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Annotation usage meaning
2022-07-31 03:02:00 【Gerald Peake Shea】
Annotation usage meaning
Explain the separation of front and back ends in terms of layers
XXApplication Layer
- @SpringBootApplication SpringBoot program entry
// The field in brackets after the annotation is the specified package to [email protected](scanBasePackages = "com.zaofeng.good")
@EnableEurekaClient // Service Provider
@EnableDiscoveryClient // Service Consumer
The difference between @EnableEurekaClient and @EnableDiscoveryClient
- @EnableFeignClients // enable feign clients
- @MapperScan(basePackages = {"com.zaofeng.good.common.mapper", "com.zaofeng.good.service.digiccy.mapper" }) // Function: specify to changeThe package where the interface of the implementation class is located, and then all interfaces under the package will generate corresponding implementation classes after compilation.Add location: add above the Springboot startup class
@MapperScan detailed explanation
- @EnableSwagger2 //Indicates enabling Swagger
Mapper (DAO) layer
- @Repository // Spring has introduced some annotations since version 2.0 to simplify the development of Spring.The @Repository annotation was one of the first to be introduced and is used to identify classes in the data access layer (DAO layer) as Spring Beans.Specifically, just mark the annotation on the DAO class.At the same time, in order for Spring to scan the classes in the classpath and recognize the @Repository annotation, it is necessary to enable the automatic scanning of beans in the XML configuration file, which can be achieved through context:component-scan/.
- @CacheNamespace//Enable L2 cache
@CacheNamespace(implementation = RedisCache.class)
@Service Explained@Autowired // Establish connection between Servic and Dao (understanding)
@Autowired Explained@Override // Override method
@Overrid detailed explanation@Transactional
@Transactional(readOnly = true) // read only
Controller (layer)
The difference between @Controller and @RestController@Autowired // Usually related to Service
Details of @RequestMapping@ApiOperation(value = "Exchange List")... // Documentation Comments
@ApiOperation(value = "Exchange List")@ApiImplicitParams({@ApiImplicitParam(name = "pageNum", value = "page number", required = true, dataType = "int", paramType = "path"),@ApiImplicitParam(name = "pageSize", value = "Number of Pens", required = true, dataType = "int", paramType = "path"),@ApiImplicitParam(name = "tbDigiccyExchangeJson", value = "Object JSON format", required = false, dataTypeClass = String.class, paramType = "json")})
Detailed explanation of documentation
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