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Visual design form QT designer design gui single form program

2022-07-07 22:27:00 Eva215665

Qt Provides visual interface design tools Qt Designer, Visual design UI Forms can be greatly improved GUI Efficiency of application development . This example demonstrates how to use Qt Designer Visual design UI forms , And then convert to Python Program , Reconstruction GUI Program . The main work steps are as follows :

  1. stay Qt Designer Design visual forms in
  2. Use tools and software pyuic5 Set the form file (.ui) The file is converted to Python Program files , pyuic5 See here
  3. Use the converted form file Python Class construction GUI Applications

1. use Qt Designer Visual design form

stay Qt Designer Select form template , Form templates mainly include the following 3 Kind of

  1. Dialog Templates , be based on QDialog Class , It has the characteristics of General dialog , If it can be displayed in mode 、 With return value, etc
  2. Main Window Templates , be based on QWidget Class form , It has the characteristics of main window , There is a main menu bar on the window 、 The toolbar 、 Status bar, etc.
  3. Widget Templates , be based on QWidget Class .QWidget Class is the base class of all interface components , Such as QLabel, QPushButton And other interface components are from QWidget Class .QWidget Class, too QDialog and QMainWindow Parent class of , be based on QWidget Class can be run as a separate window , It can also be embedded into other interface components to display .
     Insert picture description here
    Design the following form , The file is named FormHello.ui, Save in project Under the table of contents
     Insert picture description here
    Form file FormHello.ui It's actually a XML file , It records the properties and location distribution of each component on the form , as follows
     Insert picture description here

2. take .ui The file is compiled as .py file

take .ui The file to .py file , To participate in here , After the transformation , stay project There is one more .FormHello.py file , as follows :

from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets

class Ui_FormHello(object):
    def setupUi(self, FormHello):
        FormHello.resize(283, 151)
        self.LabHello = QtWidgets.QLabel(FormHello)
        self.LabHello.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(45, 40, 189, 16))
        font = QtGui.QFont()
        self.btnClose = QtWidgets.QPushButton(FormHello)
        self.btnClose.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(105, 90, 75, 23))


    def retranslateUi(self, FormHello):
        _translate = QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate
        FormHello.setWindowTitle(_translate("FormHello", "Demo2_2"))
        self.LabHello.setText(_translate("FormHello", "Hello, by UI Designer"))
        self.btnClose.setText(_translate("FormHello", " close "))

Analyze the above automatically generated code , You can see that this file defines a class Ui_FormHello, Its principle and function are as follows :
(1)Ui_FormHello The parent class is Object, instead of QWidget
(2)Ui_FormHello Class defines a function setupUi(), Its interface is defined as def setupUi(self, FormHello), Its incoming parameters have two ,self and FormHello.
analysis setupUi() The first two sentences of ,

FormHello.resize(283, 151)

It can be seen that ,FormHello Is a form , It's a QWidget object , The object name is in Qt Designer Of the form designed in objectName. This FormHello It's from the outside .
Pay attention to the following two sentences

self.LabHello = QtWidgets.QLabel(FormHello)
self.btnClose = QtWidgets.QPushButton(FormHello)

Created a QLabel object LabHello, Its parent container is FormHello forms . Created a QPushButton object btnClose, Its parent container is also FormHello forms .

A total of : after pyuic5 After compiling ,FormHello.ui The file is converted to a corresponding python Class definition file for Ui_FormHello.py file , The name of the class is Ui_FormHello, It has the following functions and features :

  1. Class name and corresponding .ui Form in the file ObjectName Related , yes ObjectName Add... Before the name “Ui_” Automatic generation
  2. Class setupUi() Used for form initialization , It creates all components on the form and sets their properties
  3. Ui_FormHello this Class does not create a form , forms FormHello There are external inputs , As the parent container of all components
  4. Ui_FormHello.py The file defines only one class Ui_FormHello, This file cannot be run directly .

3. Use Ui_FormHello Class GUI Application framework

Write file appMain1.py, It demonstrates the use of Ui_FormHello.py Class creation GUI The basic framework of the program , Note the following steps
(1) First use QApplication Class to create an application instance app
(2) Create a QWidget Class object baseWidget, Be careful baseWidget Citing
(3) Use FormHello Module Ui_FormHello Class creates an object , And quote ui Pointing to it
(4) call Ui_FormHello Class setupUi, Pass on QtWidget Object of type baseWidget, Create a complete form . According to the previous analysis ,Ui_FormHello Class setupUi Function just creates components on the form , Such as LabHello,btnClose, As a component container, the form is imported from the outside . here baseWidget As a basic QtWidget Form incoming , Executed this sentence , On the form baseWidget Create labels and buttons on .
(5) Display Form , The sentence used is baseWidget.show(), Note that this is not ui.show(), because ui yes Ui_FormHello Class object , and Ui_FormHello The parent class is object, Not at all Qt Form interface class

import sys
import FormHello
from PyQt5 import QtWidgets

# First use QApplication Class to create an application instance app
app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv)
# Create a QWidget Class object baseWidget, And use QWidget Type references baseWidget Pointing to it ,
#  It's basic QWidget forms , No settings 
baseWidget = QtWidgets.QWidget()
#  Use FormHello Module Ui_FormHello Class creates an object , And quote ui Pointing to it 
ui = FormHello.Ui_FormHello() #  Call the default parameterless constructor of this class 
ui.setupUi(baseWidget) # call setupUi, Pass to setupUi QtWidget Object of type baseWidget, Create a complete form 
ui.LabHello.setText("Hello, Modified by the program ")


Pay attention to this sentence ui.LabHello.setText("Hello, Modified by the program ") Can't be replaced with baseWidget.LabHello.setText("Hello, Modified by the program "). because baseWidget It's just LabHello Parent container of , There is no public attribute defined LabHello. and ui yes Ui_FormHello class , All interface components on the form are ui Instance properties for , therefore , The components on the form can only be accessed through ui.

Whole project The contents of are as follows
 Insert picture description here

