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Basic knowledge of ngnix
2022-07-01 22:30:00 【Mwyldnje2003】
reference information :https://www.kuangstudy.com/
nginx brief introduction
Forward and reverse proxies
The agent installed on the client is the forward agent , For example, using vpn etc.
The proxy installed on the server side is the reverse proxy ,
The object of the forward proxy agent is the client , The object of the reverse proxy agent is the server
Load balancing
The request in turn is the round search
iphash Is the solution sessio The problem of session not sharing , Ensure that the data requested by a client is always requested to a fixed server ( It is not recommended to use , In proposal redis)
nginx install
Download address :https://nginx.org/en/download.html
windows Installation in environment
windows Unzip the downloaded file and you can use it directly
You can double-click the startup file , You can also use cmd Command to start
linux Installation in environment
First, install the dependency environment
Automatic configuration nginx
perform make Build
Linux in make, make install What are the commands , usage ?
see ngnix Configuration path
start-up ngnix
nginx Common commands
After modifying the configuration file, you need to reload the configuration file
Firewall open port
Use actual combat
The configuration file
For further reference :Nginx Configuration usage details
Profile explanation
########### Each instruction must have a semicolon end .#################
#user administrator administrators; # Configure users or groups , The default is nobody nobody.
#worker_processes 2; # Number of processes allowed to generate , The default is 1
#pid /nginx/pid/nginx.pid; # Appoint nginx Process running file storage address
error_log log/error.log debug; # Make a log path , Level . This setting can be put into a global block ,http block ,server block , This is the level :debug|info|notice|warn|error|crit|alert|emerg
events {
accept_mutex on; # Set up network connection serialization , To prevent the occurrence of shock , The default is on
multi_accept on; # Set whether a process accepts multiple network connections at the same time , The default is off
#use epoll; # Event driven model ,select|poll|kqueue|epoll|resig|/dev/poll|eventport
worker_connections 1024; # maximum connection , The default is 512
http {
include mime.types; # File extension and file type mapping table
default_type application/octet-stream; # Default file type , The default is text/plain
#access_log off; # Cancel service log
log_format myFormat ‘ r e m o t e a d d r – remote_addr– remoteaddr–remote_user [$time_local] $request $status $body_bytes_sent $http_referer $http_user_agent $http_x_forwarded_for’; # Custom format
access_log log/access.log myFormat; #combined Default value for log format
sendfile on; # allow sendfile Transfer files by , The default is off, Can be in http block ,server block ,location block .
sendfile_max_chunk 100k; # The number of transfers per process call cannot be greater than the set value , The default is 0, There is no upper limit .
keepalive_timeout 65; # Connection timeout , The default is 75s, Can be in http,server,location block .
upstream mysvr {
server backup; # Hot standby
error_page 404 https://www.baidu.com; # Error page
server {
keepalive_requests 120; # Maximum number of single connection requests .
listen 4545; # Listening port
server_name; # Monitor address
location ~*^.+$ { # Requested url Filter , Regular matching ,~ For case sensitivity ,~* For case insensitive .
#root path; # root directory
#index vv.txt; # Set default page
proxy_pass http://mysvr; # Request turn mysvr List of defined servers
deny; # refuse ip
allow; # Allow the ip
# expires Set client cache
#expires 1h;
index index.php index.html;
# Resource redirection , Such as visit http://shop.devops.com/index.html It will be rewritten as access http://shop.devops.com/index.php,permanent Indicates permanent redirection
rewrite /index.html /index.php permanent;
# Resource redirection ,$request_filename by nginx Built in variables for , Indicates the resource file path
if (!-e $request_filename) {
rewrite ^(.*)$ /index.php?s=/$1 last;
location ~ \.(js|css|jpg|png) {
# Tell the client all js,css,jpg,png Files can be cached 1 Hours , No need to download again on the server
expires 1h;
# Realization of anti-theft chain , All not from shop.devops.com Jump to visit js|css|jpg|png All files are blocked , return 404
valid_referers shop.devops.com;
if ($invalid_referer) {
return 404;
# php analysis
location ~ \.php$ {
# root html;
fastcgi_index index.php;
fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
include fastcgi_params;
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