2022-08-01 23:34:00 【Hermit_Rabbit】
0. 简介
1. ImuProcess类定义
const bool time_list(PointType &x, PointType &y) {
return (x.curvature < y.curvature); };
/// *************IMU Process and undistortion
class ImuProcess
void Reset();
void Reset(double start_timestamp, const sensor_msgs::ImuConstPtr &lastimu);
void set_extrinsic(const V3D &transl, const M3D &rot);
void set_extrinsic(const V3D &transl);
void set_extrinsic(const MD(4, 4) & T);
void set_gyr_cov(const V3D &scaler);
void set_acc_cov(const V3D &scaler);
void set_gyr_bias_cov(const V3D &b_g);
void set_acc_bias_cov(const V3D &b_a);
Eigen::Matrix<double, 12, 12> Q;
void Process(const MeasureGroup &meas, esekfom::esekf<state_ikfom, 12, input_ikfom> &kf_state, PointCloudXYZI::Ptr pcl_un_);
ofstream fout_imu; // imu参数输出文件
V3D cov_acc; //加速度测量协方差
V3D cov_gyr; //角速度测量协方差
V3D cov_acc_scale; //加速度测量协方差
V3D cov_gyr_scale; //角速度测量协方差
V3D cov_bias_gyr; //角速度测量协方差偏置
V3D cov_bias_acc; //加速度测量协方差偏置
double first_lidar_time; //当前帧第一个点云时间
void IMU_init(const MeasureGroup &meas, esekfom::esekf<state_ikfom, 12, input_ikfom> &kf_state, int &N);
void UndistortPcl(const MeasureGroup &meas, esekfom::esekf<state_ikfom, 12, input_ikfom> &kf_state, PointCloudXYZI &pcl_in_out);
PointCloudXYZI::Ptr cur_pcl_un_; //当前帧点云未去畸变
sensor_msgs::ImuConstPtr last_imu_; // 上一帧imu
deque<sensor_msgs::ImuConstPtr> v_imu_; // imu队列
vector<Pose6D> IMUpose; // imu位姿
vector<M3D> v_rot_pcl_; //未使用
M3D Lidar_R_wrt_IMU; // lidar到IMU的旋转外参
V3D Lidar_T_wrt_IMU; // lidar到IMU的位置外参
V3D mean_acc; //加速度均值,用于计算方差
V3D mean_gyr; //角速度均值,用于计算方差
V3D angvel_last; //上一帧角速度
V3D acc_s_last; //上一帧加速度
double start_timestamp_; //开始时间戳
double last_lidar_end_time_; //上一帧结束时间戳
int init_iter_num = 1; //初始化迭代次数
bool b_first_frame_ = true; //是否是第一帧
bool imu_need_init_ = true; //是否需要初始化imu
2. 构造函数与传入函数
: b_first_frame_(true), imu_need_init_(true), start_timestamp_(-1)
init_iter_num = 1; //初始化迭代次数
Q = process_noise_cov(); //调用use-ikfom.hpp里面的process_noise_cov完成噪声协方差的初始化
cov_acc = V3D(0.1, 0.1, 0.1); //加速度测量协方差初始化
cov_gyr = V3D(0.1, 0.1, 0.1); //角速度测量协方差初始化
cov_bias_gyr = V3D(0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001); //角速度测量协方差偏置初始化
cov_bias_acc = V3D(0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001); //加速度测量协方差偏置初始化
mean_acc = V3D(0, 0, -1.0);
mean_gyr = V3D(0, 0, 0);
angvel_last = Zero3d; //上一帧角速度初始化
Lidar_T_wrt_IMU = Zero3d; // lidar到IMU的位置外参初始化
Lidar_R_wrt_IMU = Eye3d; // lidar到IMU的旋转外参初始化
last_imu_.reset(new sensor_msgs::Imu()); //上一帧imu初始化
ImuProcess::~ImuProcess() {
void ImuProcess::Reset()
// ROS_WARN("Reset ImuProcess");
mean_acc = V3D(0, 0, -1.0);
mean_gyr = V3D(0, 0, 0);
angvel_last = Zero3d;
imu_need_init_ = true; //是否需要初始化imu
start_timestamp_ = -1; //开始时间戳
init_iter_num = 1; //初始化迭代次数
v_imu_.clear(); // imu队列清空
IMUpose.clear(); // imu位姿清空
last_imu_.reset(new sensor_msgs::Imu()); //上一帧imu初始化
cur_pcl_un_.reset(new PointCloudXYZI()); //当前帧点云未去畸变初始化
void ImuProcess::set_extrinsic(const MD(4, 4) & T)
Lidar_T_wrt_IMU = T.block<3, 1>(0, 3);
Lidar_R_wrt_IMU = T.block<3, 3>(0, 0);
void ImuProcess::set_extrinsic(const V3D &transl)
Lidar_T_wrt_IMU = transl;
// 传入外参,包含R,T
void ImuProcess::set_extrinsic(const V3D &transl, const M3D &rot)
Lidar_T_wrt_IMU = transl;
Lidar_R_wrt_IMU = rot;
// 传入陀螺仪角速度协方差
void ImuProcess::set_gyr_cov(const V3D &scaler)
cov_gyr_scale = scaler;
// 传入加速度计加速度协方差
void ImuProcess::set_acc_cov(const V3D &scaler)
cov_acc_scale = scaler;
// 传入陀螺仪角速度协方差偏置
void ImuProcess::set_gyr_bias_cov(const V3D &b_g)
cov_bias_gyr = b_g;
// 传入加速度计加速度协方差偏置
void ImuProcess::set_acc_bias_cov(const V3D &b_a)
cov_bias_acc = b_a;
3. IMU初始化
void ImuProcess::IMU_init(const MeasureGroup &meas, esekfom::esekf<state_ikfom, 12, input_ikfom> &kf_state, int &N)
/** 1. 初始化重力、陀螺偏差、acc和陀螺仪协方差 /** 2. 将加速度测量值标准化为单位重力**/
V3D cur_acc, cur_gyr;
if (b_first_frame_) //判断是否为第一帧
Reset(); //重置参数
N = 1; //将迭代次数置1
b_first_frame_ = false;
const auto &imu_acc = meas.imu.front()->linear_acceleration; //从common_lib.h中拿到imu初始时刻的加速度
const auto &gyr_acc = meas.imu.front()->angular_velocity; //从common_lib.h中拿到imu初始时刻的角速度
mean_acc << imu_acc.x, imu_acc.y, imu_acc.z; //加速度测量作为初始化均值
mean_gyr << gyr_acc.x, gyr_acc.y, gyr_acc.z; //角速度测量作为初始化均值
first_lidar_time = meas.lidar_beg_time; //将当期imu帧对应的lidar时间作为初始时间
for (const auto &imu : meas.imu) //拿到所有的imu帧
const auto &imu_acc = imu->linear_acceleration;
const auto &gyr_acc = imu->angular_velocity;
cur_acc << imu_acc.x, imu_acc.y, imu_acc.z;
cur_gyr << gyr_acc.x, gyr_acc.y, gyr_acc.z;
mean_acc += (cur_acc - mean_acc) / N;
mean_gyr += (cur_gyr - mean_gyr) / N;
// https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_44479136/article/details/90510374 方差迭代计算公式
cov_acc = cov_acc * (N - 1.0) / N + (cur_acc - mean_acc).cwiseProduct(cur_acc - mean_acc) / (N - 1.0);
cov_gyr = cov_gyr * (N - 1.0) / N + (cur_gyr - mean_gyr).cwiseProduct(cur_gyr - mean_gyr) / (N - 1.0);
// cov_acc = cov_acc * (N - 1.0) / N + (cur_acc - mean_acc).cwiseProduct(cur_acc - 上一次的mean_acc) / N;
// cov_gyr = cov_gyr * (N - 1.0) / N + (cur_gyr - mean_gyr).cwiseProduct(cur_gyr - 上一次的mean_gyr) / N;
// cout<<"acc norm: "<<cur_acc.norm()<<" "<<mean_acc.norm()<<endl;
state_ikfom init_state = kf_state.get_x(); //在esekfom.hpp获得x_的状态
init_state.grav = S2(-mean_acc / mean_acc.norm() * G_m_s2); //从common_lib.h中拿到重力,并与加速度测量均值的单位重力求出SO2的旋转矩阵类型的重力加速度
// state_inout.rot = Eye3d; // Exp(mean_acc.cross(V3D(0, 0, -1 / scale_gravity)));
init_state.bg = mean_gyr; //角速度测量作为陀螺仪偏差
init_state.offset_T_L_I = Lidar_T_wrt_IMU; //将lidar和imu外参位移量传入
init_state.offset_R_L_I = Lidar_R_wrt_IMU; //将lidar和imu外参旋转量传入
kf_state.change_x(init_state); //将初始化状态传入esekfom.hpp中的x_
esekfom::esekf<state_ikfom, 12, input_ikfom>::cov init_P = kf_state.get_P(); //在esekfom.hpp获得P_的协方差矩阵
init_P.setIdentity(); //将协方差矩阵置为单位阵
init_P(6, 6) = init_P(7, 7) = init_P(8, 8) = 0.00001; //将协方差矩阵的位置和旋转的协方差置为0.00001
init_P(9, 9) = init_P(10, 10) = init_P(11, 11) = 0.00001; //将协方差矩阵的速度和位姿的协方差置为0.00001
init_P(15, 15) = init_P(16, 16) = init_P(17, 17) = 0.0001; //将协方差矩阵的重力和姿态的协方差置为0.0001
init_P(18, 18) = init_P(19, 19) = init_P(20, 20) = 0.001; //将协方差矩阵的陀螺仪偏差和姿态的协方差置为0.001
init_P(21, 21) = init_P(22, 22) = 0.00001; //将协方差矩阵的lidar和imu外参位移量的协方差置为0.00001
kf_state.change_P(init_P); //将初始化协方差矩阵传入esekfom.hpp中的P_
last_imu_ = meas.imu.back(); //将最后一帧的imu数据传入last_imu_中,暂时没用到
4. IMU更新
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