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Common PHP interview questions (1) (written PHP interview questions)

2022-07-05 15:05:00 Back end regular developers

1. The way PHP Value transfer and reference of

php Pass value : Within the scope of the function , Change the value of the variable , It will not affect the variable value outside the function .

PHP By reference : Within the scope of the function , Any change to the value , It's also reflected outside the function , Because it's a memory address .

Advantages and disadvantages : It takes a lot of time to transfer values , Especially for large strings and objects , It will be a costly operation , Transfer reference , Any operation within a function is equivalent to an operation on a pass variable , High efficiency in transmitting large variables !

2. Object oriented concept and understanding

( encapsulation 、 Inherit 、 polymorphic )

3. Talk about dependency injection

PHP Principle and usage of dependency injection

4. Differences and uses between static classes and static methods

  • Static class : The so-called static class means that it does not need to be instantiated into an object , Classes called directly in a static way , Suitable for making some stateless tools
  • Static methods :
class Test{
	const AI = "AI";
	public static $a = "a";
	public static function aAction(){

Methods like this that can be called directly outside without instantiating classes are called static methods .

5. Write the following output

$b = 100;
$c = 50;
$a = $b>$c?100:50;
echo $a;	//100

$str = “php”;
$$str = “teems”;
$$str .= “coffice”;
echo $php;	//teemscoffice

$a = “b”;
$b = “a”;
$ar[$a] = $b;
$ar[$b] = $a;
echo $ar[‘a’];	//b

$n = 3.5;
$a = floor($n);
$b = round($n);
echo $a.$b;		//34
echo $a+$b;		//7
// notes :floor(): Rounding down 
//round() 4 House 5 Rounding in 

6. Please use PHP Write a function to verify whether the email format is correct ( Require regular )

$email = "[email protected]";
    echo " The format is correct ";
    echo " Wrong format ";

7. <? echo “Hello CSDN”; ?> No output , What might be the reason . Briefly describe the process of solving this problem

Maybe there is no short tag on the server short_open_tag = Set to Off,php.ini Open the short label control parameters : short_open_tag = On

8. In a function ( This function doesn't have return sentence ) Inside to deal with global variables , And change his value , There are two ways to achieve (global And quotes &)

// Use Global
$var = 1;
function get_pra(){
    global $var;
    $var = "xxx";
    echo $var;
echo $var."--";
echo $var;

// Use &
$var1 = 1;
function get_pra1(&$val){
    $val +=1;
echo $var1."--";
echo $var1;

9. Write a function , Can traverse all the files and subfolders under a folder .( Directory operation )


function listDir($dir="./"){

    if (is_dir($dir)){
        $handle = opendir($dir);
        while (($file = readdir($handle)) !== false){
            if ($file == "." || $file == ".."){
            if (is_dir($sub_dir = realpath($dir.'/'.$file))){
                echo " Files in the folder :".$dir.":".$file.PHP_EOL;
                echo " The file named :".$file.PHP_EOL;

        echo $dir." Not a directory ";


10. Can make HTML and PHP Separate the templates used

  • Smarty
  • Template
  • Blade(Laravel Of )

11.PHP The method of realizing infinite classification

Recursion and reference (&)

$array = array(
    array('id' => 1, 'pid' => 0, 'name' => ' Hebei Province '),
    array('id' => 2, 'pid' => 0, 'name' => ' The Beijing municipal '),
    array('id' => 3, 'pid' => 1, 'name' => ' Handan City '),
    array('id' => 4, 'pid' => 2, 'name' => ' Chaoyang District '),
    array('id' => 5, 'pid' => 2, 'name' => ' Tongzhou District '),
    array('id' => 6, 'pid' => 4, 'name' => ' Wangjing '),
    array('id' => 7, 'pid' => 4, 'name' => ' Jiuxianqiao '),
    array('id' => 8, 'pid' => 3, 'name' => ' Yongnian District '),
    array('id' => 9, 'pid' => 1, 'name' => ' Wu'an city '),

/** *  Recursive implementation of infinite classification  * @param $array  Classified data  * @param $pid  Father ID * @param $level  Classification level  * @return $list  An array of classes   Just go through it  $level Can be used to traverse indents  */

function getTree($array, $pid =0, $level = 0){

    // Declare a static array , Avoid recursive calls , Multiple declarations cause the array to overwrite 
    static $list = [];
    foreach ($array as $key => $value){
        // First traversal , Find the node whose parent node is the root node   That is to say pid=0 The node of 
        if ($value['pid'] == $pid){
            // The node whose parent node is the root node , The level of 0, That is, the first level 
            $value['level'] = $level;
            // Put the array in list in 
            $list[] = $value;
            // Remove this node from the array , Reduce the consumption of subsequent recursion 
            // Start recursion , Find parent ID For this node ID The node of , The level is the original level +1
            getTree($array, $value['id'], $level+1);

    return $list;

/* *  Get the recursive data , Traversal generates classification  */
$array = getTree($array);

foreach($array as $value){
       echo str_repeat('--', $value['level']), $value['name'].PHP_EOL;

/** *  Recursive reference infinite classification  * @param $array  Classified data  * @return array  An array of classes   Just go through it  */
function generateTree($array){
    // First step   Structural data 
    $items = array();
    foreach($array as $value){
        $items[$value['id']] = $value;
    // Second parts   Traversal data   Generate tree structure 
    $tree = array();
    foreach($items as $key => $value){
            $items[$value['pid']]['son'][] = &$items[$key];
            $tree[] = &$items[$key];
    return $tree;
$array = generateTree($array);

12. List several things you know PHP The method of traversing or iterating the array

  1. For loop
for ($i=1; $i<=5; $i++)
    echo " The number is  " . $i . PHP_EOL;
  1. Foreach
foreach ($array as $key => $value)
     To execute code ;
  1. each
  2. list
$people = array("Peter", "Joe", "Glenn", "Cleveland");
while (list($key, $val) = each($people))
    echo "$key => $val<br>";

13. Enter the web address in the browser to the page display , What happened during ?

 Insert picture description here

Generally speaking, it is divided into the following processes :

  • DNS analysis : Resolve the domain name to IP Address
  • TCP Connect :TCP Three handshakes
  • send out HTTP request
  • The server processes the request and returns HTTP message
  • Browser parse render page
  • disconnect :TCP Four waves

Please refer to the article for details


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