2022-07-05 15:21:00 【Shepherd Wolf】
introduce wxml2canvas library , Directory as follows :
Document address
<dialog show="{
{isShowCirclePicDia}}" style="position: relative;">
<canvas canvas-id="myCanvas" class="canvas" style="width: {
{canvasWidth}}px; height: {
{canvasHeight}}px;position: fixed; top: -199999rpx;"></canvas>
<view class="friendcircle-dialog-wrap">
<image class="close-dia" src="/images/[email protected]" bindtap="closeCirclePicDialog"></image>
<image class="fcdia-pic draw_canvas" data-type="image" data-url="/images/fc-dia-pic.png" src="/images/fc-dia-pic.png"></image>
<image class="goods-img draw_canvas" data-type="image" data-url="{
{item.item_img}}" src="{
<view class="fc-info draw_canvas">
<view class="fc-left draw_canvas">
<view wx:if="{
{item.shop_icon}}" class="title-box draw_canvas" data-type="text" data-text=" 【{
{item.item_title}}" data-lineClamp="{
<view class="draw_canvas shop-icon-wrap">
<!-- <image class="shop-icon draw_canvas" data-type="image" data-url="/images/test-douyin.png" data-mode="aspectFit" src="/images/test-douyin.png" mode="aspectFit"></image> -->
<image class="shop-icon draw_canvas" data-type="image" data-url="{
{item.shop_icon}}" data-mode="aspectFit" src="{
{item.shop_icon}}" mode="aspectFit"></image>
<text><text wx:if="{
<view wx:else class="title-box draw_canvas" data-type="text" data-text="【{
{item.item_title}}" data-lineClamp="{
<text><text wx:if="{
<view class="price-now-box draw_canvas">
<view class="price-txt draw_canvas" data-type="text" data-text=" To get "> To get </view><view class="yuan draw_canvas" data-type="text" data-text="¥">¥</view>
<view class="money draw_canvas" data-type="text" data-text="{
<view class="money-float draw_canvas" data-type="text" data-text="{
<view class="price-extra-box draw_canvas">
<view class="txt draw_canvas" data-type="text" data-text="{
{item.shop_name}} price ">{
{item.shop_name}} price </view><view class="yuan draw_canvas" data-type="text" data-text="¥">¥</view><view class="money draw_canvas" data-type="text" data-text="{
<view class="fanli-tag draw_canvas" data-type="background-image" data-base64="1" style="background-image:url('');"><text class="draw_canvas" data-type="text" data-text=" return {
{item.share_comm_rate}}"> return {
{item.share_comm_rate}}</text><text class="draw_canvas" data-type="text" data-text="%">%</text></view>
<view class="fc-right draw_canvas">
<!-- <image class="qr-code draw_canvas" data-type="image" data-url="/images/test-qr.png" src="/images/test-qr.png"/> -->
<image class="qr-code draw_canvas" data-type="image" data-url="{
{item.qrLink}}" src="{
<view class="qr-txt draw_canvas" data-type="text" data-text=" Long press the identification to receive the discount "> Long press the identification to receive the discount </view>
<view class="save-btn" bindtap="saveFriendCircleImg"> Save the picture </view>
drawImage() {
const that = this;
var wxcanvas = new Wxml2Canvas({
width: 300,
height: 456,
element: 'myCanvas',
background: '#fff',
progress(percent) {},
finish(url) {
filePath: url,
// Authorized success , Save the picture
success: function () {
isShowCirclePicDia: false
title: ' Saved successfully ',
icon: 'success',
duration: 2000
error(res) {}
let data = {
list: [
type: 'wxml',
class: '.friendcircle-dialog-wrap .draw_canvas',
limit: '.friendcircle-dialog-wrap',
x: 10,
y: 10
* Get the length of the character ,full by true when , One Chinese character counts as two lengths
* @param {String} str
* @param {Boolean} full
function getTextLength (str, full) {
let len = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
let c = str.charCodeAt(i);
// Single byte plus 1
if ((c >= 0x0001 && c <= 0x007e) || (0xff60 <= c && c <= 0xff9f)) {
else {
len += (full ? 2 : 1);
return len;
* rgba(255, 255, 255, 1) => #ffffff
* @param {String} color
function transferColor (color = '') {
let res = '#';
color = color.replace(/^rgba?\(/, '').replace(/\)$/, '');
color = color.split(', ');
color.length > 3 ? color.length = 3 : '';
for(let item of color) {
item = parseInt(item || 0);
if(item < 10) {
res += ('0' + item)
}else {
res += (item.toString(16))
return res;
function transferBorder (border = '') {
let res = border.match(/(\w+)px\s(\w+)\s(.*)/);
let obj = {};
if(res) {
obj = {
width: +res[1],
style: res[2],
color: res[3]
return res ? obj : null;
* padding , Top right, bottom left
* @param {*} padding
function transferPadding (padding = '0 0 0 0') {
padding = padding.split(' ');
for(let i = 0, len = padding.length; i < len; i++) {
padding[i] = +padding[i].replace('px', '');
return padding;
* type1: 0, 25, 17, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)
* type2: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3) 0px 25px 17px 0px => (0, 25, 17, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3))
* @param {*} shadow
function transferBoxShadow(shadow = '', type) {
if(!shadow || shadow === 'none') return;
let color;
let split;
split = shadow.match(/(\w+)\s(\w+)\s(\w+)\s(rgb.*)/);
if (split) {
shadow = split;
color = split[3] || '#ffffff';
} else {
split = shadow.split(') ');
color = split[0] + ')'
shadow = split[1].split('px ');
return {
offsetX: +shadow[0] || 0,
offsetY: +shadow[1] || 0,
blur: +shadow[2] || 0,
function getUid(prefix) {
prefix = prefix || '';
return (
prefix +
'xxyxxyxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, c => {
let r = (Math.random() * 16) | 0;
let v = c === 'x' ? r : (r & 0x3) | 0x8;
return v.toString(16);
export default {
import Util from './util';
const imageMode = ['scaleToFill', 'aspectFit', 'aspectFill', 'widthFix', 'top', 'bottom', 'center', 'left', 'right', 'top left', 'top right', 'bottom left', 'bottom right']
class Wxml2Canvas {
constructor (options = {}) {
this.device = wx.getSystemInfoSync && wx.getSystemInfoSync() || {};
if (!options.zoom) {
this.zoom = this.device.windowWidth / 375;
} else {
this.zoom = options.zoom || 1;
this.element = options.element;
this.obj = options.obj;
this.width = options.width * this.zoom || 0;
this.height = options.height * this.zoom || 0;
this.destZoom = options.destZoom || 3;
this.destWidth = this.width * this.destZoom;
this.destHeight = this.height * this.destZoom;
this.translateX = options.translateX * this.zoom || 0;
this.translateY = options.translateY * this.zoom || 0;
this.gradientBackground = options.gradientBackground || null;
this.background = options.background || '#ffffff';
this.finishDraw = options.finish || function finish(params) {}
this.errorHandler = options.error || function error(params) {}
this.progress = options.progress || function progress(params) {}
this.textAlign = options.textAlign || 'left';
this.fullText = options.fullText || false;
this.font = options.font || '14px PingFang SC';
draw (data = {}, that) {
let self = this;
this.data = data;
this.fef = that;
this._preloadImage(data.list).then((result) => {
}).catch((res) => {
measureWidth (text, font) {
if(font) {
this.ctx.font = font;
let res = this.ctx.measureText(text) || {};
return res.width || 0;
_init () {
this.progressPercent = 0; // Draw progress percentage
this.data = null;
this.ref = null;
this.allPic = [];
this.screenList = [];
this.asyncList = [];
this.imgUrl = '';
this.progressPercent = 0;
this.distance = 0;
this.ctx = wx.createCanvasContext(this.element, this.obj);
this.ctx.font = this.font;
this.debug = this.device.platform === 'devtools' ? true : false;
_drawBakcground () {
if (this.gradientBackground) {
let line = this.gradientBackground.line || [0, 0, 0, this.height];
let color = this.gradientBackground.color || ['#fff', '#fff'];
let style = { fill: { line, color } }
this._drawRectToCanvas(0, 0, this.width, this.height, style);
} else {
let style = { fill: this.background }
this._drawRectToCanvas(0, 0, this.width, this.height, style);
_draw () {
let self = this;
let list = this.data.list || [];
let index = 0;
let all = [];
let count = 0;
list.forEach(item => {
if(item.type === 'wxml') {
count += 3;
} else {
count += 1;
this.distance = 60 / (count || 1); // Spacing of progress bar
this.progressPercent = 30;
this.asyncList = list.filter( item => item.delay == true );
list = list.filter( item => item.delay != true );
Promise.all(all).then(results => {
index = 0;
drawList(self.asyncList, true);
Promise.all(all).then(results => {
}).catch (e => {
function drawList(list = [], noDelay) {
list.forEach((item, i) => {
all[index++] = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let attr = item.style;
item.progress = self.distance;
if (noDelay) {
item.delay = 0;
if (item.type === 'radius-image') {
self._drawCircle(item, attr, resolve, reject, 'image');
} else if (item.type === 'text') {
self._drawText(item, attr, resolve, reject);
} else if (item.type === 'line') {
self._drawLine(item, attr, resolve, reject);
} else if (item.type === 'circle') {
self._drawCircle(item, attr, resolve, reject);
} else if (item.type === 'rect') {
self._drawRect(item, attr, resolve, reject);
} else if (item.type === 'image') {
self._drawRect(item, attr, resolve, reject, 'image');
} else if (item.type === 'wxml') {
self._drawWxml(item, attr, resolve, reject);
}else {
_saveCanvasToImage () {
let self = this;
// There are two reasons for delaying saving , One is waiting to draw delay The elements of , The other is that the style on Android will be disordered
setTimeout(() => {
let obj = {
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: self.width,
height: self.height,
canvasId: self.element,
success: function (res) {
self.imgUrl = res.tempFilePath;
fail: function (res) {
self.errorHandler({errcode: 1000, errmsg: 'save canvas error', e: res});
if(self.destZoom !== 3) {
obj.destWidth = self.destWidth;
obj.destHeight = self.destHeight;
wx.canvasToTempFilePath(obj, self.obj);
}, self.device.system.indexOf('iOS') === -1 ? 300 : 100);
_preloadImage (list = []) {
let self = this;
let all = [];
let count = 0;
list.forEach((item, i) => {
if (item.url && self._findPicIndex(item.url) === -1) {
// Avoid downloading the same image repeatedly
url: item.url,
local: ''
all[count++] = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Not http(s) The domain name will not be downloaded
if (!/^http/.test(item.url) || /^http:\/\/(tmp)|(usr)\//.test(item.url) || /^http:\/\/127\.0\.0\.1/.test(item.url)) {
if(item.isBase64) {
let fileManager = wx.getFileSystemManager();
filePath: item.url,
data: item.isBase64.replace(/data:image\/(.*);base64,/, ''),
encoding: 'base64',
success (res) {
fail (res) {
}else {
function imageInfo (url) {
src: url,
success (res) {
let index = self._findPicIndex(url);
if(index > -1) {
self.allPic[index].local = url;
self.allPic[index].width = res.width;
self.allPic[index].height = res.height;
resolve({ tempFilePath: url });
fail (res) {
} else {
url: item.url.replace(/^https?/, 'https'),
success: function (res) {
src: res.tempFilePath,
success (img) {
let index = self._findPicIndex(item.url);
if (index > -1) {
self.allPic[index].local = res.tempFilePath;
self.allPic[index].width = img.width;
self.allPic[index].height = img.height;
fail (res) {
fail: (res) => {
reject({errcode: 1001, errmsg: 'download pic error'});
return Promise.all(all).then(results => {
return new Promise(resolve => { resolve() })
}).catch((results) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { reject(results) })
_findPicIndex (url) {
let index = this.allPic.findIndex(pic => pic.url === url);
return index;
_drawRect (item, style, resolve, reject, isImage, isWxml) {
let zoom = this.zoom;
let leftOffset = 0;
let topOffset = 0;
let width = style.width;
let height = style.height;
let imgWidth = style.width;
let imgHeight = style.height;
let mode = null;
try {
item.x = this._resetPositionX(item, style);
item.y = this._resetPositionY(item, style);
let url;
if(isImage) {
let index = this._findPicIndex(item.url);
if(index > -1) {
url = this.allPic[index].local
imgWidth = this.allPic[index].width
imgHeight = this.allPic[index].height
}else {
url = item.url;
style.padding = style.padding || [];
if(isWxml === 'inline-wxml') {
item.x = item.x + (style.padding[3] && style.padding[3] || 0)
item.y = item.y + (style.padding[0] && style.padding[0] || 0)
leftOffset = item.x + style.width + (style.padding[1] && style.padding[1] || 0);
if(!isWxml) {
width = width * zoom;
height = height * zoom;
if(style.dataset && style.dataset.mode && imageMode.indexOf(style.dataset.mode) > -1) {
mode = {
type: style.dataset.mode,
width: imgWidth,
height: imgHeight
this._drawRectToCanvas(item.x, item.y, width, height, style, url, mode);
if(resolve) {
}else {
return {
} catch (e) {
reject && reject({ errcode: (isImage ? 1003 : 1002), errmsg: (isImage ? 'drawImage error' : 'drawRect error'), e });
_drawRectToCanvas (x, y, width, height, style, url, mode) {
let { fill, border, boxShadow } = style;
this._drawBoxShadow(boxShadow, (res) => {
// When filling gradient color on real machine , There is no shadow , First draw a solid color rectangle of equal size to realize the shadow
if(fill && typeof fill !== 'string' && !this.debug) {
this.ctx.setFillStyle(res.color || '#ffffff');
this.ctx.fillRect(x, y, width, height);
if(url) {
// The developer tools are bug, Don't cut it first
if(mode) {
this._resetImageByMode(url, x, y, width, height, mode);
}else {
this.ctx.drawImage(url, x, y, width, height)
}else {
this._setFill(fill, () => {
this.ctx.fillRect(x, y, width, height);
this._drawBorder(border, style, (border) => {
let fixBorder = border.width;
this.ctx.strokeRect(x - fixBorder / 2, y - fixBorder / 2, width + fixBorder, height + fixBorder);
_resetImageByMode (url, x, y, width, height, mode) {
let self = this;
let offsetX = 0;
let offsetY = 0;
let imgWidth = mode.width;
let imgHeight = mode.height;
switch (mode.type) {
case 'scaleToFill':
imgWidth = width;
imgHeight = height;
self.ctx.drawImage(url, x, y, width, height)
case 'widthFix':
height = width / ((imgWidth || 1) / (imgHeight || 1))
self.ctx.drawImage(url, x, y, width, height)
case 'aspectFit':
if(imgWidth > imgHeight) {
let realHeight = width / ((imgWidth || 1) / (imgHeight || 1))
offsetY = -(height - realHeight) / 2
imgWidth = width;
imgHeight = realHeight;
}else {
let realWidth = height / ((imgHeight || 1) / (imgWidth || 1))
offsetX = -(width - realWidth) / 2
imgWidth = realWidth;
imgHeight = height;
case 'aspectFill':
if(imgWidth > imgHeight) {
let realWidth = imgWidth / ((imgHeight || 1) / (height || 1))
offsetX = (realWidth - width) / 2
imgWidth = realWidth;
imgHeight = height;
}else {
let realHeight = imgHeight / ((imgWidth || 1) / (width || 1))
offsetY = (realHeight - height) / 2
imgWidth = width;
imgHeight = realHeight;
case 'top left':
case 'top':
offsetX = (mode.width - width) / 2;
case 'top right':
offsetX = (mode.width - width);
case 'left':
offsetY = (mode.height - height) / 2;
case 'center':
offsetX = (mode.width - width) / 2;
offsetY = (mode.height - height) / 2;
case 'right':
offsetX = (mode.width - width);
offsetY = (mode.height - height) / 2;
case 'bottom left':
offsetY = (mode.height - height)
case 'bottom':
offsetX = (mode.width - width) / 2;
offsetY = (mode.height - height)
case 'bottom right':
offsetX = (mode.width - width);
offsetY = (mode.height - height)
imgWidth = width;
imgHeight = height;
function _clip () {
self.ctx.rect(x, y, width, height)
self.ctx.drawImage(url, x - offsetX, y - offsetY, imgWidth, imgHeight)
_drawText (item, style, resolve, reject, type, isWxml) {
let zoom = this.zoom;
let leftOffset = 0;
let topOffset = 0;
try {
style.fontSize = this._parseNumber(style.fontSize);
let fontSize = Math.ceil((style.fontSize || 14) * zoom)
this.ctx.font = (`${style.fontWeight ? (style.fontWeight) : 'normal'} ${ fontSize }px ${ style.fontFamily || 'PingFang SC' }`);
this.ctx.setFillStyle(style.color || '#454545');
let text = item.text || '';
let textWidth = Math.floor(this.measureWidth(text, style.font || this.ctx.font));
let lineHeight = this._getLineHeight(style);
let textHeight = Math.ceil(textWidth / (style.width || textWidth)) * lineHeight;
let width = Math.ceil((style.width || textWidth) * (!isWxml ? zoom : 1));
let whiteSpace = style.whiteSpace || 'wrap';
let x = 0;
let y = 0;
if(typeof style.padding === 'string') {
style.padding = Util.transferPadding(style.padding);
item.x = this._resetPositionX(item, style);
item.y = this._resetPositionY(item, style, textHeight);
if(style.background || style.border) {
this._drawTextBackgroud(item, style, textWidth, textHeight, isWxml);
// Inline text
if(type === 'inline-text') {
width = item.maxWidth;
if(item.leftOffset + textWidth > width) {
// If the previous inline element breaks , This element should continue to be supplemented by a line
let lineNum = Math.max(Math.floor(textWidth / width), 1);
let length = text.length;
let singleLength = Math.floor(length / lineNum);
let widthOffset = item.leftOffset ? item.leftOffset - item.originX : 0;
let { endIndex: currentIndex, single, singleWidth } = this._getTextSingleLine(text, width, singleLength, 0, widthOffset)
x = this._resetTextPositionX(item, style, singleWidth);
y = this._resetTextPositionY(item, style);
this.ctx.fillText(single, x, y);
leftOffset = x + singleWidth;
topOffset = y;
// Remove the contents of the first line , Then reset
text = text.substring(currentIndex, text.length);
currentIndex = 0;
lineNum = Math.max(Math.floor(textWidth / width), 1);
textWidth = Math.floor(this.measureWidth(text, style.font || this.ctx.font));
item.x = item.originX; // Restore the newline x
for (let i = 0; i < lineNum; i++) {
let { endIndex, single, singleWidth } = this._getTextSingleLine(text, width, singleLength, currentIndex);
currentIndex = endIndex;
if(single) {
x = this._resetTextPositionX(item, style, singleWidth, width);
y = this._resetTextPositionY(item, style, i + 1);
this.ctx.fillText(single, x, y);
if(i === lineNum - 1) {
leftOffset = x + singleWidth;
topOffset = lineHeight * lineNum;
let last = text.substring(currentIndex, length);
let lastWidth = this.measureWidth(last);
if(last) {
x = this._resetTextPositionX(item, style, lastWidth, width);
y = this._resetTextPositionY(item, style, lineNum + 1);
this.ctx.fillText(last, x, y);
leftOffset = x + lastWidth;
topOffset = lineHeight * (lineNum + 1);
}else {
x = this._resetTextPositionX(item, style, textWidth, width);
y = this._resetTextPositionY(item, style);
this.ctx.fillText(item.text, x, y);
leftOffset = x + textWidth;
topOffset = lineHeight;
}else {
// block Text , If the text length exceeds the width, wrap
if (width && textWidth > width && whiteSpace !== 'nowrap') {
let lineNum = Math.max(Math.floor(textWidth / width), 1);
let length = text.length;
let singleLength = Math.floor(length / lineNum);
let currentIndex = 0;
// lineClamp The parameter limits the maximum number of rows
if (style.dataset.lineclamp && lineNum + 1 > style.dataset.lineclamp) {
lineNum = style.dataset.lineclamp - 1;
for (let i = 0; i < lineNum; i++) {
let { endIndex, single, singleWidth } = this._getTextSingleLine(text, width, singleLength, currentIndex);
currentIndex = endIndex;
x = this._resetTextPositionX(item, style, singleWidth, width);
y = this._resetTextPositionY(item, style, i);
this.ctx.fillText(single, x, y);
// The remaining text after line breaking , If more than one line, truncate and add ellipsis
let last = text.substring(currentIndex, length);
let lastWidth = this.measureWidth(last);
if(lastWidth > width) {
let { single, singleWidth } = this._getTextSingleLine(last, width, singleLength);
lastWidth = singleWidth;
last = single.substring(0, single.length - 1) + '...';
x = this._resetTextPositionX(item, style, lastWidth, width);
y = this._resetTextPositionY(item, style, lineNum);
this.ctx.fillText(last, x, y);
}else {
x = this._resetTextPositionX(item, style, textWidth, width);
y = this._resetTextPositionY(item, style);
this.ctx.fillText(item.text, x, y);
if(resolve) {
}else {
return {
} catch(e) {
reject && reject({ errcode: 1004, errmsg: 'drawText error', e: e });
_drawTextBackgroud (item, style, textWidth, textHeight, isWxml) {
if(!style.width) return;
let zoom = isWxml ? 1 : this.zoom;
let width = style.width || textWidth;
let height = style.height || textHeight;
let rectStyle = {
fill: style.background,
border: style.border
style.padding = style.padding || [0, 0, 0, 0];
width += (style.padding[1] || 0) + (style.padding[3] || 0);
height += (style.padding[0] || 0) + (style.padding[2] || 0);
width = width * zoom
height = height * zoom
this._drawRectToCanvas(item.x, item.y, width, height, rectStyle);
_drawCircle (item, style, resolve, reject, isImage, isWxml) {
let zoom = this.zoom;
let r = style.r;
try {
item.x = this._resetPositionX(item, style);
item.y = this._resetPositionY(item, style);
let url;
if(isImage) {
let index = this._findPicIndex(item.url);
if (index > -1) {
url = this.allPic[index].local;
} else {
url = item.url;
if(!isWxml) {
r = r * zoom;
this._drawCircleToCanvas(item.x, item.y, r, style, url);
resolve && resolve();
} catch (e) {
reject && reject({ errcode: (isImage ? 1006 : 1005), errmsg: (isImage ? 'drawCircleImage error' : 'drawCircle error'), e });
_drawCircleToCanvas (x, y, r, style, url) {
let { fill, border, boxShadow } = style;
this._drawBoxShadow(boxShadow, (res) => {
// When filling gradient color on real machine , There is no shadow , First draw a solid color rectangle of equal size to realize the shadow
if((fill && typeof fill !== 'string') || (url && res.color)) {
this.ctx.setFillStyle(res.color || '#ffffff');
this.ctx.arc(x + r, y + r, r, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
if(url) {
this.ctx.arc(x + r, y + r, r, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
this.ctx.drawImage(url, x, y, r * 2, r * 2);
}else {
this._setFill(fill, () => {
this.ctx.arc(x + r, y + r, r, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
this._drawBorder(border, style, (border) => {
this.ctx.arc(x + r, y + r, r + border.width / 2, 0, 2 * Math.PI)
_drawLine (item, style, resolve, reject, isWxml) {
let zoom = this.zoom;
try {
let x1 = item.x * zoom + this.translateX;
let y1 = item.y * zoom + this.translateY;
let x2 = item.x2 * zoom + this.translateX;
let y2 = item.y2 * zoom + this.translateY;
this._drawLineToCanvas(x1, y1, x2, y2, style);
resolve && resolve();
} catch (e) {
reject && reject({ errcode: 1007, errmsg: 'drawLine error', e });
_drawLineToCanvas (x1, y1, x2, y2, style) {
let { stroke, dash, boxShadow } = style;
if(stroke) {
if(dash) {
let dash = [style.dash[0] || 5, style.dash[1] || 5];
let offset = style.dash[2] || 0;
this.ctx.setLineDash(dash, offset || 0);
this.ctx.moveTo(x1, y1);
this.ctx.setLineWidth((style.width || 1) * this.zoom);
this.ctx.lineTo(x2, y2);
// abandoned , Merge into _drawRect
_drawImage (item, style, resolve, reject, isWxml) {
let zoom = this.zoom;
try {
item.x = this._resetPositionX(item, style);
item.y = this._resetPositionY(item, style);
item.x = item.x + (style.padding[3] || 0);
item.y = item.y + (style.padding[0] || 0);
let index = this._findPicIndex(item.url);
let url = index > -1 ? this.allPic[index].local : item.url;
this._drawImageToCanvas(url, item.x, item.y, style.width * zoom, style.height * zoom, style);
resolve && resolve();
} catch (e) {
reject && reject({ errcode: 1012, errmsg: 'drawRect error', e });
// abandoned , Merge into _drawRect
_drawImageToCanvas (url, x, y, width, height, style) {
let { fill, border, boxShadow } = style;
this.ctx.drawImage(url, x, y, width, height);
this._drawBorder(border, style, (border) => {
let fixBorder = border.width;
this.ctx.strokeRect(x - fixBorder / 2, y - fixBorder / 2, width + fixBorder, height + fixBorder);
_drawWxml (item, style, resolve, reject) {
let self = this;
let all = [];
try {
this._getWxml(item, style).then((results) => {
// On -> Next
let sorted = self._sortListByTop(results[0]);
let count = 0;
let progress = 0;
Object.keys(sorted).forEach(item => {
count += sorted[item].length;
progress = this.distance * 3 / (count || 1);
all = this._drawWxmlBlock(item, sorted, all, progress, results[1]);
all = this._drawWxmlInline(item, sorted, all, progress, results[1]);
Promise.all(all).then(results => {
resolve && resolve();
}).catch (e => {
reject && reject(e);
} catch (e) {
reject && reject({ errcode: 1008, errmsg: 'drawWxml error' });
_drawWxmlBlock (item, sorted, all, progress, results) {
let self = this;
// Used to limit the range of positions , Take the relative position
let limitLeft = (results ? results.left : 0);
let limitTop = (results ? results.top : 0);
Object.keys(sorted).forEach((top, topIndex) => {
// Left -> Right
let list = sorted[top].sort((a, b) => {
return (a.left - b.left);
list = list.filter(sub => sub.dataset.type && sub.dataset.type.indexOf('inline') === -1);
list.forEach((sub, index) => {
all[index] = new Promise((resolve2, reject2) => {
sub = self._transferWxmlStyle(sub, item, limitLeft, limitTop);
sub.progress = progress;
let type = sub.dataset.type;
if(sub.dataset.delay) {
setTimeout(() => {
}, sub.dataset.delay)
} else {
function drawWxmlItem () {
if (type === 'text') {
self._drawWxmlText(sub, resolve2, reject2);
} else if (type === 'image') {
self._drawWxmlImage(sub, resolve2, reject2);
} else if (type === 'radius-image') {
self._drawWxmlCircleImage(sub, resolve2, reject2);
} else if (type === 'background-image') {
self._drawWxmlBackgroundImage(sub, resolve2, reject2);
return all;
_drawWxmlInline (item, sorted, all, progress, results) {
let self = this;
let topOffset = 0;
let leftOffset = 0;
let lastTop = 0;
let limitLeft = (results ? results.left : 0);
let limitTop = (results ? results.top : 0);
let p = new Promise((resolve2, reject2) => {
let maxWidth = 0;
let minLeft = Infinity;
let maxRight = 0;
// Find the same top Minimum under left And the biggest right, Get the maximum width , For line breaks
Object.keys(sorted).forEach(top => {
let inlineList = sorted[top].filter(sub => sub.dataset.type && sub.dataset.type.indexOf('inline') > -1);
inlineList.forEach(sub => {
if(sub.left < minLeft) {
minLeft = sub.left
if(sub.right > maxRight) {
maxRight = sub.right;
maxWidth = Math.ceil((maxRight - minLeft) || self.width);
Object.keys(sorted).forEach((top, topIndex) => {
// Left -> Right
let list = sorted[top].sort((a, b) => {
return (a.left - b.left);
// Inline element of newline left Put it in the back ,version2.0.6 Cannot get height after , change to the use of sth. bottom Value to determine whether the line breaks
let position = -1;
for(let i = 0, len = list.length; i < len; i++) {
if(list[i] && list[i + 1]) {
if(list[i].bottom > list[i + 1].bottom) {
position = i;
if(position > -1) {
list.push(list.splice(position, 1)[0]);
let inlineList = list.filter(sub => sub.dataset.type && sub.dataset.type.indexOf('inline') > -1);
let originLeft = (inlineList[0] ? inlineList[0].left : 0);
// After line feed and top When they are not equal , Think it's a new line , To clear the left margin ; When the left offset is greater than the maximum width , Also clear the left margin ; When the left offset is less than the left margin , Also remove
if (Math.abs(topOffset + lastTop - top) > 2 || leftOffset - originLeft - limitLeft >= maxWidth || leftOffset <= originLeft - limitLeft - 2) {
leftOffset = 0;
lastTop = +top;
topOffset = 0;
inlineList.forEach((sub, index) => {
sub = self._transferWxmlStyle(sub, item, limitLeft, limitTop);
sub.progress = progress;
let type = sub.dataset.type;
if (type === 'inline-text') {
let drawRes = self._drawWxmlInlineText(sub, leftOffset, maxWidth);
leftOffset = drawRes.leftOffset;
topOffset = drawRes.topOffset;
} else if (type === 'inline-image') {
let drawRes = self._drawWxmlImage(sub) || {};
leftOffset = drawRes.leftOffset || 0;
topOffset = drawRes.topOffset || 0;
return all;
_drawWxmlInlineText (sub, leftOffset = 0, maxWidth) {
let text = sub.dataset.text || '';
if(sub.dataset.maxlength && text.length > sub.dataset.maxlength) {
text = text.substring(0, sub.dataset.maxlength) + '...';
let textData = {
originX: sub.left,
x: leftOffset ? leftOffset : sub.left,
y: sub.top,
progress: sub.progress,
leftOffset: leftOffset,
maxWidth: maxWidth // The maximum width of an element in a row , Depending on limit Width
if (sub.backgroundColor !== 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)') {
sub.background = sub.backgroundColor;
}else {
sub.background = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)';
if(sub.dataset.background) {
sub.background = sub.dataset.background;
let res = this._drawText(textData, sub, null, null, 'inline-text', 'wxml');
return res
_drawWxmlText (sub, resolve, reject) {
let text = sub.dataset.text || '';
if(sub.dataset.maxlength && text.length > sub.dataset.maxlength) {
text = text.substring(0, sub.dataset.maxlength) + '...';
let textData = {
x: sub.left,
y: sub.top,
progress: sub.progress
if (sub.backgroundColor !== 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)') {
sub.background = sub.backgroundColor;
}else {
sub.background = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)';
if(sub.dataset.background) {
sub.background = sub.dataset.background;
this._drawText(textData, sub, resolve, reject, 'text', 'wxml');
_drawWxmlImage (sub, resolve, reject) {
let imageData = {
url: sub.dataset.url,
x: sub.left,
y: sub.top,
progress: sub.progress
let res = this._drawRect(imageData, sub, resolve, reject, 'image', 'inline-wxml');
return res
_drawWxmlCircleImage (sub, resolve, reject) {
let imageData = {
url: sub.dataset.url,
x: sub.left,
y: sub.top,
progress: sub.progress
sub.r = sub.width / 2;
this._drawCircle(imageData, sub, resolve, reject, true, 'wxml');
_drawWxmlBackgroundImage (sub, resolve, reject) {
let url = sub.dataset.url;
let index = this._findPicIndex(url);
url = index > -1 ? this.allPic[index].local : url;
let size = sub.backgroundSize.replace(/px/g, '').split(' ');
let imageData = {
url: url,
x: sub.left,
y: sub.top,
progress: sub.progress
this._drawRect(imageData, sub, resolve, reject, 'image', 'wxml');
_getWxml (item, style) {
let self = this;
let query;
if(this.obj) {
query = wx.createSelectorQuery().in(this.obj);
}else {
query = wx.createSelectorQuery();
let p1 = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Will trigger twice , To limit
let count = 0;
dataset: true,
size: true,
rect: true,
computedStyle: ['width', 'height', 'font', 'fontSize', 'fontFamily', 'fontWeight', 'fontStyle', 'textAlign',
'color', 'lineHeight', 'border', 'borderColor', 'borderStyle', 'borderWidth', 'verticalAlign', 'boxShadow',
'background', 'backgroundColor', 'backgroundImage', 'backgroundPosition', 'backgroundSize', 'paddingLeft', 'paddingTop',
'paddingRight', 'paddingBottom'
}, (res) => {
if(count++ === 0) {
let formated = self._formatImage(res);
let list = formated.list;
res = formated.res;
self._preloadImage(list).then(result => {
}).catch((res) => {
reject && reject({ errcode: 1009, errmsg: 'drawWxml preLoadImage error' });
let p2 = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (!item.limit) {
resolve({ top: 0, width: self.width / self.zoom });
dataset: true,
size: true,
rect: true,
}, (res) => {
return Promise.all([p1, p2]);
_getLineHeight (style) {
let zoom = this.zoom;
if(style.dataset && style.dataset.type) {
zoom = 1;
let lineHeight;
if(!isNaN(style.lineHeight) && style.lineHeight > style.fontSize) {
lineHeight = style.lineHeight;
}else {
style.lineHeight = (style.lineHeight || '') + '';
lineHeight = +style.lineHeight.replace('px', '');
lineHeight = lineHeight ? lineHeight : (style.fontSize || 14) * 1.2;
return lineHeight * zoom;
_formatImage (res = []) {
let list = [];
res.forEach((item, index) => {
let dataset = item.dataset;
let uid = Util.getUid();
let filename = `${wx.env.USER_DATA_PATH}/${uid}.png`;
if ((dataset.type === "image" || dataset.type === "radius-image") && dataset.url) {
let sub = {
url: dataset.base64 ? filename : dataset.url,
isBase64: dataset.base64 ? dataset.url : false
res[index].dataset = Object.assign(res[index].dataset, sub);
} else if (dataset.type === 'background-image' && item.backgroundImage.indexOf('url') > -1) {
let url = item.backgroundImage.replace(/url\((\"|\')?/, '').replace(/(\"|\')?\)$/, '');
let sub = {
url: dataset.base64 ? filename : url,
isBase64: dataset.base64 ? url : false
res[index].dataset = Object.assign(res[index].dataset, sub);
return { list, res };
_updateProgress (distance) {
this.progressPercent += distance;
_sortListByTop (list = []) {
let sorted = {};
// Roughly speaking 2px The different elements are on the same line
list.forEach((item, index) => {
let top = item.top;
if (!sorted[top]) {
if (sorted[top - 2]) {
top = top - 2;
}else if (sorted[top - 1]) {
top = top - 1;
} else if (sorted[top + 1]) {
top = top + 1;
} else if (sorted[top + 2]) {
top = top + 2;
} else {
sorted[top] = [];
return sorted;
_parseNumber (number) {
return isNaN(number) ? +(number || '').replace('px', '') : number;
_transferWxmlStyle (sub, item, limitLeft, limitTop) {
let leftFix = (+sub.dataset.left || 0);
let topFix = (+sub.dataset.top || 0);
sub.width = this._parseNumber(sub.width);
sub.height = this._parseNumber(sub.height);
sub.left = this._parseNumber(sub.left) - limitLeft + (leftFix + (item.x || 0)) * this.zoom;
sub.top = this._parseNumber(sub.top) - limitTop + (topFix + (item.y || 0)) * this.zoom;
let padding = sub.dataset.padding || '0 0 0 0';
if (typeof padding === 'string') {
padding = Util.transferPadding(padding);
let paddingTop = Number(sub.paddingTop.replace('px', '')) + Number(padding[0]);
let paddingRight = Number(sub.paddingRight.replace('px', '')) + Number(padding[1]);
let paddingBottom = Number(sub.paddingBottom.replace('px', '')) + Number(padding[2]);
let paddingLeft = Number(sub.paddingLeft.replace('px', '')) + Number(padding[3]);
sub.padding = [paddingTop, paddingRight, paddingBottom, paddingLeft];
return sub;
* Support negative value drawing , Calculate from the right
* @param {*} item
* @param {*} style
_resetPositionX (item, style) {
let zoom = this.zoom;
let x = 0;
if(style.dataset && style.dataset.type) {
zoom = 1;
// adopt wxml The obtained coordinates do not need to be reset
if (item.x < 0 && item.type) {
x = this.width + item.x * zoom - style.width * zoom;
} else {
x = item.x * zoom;
if (parseInt(style.borderWidth)) {
x += parseInt(style.borderWidth)
return x + this.translateX;
* Support negative value drawing , Calculate from the bottom
* @param {*} item
* @param {*} style
_resetPositionY (item, style, textHeight) {
let zoom = this.zoom;
let y = 0;
if(style.dataset && style.dataset.type) {
zoom = 1;
if (item.y < 0) {
y = this.height + item.y * zoom - (textHeight ? textHeight : style.height * zoom)
} else {
y = item.y * zoom;
if (parseInt(style.borderWidth)) {
y += parseInt(style.borderWidth)
return y + this.translateY;
* In words padding、text-align
* @param {*} item
* @param {*} style
* @param {*} textWidth
_resetTextPositionX (item, style, textWidth, width) {
let textAlign = style.textAlign || 'left';
let x = item.x;
if (textAlign === 'center') {
x = (width - textWidth) / 2 + item.x;
} else if (textAlign === 'right') {
x = width - textWidth + item.x;
let left = style.padding ? (style.padding[3] || 0) : 0;
return x + left + this.translateX;
* In words padding、text-align
* @param {*} item
* @param {*} style
* @param {*} textWidth
_resetTextPositionY (item, style, lineNum = 0) {
let zoom = this.zoom;
if(style.dataset && style.dataset.type) {
zoom = 1;
let lineHeight = this._getLineHeight(style);
let fontSize = Math.ceil((style.fontSize || 14) * zoom)
let blockLineHeightFix = (style.dataset && style.dataset.type || '').indexOf('inline') > -1 ? 0 : (lineHeight - fontSize) / 2
let top = style.padding ? (style.padding[0] || 0) : 0;
// y + lineheight The offset + Row number + paddingTop + Overall canvas displacement
return item.y + blockLineHeightFix + lineNum * lineHeight + top + this.translateY;
* When the text exceeds the width , Calculate the text that should be drawn on each line
* @param {*} text
* @param {*} width
* @param {*} singleLength
* @param {*} currentIndex
* @param {*} widthOffset
_getTextSingleLine(text, width, singleLength, currentIndex = 0, widthOffset = 0) {
let offset = 0;
let endIndex = currentIndex + singleLength + offset;
let single = text.substring(currentIndex, endIndex);
let singleWidth = this.measureWidth(single);
while (Math.round(widthOffset + singleWidth) > width) {
endIndex = currentIndex + singleLength + offset;
single = text.substring(currentIndex, endIndex);
singleWidth = this.measureWidth(single);
return {
_drawBorder (border, style, callback) {
let zoom = this.zoom;
if(style.dataset && style.dataset.type) {
zoom = 1;
border = Util.transferBorder(border);
if (border && border.width) {
// Blank shadow , Clear the shadow of the border
if (border) {
this.ctx.setLineWidth(border.width * zoom);
if (border.style === 'dashed') {
let dash = style.dash || [5, 5, 0];
let offset = dash[2] || 0;
let array = [dash[0] || 5, dash[1] || 5];
this.ctx.setLineDash(array, offset);
callback && callback(border);
_drawBoxShadow (boxShadow, callback) {
boxShadow = Util.transferBoxShadow(boxShadow);
if (boxShadow) {
this.ctx.setShadow(boxShadow.offsetX, boxShadow.offsetY, boxShadow.blur, boxShadow.color);
}else {
this.ctx.setShadow(0, 0, 0, '#ffffff');
callback && callback(boxShadow || {});
_setFill (fill, callback) {
if(fill) {
if (typeof fill === 'string') {
} else {
let line = fill.line;
let color = fill.color;
let grd = this.ctx.createLinearGradient(line[0], line[1], line[2], line[3]);
grd.addColorStop(0, color[0]);
grd.addColorStop(1, color[1]);
callback && callback();
_setStroke (stroke, callback) {
if(stroke) {
if (typeof stroke === 'string') {
} else {
let line = stroke.line;
let color = stroke.color;
let grd = this.ctx.createLinearGradient(line[0], line[1], line[2], line[3]);
grd.addColorStop(0, color[0]);
grd.addColorStop(1, color[1]);
callback && callback();
export default Wxml2Canvas;
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