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Introduction to the development of small game cloud

2020-11-06 21:09:00 Chen Guangwen


Baidu : https://q.qq.com/wiki/cloud/base/intro.html

QQ: https://q.qq.com/wiki/cloud/base/intro.html

WX: https://developers.weixin.qq.com/minigame/dev/wxcloud/basis/getting-started.html

Cloud development is popular now , But I am not very cold , Because his benefits are obvious , But the disadvantages are also fatal . The advantage is 1. You don't have to buy your own server , Domain name authentication , Don't worry about server expiration ; Save a lot of time .2. Free initial capacity , Basically enough .

The disadvantage is that it can't cross platform . This one is very hurt , We can't develop a game on only one platform ! Although we can go to all platforms with cloud development capabilities , But after all, there are many platforms without cloud development capability !

But you can still use features like world rankings . At most, the platform without cloud development capability does not display the leaderboard function .

I use this cloud development ability to do a relatively complete trading system . After entering this system, all the data are obtained online , Leave this system and play alone . So the platform without cloud development capability can only experience the stand-alone part .


Here I take wechat cloud development as an example :

  1. Opening service What we should pay attention to in this step is to use appId It can't be a test id, Otherwise, your cloud development button is not clickable . At the end of this step, you get an environment id.

  2. initialization

  env: 'test-x1dzi'

The environment that will be obtained in the previous step id Pass in init Function does the initialization work well , And this method has no return value . 3. Call cloud function

  name: 'add',
  data: {
    a: 12,
    b: 19

That's the most important part of the applet side . When you've looked at several platforms that support cloud development, you'll find , The way they use it on the applet side is actually the same . It's just a difference in the namespace . So it's easy to do a lot of platform support . The rest is to write cloud functions . Wechat cloud is actually nodejs The server . Each cloud function can be understood as a function called by the back end after routing . It's just that there's a difference between debugging and uploading .

The debugging here is hard , First use creator The package cloud function directory will be cleaned up , If you put the function directory in build-template You can't see the effect in time as in the wechat developer tool . You can't copy a copy of it to build-template in . Because my system is not that complicated , So now it's time to download the cloud functions I need after each package . You can actually write a plug-in , Put cloud functions in a place before packaging , Put it back after packing .

The development way

My development method is relatively simple , Directly write the cloud function call on the applet side as a service , Add to my web framework , Just like I used long and short links . Article address :https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/DQuiQejiS6qtBTef_yu0Sw The way to expand is simple

  1. Define a new way to link . image.png
  2. Defining classes , Implementation interface there url It's the environment id, The protocol number is the name of the cloud function . about sendData The receiving method in the class can be changed at will .
export default class WXCloudService extends Service {
     *  because init Function has no return value , So direct notification link success 
     * @param url  Equivalent to the environment ID
     * @param port  It's useless 
    connect(url: string, port?: number) {
        console.log("WXCloudService connect  url  ", url)
            env: url
        this.emit(NetConfig.OPEN, url);

    sendData(message: SendMessage) {
        let self = this;
        let protoID = message.getProtoID();
        let data = message.getData();
        console.log("WXCloudService sendData  protoID  ", protoID,' data ',data)
            //  Name of cloud function to be called 
            name: protoID,
            //  Parameters passed to cloud function 
            data: data,
            success: function (res) {
                console.log('WXCloudService  success res  ', res)
                self.onData(res.result, protoID);

            fail: function (res) {
                console.log('WXCloudService  fail res  ', res)
            complete: function (res) { },


    isReady() {
        return true;
  1. Create in factory image.png

  2. Link using the previously defined Netconfig.CLOUD image.png

  3. How to use it 《 A network module that can block long and short links 》 It is said in the article , I'm not going to repeat it here .

matters needing attention

  1. Creation of cloud function , Use cloud functions created in the background , Unlike cloud functions created in developer tools . I finally chose to use developer tools to create , And then upload .
  2. Local debugging , Sometimes no mistakes are found , Debugging is a startup failure , The cloud function is deleted , Just download and start again .
  3. remember , The cloud function is used after uploading creator pack , Otherwise your function will be in vain . So it's better to do it in a way that you're familiar with , Move your hands and feet while packing .
  4. Not recommended doc function , It is only supported by incoming _id . image.png


The above is my experience of using cloud development these days . It's also a place that feels more important . Of course , Finally, it is recommended to read the document , It's more detailed there . To purchase a framework , Please click in my official account to click on my service , Source code sale label .

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