形码扫描仪软件,以满足你的业务需求。
点击下载Dynamsoft Barcode Reader最新版
许多企业喜欢使用Dynamsoft Barcode Reader SDK,因为它具有灵活的参数配置和强大的对多个条形码的解码能力。在本文中,让我们看一下条形码SDK模板以及从开发人员的角度优化解码性能的可能方法。
如果您从未尝试过Dynamsoft Barcode Reader SDK,则可以在在线条形码游乐场玩耍,只需更改模式即可直接比较性能差异。
- Speed.json
- Balanced.json
- Coverage.json
- Morecoverage.json
- Mostcoverage.json
BarcodeReader.exe AllSupportedBarcodeTypes.png license.txt speed.json
Total barcode(s) found: 12. Time cost: 63 ms
BarcodeReader.exe AllSupportedBarcodeTypes.png license.txt balanced.json
Total barcode(s) found: 13. Time cost: 140 ms
BarcodeReader.exe AllSupportedBarcodeTypes.png license.txt coverage.json
Total barcode(s) found: 13. Time cost: 844 ms
BarcodeReader.exe AllSupportedBarcodeTypes.png license.txt morecoverage.json
Total barcode(s) found: 13. Time cost: 1610 ms
BarcodeReader.exe AllSupportedBarcodeTypes.png license.txt mostcoverage.json
Total barcode(s) found: 13. Time cost: 3156 ms
barcode_decoding(buffer, size, BF_CODE_39, 1, license, config);
barcode_decoding(buffer, size, BF_QR_CODE, 1, license, config);
barcode_decoding(buffer, size, BF_PDF417, 1, license, config);
barcode_decoding(buffer, size, BF_DATAMATRIX, 1, license, config);
Thread id: 22536. Type: CODE_39
Thread id: 22536. Total barcode(s) found: 1. Time cost: 235 ms
Thread id: 22536. Type: QR_CODE
Thread id: 22536. Total barcode(s) found: 1. Time cost: 47 ms
Thread id: 22536. Type: PDF417
Thread id: 22536. Total barcode(s) found: 1. Time cost: 62 ms
Thread id: 22536. Type: DATAMATRIX
Thread id: 22536. Total barcode(s) found: 1. Time cost: 63 ms
int starttime = gettime();
thread t1(barcode_decoding, buffer, size, BF_CODE_39, 1, license, config);
thread t2(barcode_decoding, buffer, size, BF_QR_CODE, 1, license, config);
thread t3(barcode_decoding, buffer, size, BF_PDF417, 1, license, config);
thread t4(barcode_decoding, buffer, size, BF_DATAMATRIX, 1, license, config);
int endtime = gettime();
printf("Thread time cost: %d ms\n\n", (endtime - starttime));
Thread id: 24024. Type: QR_CODE
Thread id: 24024. Total barcode(s) found: 1. Time cost: 78 ms
Thread id: 17384. Type: DATAMATRIX
Thread id: 17384. Total barcode(s) found: 1. Time cost: 78 ms
Thread id: 24264. Type: PDF417
Thread id: 24264. Total barcode(s) found: 1. Time cost: 94 ms
Thread id: 4060. Type: CODE_39
Thread id: 4060. Total barcode(s) found: 1. Time cost: 265 ms
Thread time cost: 265 ms
barcode_decoding(buffer, size, BF_CODE_39 | BF_DATAMATRIX | BF_QR_CODE | BF_PDF417, 1, license, config);
Thread id: 20308. Type: PDF417
Thread id: 20308. Type: QR_CODE
Thread id: 20308. Type: DATAMATRIX
Thread id: 20308. Type: CODE_39
Thread id: 20308. Total barcode(s) found: 4. Time cost: 250 ms
线程数如何影响Dynamsoft Barcode SDK性能?
const auto processor_count = std::thread::hardware_concurrency();
int minimum_count = 1, minimum_timecost = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < processor_count; i++)
printf("Thread count: %d. ", i + 1);
int timecost = barcode_decoding(buffer, size, formats, i, license, config);
if (i == 0)
minimum_count = 1;
if (timecost > 0)
minimum_timecost = timecost;
else {
if (timecost < minimum_timecost)
minimum_count = i + 1;
minimum_timecost = timecost;
printf("Multi-thread best performance: thread_count = %d, timecost = %d \n\n", minimum_count, minimum_timecost);
Thread count: 1. Thread id: 26376. Total barcode(s) found: 13. Time cost: 141 ms
Thread count: 2. Thread id: 26376. Total barcode(s) found: 13. Time cost: 141 ms
Thread count: 3. Thread id: 26376. Total barcode(s) found: 13. Time cost: 125 ms
Thread count: 4. Thread id: 26376. Total barcode(s) found: 13. Time cost: 140 ms
Thread count: 5. Thread id: 26376. Total barcode(s) found: 13. Time cost: 157 ms
Thread count: 6. Thread id: 26376. Total barcode(s) found: 13. Time cost: 203 ms
Thread count: 7. Thread id: 26376. Total barcode(s) found: 13. Time cost: 156 ms
Thread count: 8. Thread id: 26376. Total barcode(s) found: 13. Time cost: 140 ms
Multi-thread best performance: thread_count = 3, timecost = 125
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