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Calculate weight and comprehensive score by R entropy weight method
2022-07-05 15:04:00 【See the sea for the first time】
In recent work, we need to calculate intelligently according to big data , Predict or recommend supply chain payment priority / Power comes back , In the past, it was a priority to make payment manually according to factors such as supplier relationship , It cannot objectively distribute payment strategies to other suppliers , Now it is calculated objectively according to big data , Make a note of
1, get data
Get data from starRocks,
criterions_cite <- function(){
# Establishing a connection ,project_name Represents the name of the project database
conn <- dbConnect(MySQL(), dbname = 'ods', username = 'pxxx', password = 'xxx', host = 'xx.xx.xx.xx', port = 9030)
# If there is Chinese garbled in the table , You can add the following code
#dbSendQuery(conn, 'SET NAMES GBK')
#sheet_name Indicates the name of the table to be read
filter_statements <- paste0('SELECT * FROM ods_fkyc_local')
# Filtering data
res <- dbSendQuery(conn, filter_statements)
# Extract the data ,-1 It means extract all ,3 It means taking three rows of data
dat <- dbFetch(res, -1)
# close RMySQL Data set in
# Close the connection
# Get the data set from the database
mydt <- criterions_cite()
tb.mydt <- as_tibble(mydt)
2, Specify the positive , Negative indicators
Like sales , The larger the negative selling amount, the better it can be specified as a positive indicator
Like defective inventory , Unsalable inventory , Amount in arrears This kind of index is about as few as possible, and it is designated as a negative index
# 1, normalization , Positive indicators
min_max_norm <- function(x) {
(x - min(x)) / (max(x) - min(x))
# Negative indicators
max_min_norm <- function(x) {
(max(x) - x) / (max(x) - min(x))
# normalization , First deal with positive indicators
min_max_norm_mydt <- tb.mydt %>% mutate(across(c(9,13,14), min_max_norm))
# Then deal with the negative indicators first
max_min_norm_mydt <- min_max_norm_mydt %>% mutate(across(c(10,11,12), max_min_norm))
3, Calculate the index after normalization
p_value <- function(x){
x / sum(x)
p_mydt <- max_min_norm_mydt %>% mutate(across(c(9:14), p_value))
## Calculate the entropy
entropy <- function(x){
n <- length(x)
(-1 / log2(n)) * (sum( x * ifelse(log2(x)==-Inf, 0, log2(x)) ))
e_mydt <- p_mydt %>% summarise(across(c(9:14), entropy))
d_mydt = 1-e_mydt
w = d_mydt/sum(d_mydt)
w And is the weight
4, Then calculate the comprehensive score and rank , Then export
fscore <- function(x, y){
old_data <- rename(tb.mydt[,9:14],c(old_ZPO_K001_sum="ZPO_K001_sum",old_zpo_k006_sum="zpo_k006_sum",old_zx0030_sum="zx0030_sum",old_fyjj201to03_sum="fyjj201to03_sum",old_wpfm_sum="wpfm_sum",old_total_amount="total_amount"))
mydt3 <- result_data %>% group_by(1:n()) %>% mutate(score = fscore(c_across(9:14), w)) %>% arrange(-score) %>% ungroup() %>% select("com_code","organization_name","lifnr","name1","dept_no","dept_name","brand_code","brand_name","ZPO_K001_sum","zpo_k006_sum","zx0030_sum","fyjj201to03_sum","wpfm_sum","total_amount","old_ZPO_K001_sum","old_zpo_k006_sum","old_zx0030_sum","old_fyjj201to03_sum","old_wpfm_sum","old_total_amount","score")
write.table(mydt3, file = "/app/bigdata_app/data/fkyc/MyData.csv",quote = FALSE,row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE)
Export the calculated data csv file , and streamload Into the starRocks in
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