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three.js 制作3D相册
2022-07-31 03:56:00 【菜鸟驿站2020】
参考了three.js 官方代码
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<title>three.js css3d - periodic table</title>
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<div id="info"><a href="http://threejs.org" target="_blank" rel="noopener">three.js css3d</a> - periodic table. <a href="https://plus.google.com/113862800338869870683/posts/QcFk5HrWran" target="_blank" rel="noopener">info</a>.</div>
<div id="container"></div>
<div id="menu">
<button id="table">TABLE</button>
<button id="sphere">SPHERE</button>
<button id="helix">HELIX</button>
<button id="grid">GRID</button>
var table = [
"H", "Hydrogen", "1.00794", 1, 1,
"He", "Helium", "4.002602", 18, 1,
"Li", "Lithium", "6.941", 1, 2,
"Be", "Beryllium", "9.012182", 2, 2,
"B", "Boron", "10.811", 13, 2,
"C", "Carbon", "12.0107", 14, 2,
"N", "Nitrogen", "14.0067", 15, 2,
"O", "Oxygen", "15.9994", 16, 2,
"F", "Fluorine", "18.9984032", 17, 2,
"Ne", "Neon", "20.1797", 18, 2,
"Na", "Sodium", "22.98976...", 1, 3,
"Mg", "Magnesium", "24.305", 2, 3,
"Al", "Aluminium", "26.9815386", 13, 3,
"Si", "Silicon", "28.0855", 14, 3,
"P", "Phosphorus", "30.973762", 15, 3,
"S", "Sulfur", "32.065", 16, 3,
"Cl", "Chlorine", "35.453", 17, 3,
"Ar", "Argon", "39.948", 18, 3,
"K", "Potassium", "39.948", 1, 4,
"Ca", "Calcium", "40.078", 2, 4,
"Sc", "Scandium", "44.955912", 3, 4,
"Ti", "Titanium", "47.867", 4, 4,
"V", "Vanadium", "50.9415", 5, 4,
"Cr", "Chromium", "51.9961", 6, 4,
"Mn", "Manganese", "54.938045", 7, 4,
"Fe", "Iron", "55.845", 8, 4,
"Co", "Cobalt", "58.933195", 9, 4,
"Ni", "Nickel", "58.6934", 10, 4,
"Cu", "Copper", "63.546", 11, 4,
"Zn", "Zinc", "65.38", 12, 4,
"Ga", "Gallium", "69.723", 13, 4,
"Ge", "Germanium", "72.63", 14, 4,
"As", "Arsenic", "74.9216", 15, 4,
"Se", "Selenium", "78.96", 16, 4,
"Br", "Bromine", "79.904", 17, 4,
"Kr", "Krypton", "83.798", 18, 4,
"Rb", "Rubidium", "85.4678", 1, 5,
"Sr", "Strontium", "87.62", 2, 5,
"Y", "Yttrium", "88.90585", 3, 5,
"Zr", "Zirconium", "91.224", 4, 5,
"Nb", "Niobium", "92.90628", 5, 5,
"Mo", "Molybdenum", "95.96", 6, 5,
"Tc", "Technetium", "(98)", 7, 5,
"Ru", "Ruthenium", "101.07", 8, 5,
"Rh", "Rhodium", "102.9055", 9, 5,
"Pd", "Palladium", "106.42", 10, 5,
"Ag", "Silver", "107.8682", 11, 5,
"Cd", "Cadmium", "112.411", 12, 5,
"In", "Indium", "114.818", 13, 5,
"Sn", "Tin", "118.71", 14, 5,
"Sb", "Antimony", "121.76", 15, 5,
"Te", "Tellurium", "127.6", 16, 5,
"I", "Iodine", "126.90447", 17, 5,
"Xe", "Xenon", "131.293", 18, 5,
"Cs", "Caesium", "132.9054", 1, 6,
"Ba", "Barium", "132.9054", 2, 6,
"La", "Lanthanum", "138.90547", 4, 9,
"Ce", "Cerium", "140.116", 5, 9,
"Pr", "Praseodymium", "140.90765", 6, 9,
"Nd", "Neodymium", "144.242", 7, 9,
"Pm", "Promethium", "(145)", 8, 9,
"Sm", "Samarium", "150.36", 9, 9,
"Eu", "Europium", "151.964", 10, 9,
"Gd", "Gadolinium", "157.25", 11, 9,
"Tb", "Terbium", "158.92535", 12, 9,
"Dy", "Dysprosium", "162.5", 13, 9,
"Ho", "Holmium", "164.93032", 14, 9,
"Er", "Erbium", "167.259", 15, 9,
"Tm", "Thulium", "168.93421", 16, 9,
"Yb", "Ytterbium", "173.054", 17, 9,
"Lu", "Lutetium", "174.9668", 18, 9,
"Hf", "Hafnium", "178.49", 4, 6,
"Ta", "Tantalum", "180.94788", 5, 6,
"W", "Tungsten", "183.84", 6, 6,
"Re", "Rhenium", "186.207", 7, 6,
"Os", "Osmium", "190.23", 8, 6,
"Ir", "Iridium", "192.217", 9, 6,
"Pt", "Platinum", "195.084", 10, 6,
"Au", "Gold", "196.966569", 11, 6,
"Hg", "Mercury", "200.59", 12, 6,
"Tl", "Thallium", "204.3833", 13, 6,
"Pb", "Lead", "207.2", 14, 6,
"Bi", "Bismuth", "208.9804", 15, 6,
"Po", "Polonium", "(209)", 16, 6,
"At", "Astatine", "(210)", 17, 6,
"Rn", "Radon", "(222)", 18, 6,
"Fr", "Francium", "(223)", 1, 7,
"Ra", "Radium", "(226)", 2, 7,
"Ac", "Actinium", "(227)", 4, 10,
"Th", "Thorium", "232.03806", 5, 10,
"Pa", "Protactinium", "231.0588", 6, 10,
"U", "Uranium", "238.02891", 7, 10,
"Np", "Neptunium", "(237)", 8, 10,
"Pu", "Plutonium", "(244)", 9, 10,
"Am", "Americium", "(243)", 10, 10,
"Cm", "Curium", "(247)", 11, 10,
"Bk", "Berkelium", "(247)", 12, 10,
"Cf", "Californium", "(251)", 13, 10,
"Es", "Einstenium", "(252)", 14, 10,
"Fm", "Fermium", "(257)", 15, 10,
"Md", "Mendelevium", "(258)", 16, 10,
"No", "Nobelium", "(259)", 17, 10,
"Lr", "Lawrencium", "(262)", 18, 10,
"Rf", "Rutherfordium", "(267)", 4, 7,
"Db", "Dubnium", "(268)", 5, 7,
"Sg", "Seaborgium", "(271)", 6, 7,
"Bh", "Bohrium", "(272)", 7, 7,
"Hs", "Hassium", "(270)", 8, 7,
"Mt", "Meitnerium", "(276)", 9, 7,
"Ds", "Darmstadium", "(281)", 10, 7,
"Rg", "Roentgenium", "(280)", 11, 7,
"Cn", "Copernicium", "(285)", 12, 7,
"Nh", "Nihonium", "(286)", 13, 7,
"Fl", "Flerovium", "(289)", 14, 7,
"Mc", "Moscovium", "(290)", 15, 7,
"Lv", "Livermorium", "(293)", 16, 7,
"Ts", "Tennessine", "(294)", 17, 7,
"Og", "Oganesson", "(294)", 18, 7
var camera, scene, renderer;
var controls;
var objects = [];
var targets = {
table: [], sphere: [], helix: [], grid: [] };
function init() {
camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera( 40, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 1, 10000 );
camera.position.z = 3000;
scene = new THREE.Scene();
// table
for ( var i = 0; i < table.length; i += 5 ) {
var element = document.createElement( 'div' );
element.className = 'element';
element.style.backgroundColor = 'rgba(0,127,127,' + ( Math.random() * 0.5 + 0.25 ) + ')';
var number = document.createElement( 'div' );
number.className = 'number';
number.textContent = (i/5) + 1;
element.appendChild( number );
var symbol = document.createElement( 'div' );
symbol.className = 'symbol';
symbol.textContent = table[ i ];
element.appendChild( symbol );
var details = document.createElement( 'div' );
details.className = 'details';
details.innerHTML = table[ i + 1 ] + '<br>' + table[ i + 2 ];
element.appendChild( details );
var object = new THREE.CSS3DObject( element );
object.position.x = Math.random() * 4000 - 2000;
object.position.y = Math.random() * 4000 - 2000;
object.position.z = Math.random() * 4000 - 2000;
scene.add( object );
objects.push( object );
var object = new THREE.Object3D();
object.position.x = ( table[ i + 3 ] * 140 ) - 1330;
object.position.y = - ( table[ i + 4 ] * 180 ) + 990;
targets.table.push( object );
// sphere
var vector = new THREE.Vector3();
var spherical = new THREE.Spherical();
for ( var i = 0, l = objects.length; i < l; i ++ ) {
var phi = Math.acos( -1 + ( 2 * i ) / l );
var theta = Math.sqrt( l * Math.PI ) * phi;
var object = new THREE.Object3D();
spherical.set( 800, phi, theta );
object.position.setFromSpherical( spherical );
vector.copy( object.position ).multiplyScalar( 2 );
object.lookAt( vector );
targets.sphere.push( object );
// helix
var vector = new THREE.Vector3();
var cylindrical = new THREE.Cylindrical();
for ( var i = 0, l = objects.length; i < l; i ++ ) {
var theta = i * 0.175 + Math.PI;
var y = - ( i * 8 ) + 450;
var object = new THREE.Object3D();
cylindrical.set( 900, theta, y );
object.position.setFromCylindrical( cylindrical );
vector.x = object.position.x * 2;
vector.y = object.position.y;
vector.z = object.position.z * 2;
object.lookAt( vector );
targets.helix.push( object );
// grid
for ( var i = 0; i < objects.length; i ++ ) {
var object = new THREE.Object3D();
object.position.x = ( ( i % 5 ) * 400 ) - 800;
object.position.y = ( - ( Math.floor( i / 5 ) % 5 ) * 400 ) + 800;
object.position.z = ( Math.floor( i / 25 ) ) * 1000 - 2000;
targets.grid.push( object );
renderer = new THREE.CSS3DRenderer();
renderer.setSize( window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight );
document.getElementById( 'container' ).appendChild( renderer.domElement );
controls = new THREE.TrackballControls( camera, renderer.domElement );
controls.rotateSpeed = 0.5;
controls.minDistance = 500;
controls.maxDistance = 6000;
controls.addEventListener( 'change', render );
var button = document.getElementById( 'table' );
button.addEventListener( 'click', function ( event ) {
transform( targets.table, 2000 );
}, false );
var button = document.getElementById( 'sphere' );
button.addEventListener( 'click', function ( event ) {
transform( targets.sphere, 2000 );
}, false );
var button = document.getElementById( 'helix' );
button.addEventListener( 'click', function ( event ) {
transform( targets.helix, 2000 );
}, false );
var button = document.getElementById( 'grid' );
button.addEventListener( 'click', function ( event ) {
transform( targets.grid, 2000 );
}, false );
transform( targets.table, 2000 );
window.addEventListener( 'resize', onWindowResize, false );
function transform( targets, duration ) {
for ( var i = 0; i < objects.length; i ++ ) {
var object = objects[ i ];
var target = targets[ i ];
new TWEEN.Tween( object.position )
.to( {
x: target.position.x, y: target.position.y, z: target.position.z }, Math.random() * duration + duration )
.easing( TWEEN.Easing.Exponential.InOut )
new TWEEN.Tween( object.rotation )
.to( {
x: target.rotation.x, y: target.rotation.y, z: target.rotation.z }, Math.random() * duration + duration )
.easing( TWEEN.Easing.Exponential.InOut )
new TWEEN.Tween( this )
.to( {
}, duration * 2 )
.onUpdate( render )
function onWindowResize() {
camera.aspect = window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight;
renderer.setSize( window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight );
function animate() {
requestAnimationFrame( animate );
function render() {
renderer.render( scene, camera );
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