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Robot autonomous exploration DSVP: code parsing

2022-07-07 22:26:00 Lift the cement together

  Write it at the front

The paper :DSVP: Dual-Stage Viewpoint Planner for Rapid Exploration by Dynamic Expansion

The article is right “Receding Horizon "Next-Best-View" Planner for 3D Exploration” Improvement

Code address :GitHub - HongbiaoZ/dsv_planner: Dual-Stage Viewpoint Planner for Autonomous ExplorationDual-Stage Viewpoint Planner for Autonomous Exploration - GitHub - HongbiaoZ/dsv_planner: Dual-Stage Viewpoint Planner for Autonomous Explorationhttps://github.com/HongbiaoZ/dsv_planner

Code parsing :

First of all to see launch file :


<arg name="enable_bag_record" default="false"/>

<arg name="bag_name" default="dsvp_garage"/>

<arg name="simulation" default="false"/>

<arg name="use_boundary" default="false"/>

<arg name="planner_param_file" default="$(find dsvp_launch)/config/exploration.yaml" />

<arg name="octomap_param_file" default="$(find dsvp_launch)/config/octomap.yaml" />

<rosparam command="load" file="$(arg planner_param_file)" />

<rosparam command="load" file="$(arg octomap_param_file)" />

<node name="dsvplanner" pkg="dsvplanner" type="dsvplanner" output="screen" />

<group if="$(arg use_boundary)">

<node pkg="dsvp_launch" type="navigationBoundary" name="navigationBoundary" output="screen" required="true">

<param name="boundary_file_dir" type="string" value="$(find dsvp_launch)/data/boundary.ply" />

<param name="sendBoundary" type="bool" value="true" />

<param name="sendBoundaryInterval" type="int" value="2" />



<node name="exploration" pkg="dsvp_launch" type="exploration" output="screen" >

<param name="simulation" type="bool" value="$(arg simulation)" />


<include file="$(find graph_planner)/launch/graph_planner.launch"/>

<group if="$(arg enable_bag_record)">

<include file="$(find dsvp_launch)/launch/rosbag_record.launch">

<arg name="bag_name" value="$(arg bag_name)" />



<node pkg="rviz" type="rviz" name="dsvp_rviz" args="-d $(find dsvp_launch)/default.rviz"/>


from launch The document shows that , It mainly implements two node file , So let's look at the first one dsvplanner, Their corresponding cpp File for drrtp_node.cpp


In this code , To define a drrtPlanner object planner, The specific implementation of this object is drrtp.cpp in

#include <eigen3/Eigen/Dense>
#include <ros/ros.h>
#include <dsvplanner/drrtp.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv)
  ros::init(argc, argv, "nbvPlanner");
  ros::NodeHandle nh;
  ros::NodeHandle nh_private("~");

  dsvplanner_ns::drrtPlanner planner(nh, nh_private);

  return 0;


First look at the constructor of this object

dsvplanner_ns::drrtPlanner::drrtPlanner(const ros::NodeHandle &nh,
                                        const ros::NodeHandle &nh_private)
    : nh_(nh), nh_private_(nh_private) {
  manager_ = new volumetric_mapping::OctomapManager(nh_, nh_private_);
  grid_ = new OccupancyGrid(nh_, nh_private_);
  dual_state_graph_ = new DualStateGraph(nh_, nh_private_, manager_, grid_);
  dual_state_frontier_ = new DualStateFrontier(nh_, nh_private_, manager_, grid_);
  drrt_ = new Drrt(manager_, dual_state_graph_, dual_state_frontier_, grid_);


  ROS_INFO("Successfully launched DSVP node");

1. The constructor first defines 4 Objects :

1.1  manager_ object

manager_ = new volumetric_mapping::OctomapManager(nh_, nh_private_);
namespace volumetric_mapping {
OctomapManager::OctomapManager(const ros::NodeHandle &nh,
                               const ros::NodeHandle &nh_private)
    : nh_(nh), nh_private_(nh_private), world_frame_("map"),
      velodyne_cloud_topic_("/velodyne_cloud_topic"), robot_frame_("velodyne"),
      use_tf_transforms_(true), latch_topics_(true),
      timestamp_tolerance_ns_(10000000), Q_initialized_(false),
      Q_(Eigen::Matrix4d::Identity()), map_publish_frequency_(0.0) {

  // After creating the manager, if the octomap_file parameter is set,
  // load the octomap at that path and publish it.
  std::string octomap_file;
  if (nh_private_.getParam("octomap_file", octomap_file)) {
    if (loadOctomapFromFile(octomap_file)) {
          "Successfully loaded octomap from path: " << octomap_file);
    } else {
      ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Could not load octomap from path: " << octomap_file);


void OctomapManager::subscribe() {
  pointcloud_sub_ = nh_.subscribe(velodyne_cloud_topic_, 1, &OctomapManager::insertPointcloudWithTf, this);
  octomap_sub_ = nh_.subscribe("input_octomap", 1, &OctomapManager::octomapCallback, this);

velodyne_cloud_topic_: /sensor_scan(lidar Point cloud in coordinate system )

Callback function 1:insertPointcloudWithTf( obtain sensor Transformation from coordinate system to world coordinate system , And convert the transformation to the corresponding format )、 Ray tracing updates the map

void OctomapManager::insertPointcloudWithTf(
    const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2::ConstPtr &pointcloud) {
  // Look up transform from sensor frame to world frame.
  Transformation sensor_to_world;
  if (lookupTransform(pointcloud->header.frame_id, world_frame_,
                      pointcloud->header.stamp, &sensor_to_world)) {
    insertPointcloud(sensor_to_world, pointcloud);

lookupTransformTf Realization : 

1. pointcloud->header.frame_id by :/sensor_at_scan stay sensor_scan_generation Defined in the function package ;

2. world_frame_:/map

bool OctomapManager::lookupTransform(const std::string &from_frame,
                                     const std::string &to_frame,
                                     const ros::Time &timestamp,
                                     Transformation *transform) {
  if (use_tf_transforms_) {
    return lookupTransformTf(from_frame, to_frame, timestamp, transform);
  } else {
    return lookupTransformQueue(from_frame, to_frame, timestamp, transform);
bool OctomapManager::lookupTransformTf(const std::string &from_frame,
                                       const std::string &to_frame,
                                       const ros::Time &timestamp,
                                       Transformation *transform) {
  tf::StampedTransform tf_transform;

  ros::Time time_to_lookup = timestamp;

  // If this transform isn't possible at the time, then try to just look up
  // the latest (this is to work with bag files and static transform publisher,
  // etc).
  if (!tf_listener_.canTransform(to_frame, from_frame, time_to_lookup)) {
    ros::Duration timestamp_age = ros::Time::now() - time_to_lookup;
    if (timestamp_age < tf_listener_.getCacheLength()) {
      time_to_lookup = ros::Time(0);
      // ROS_WARN("Using latest TF transform instead of timestamp match.");
    } else {
      // ROS_ERROR("Requested transform time older than cache limit.");
      return false;

  try {
    tf_listener_.lookupTransform(to_frame, from_frame, time_to_lookup,
  } catch (tf::TransformException &ex) {
        "Error getting TF transform from sensor data: " << ex.what());
    return false;

  tf::transformTFToKindr(tf_transform, transform);
  return true;
void transformTFToKindr(const tf::Transform& tf_type,
                        kindr::minimal::QuatTransformation* kindr) {
  Eigen::Vector3d position;
  Eigen::Quaterniond rotation;

  quaternionTFToKindr(tf_type.getRotation(), &rotation);
  vectorTFToKindr(tf_type.getOrigin(), &position);

  // Enforce positive w.
  if (rotation.w() < 0) {
    rotation.coeffs() = -rotation.coeffs();

  *kindr = kindr::minimal::QuatTransformation(rotation, position);

That is, type conversion (tf_transform--transform( obtain rotation and position))

insertPointcloud(sensor_to_world, pointcloud): The realization is to update by raytracing each point in the current frame point cloud free_cells and occupied_cells 

Callback function 2: octomapCallback( Don't look at it for the time being )

1.2  grid_ object

grid_ = new OccupancyGrid(nh_, nh_private_);

  Implementation of this object :

OccupancyGrid::OccupancyGrid(const ros::NodeHandle &nh,  const ros::NodeHandle &nh_private)
    : nh_(nh), nh_private_(nh_private) {
bool OccupancyGrid::initialize() {
  // Read in parameters
  if (!readParameters())
    return false;
  // Initialize subscriber
  odom_sub_.subscribe(nh_, sub_odom_topic_, 1);
  terrain_point_cloud_sub_.subscribe(nh_, sub_terrain_point_cloud_topic_, 1);
  sync_.reset(new Sync(syncPolicy(100), odom_sub_, terrain_point_cloud_sub_));
  sync_->registerCallback( boost::bind(&OccupancyGrid::terrainCloudAndOdomCallback, this, _1, _2));

  grid_cloud_pub_ = nh_.advertise<sensor_msgs::PointCloud2>(pub_grid_points_topic_, 1);

  map_half_width_grid_num_ = int(kMapWidth / 2 / kGridSize); //  40/2/0.1
  map_width_grid_num_ = map_half_width_grid_num_ * 2 + 1;


  ROS_INFO("Successfully launched OccupancyGrid node");

  return true;

Initialize some parameters and subscribe /state_estimation and /terrain_map_ext, Execute callback function terrainCloudAndOdomCallback

void OccupancyGrid::terrainCloudAndOdomCallback(
    const nav_msgs::Odometry::ConstPtr &odom_msg,
    const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2::ConstPtr &terrain_msg) {
  terrain_time_ = terrain_msg->header.stamp;
  robot_position_[0] = odom_msg->pose.pose.position.x;
  robot_position_[1] = odom_msg->pose.pose.position.y;
  robot_position_[2] = odom_msg->pose.pose.position.z;
  pcl::fromROSMsg(*terrain_msg, *terrain_cloud_);

  pcl::VoxelGrid<pcl::PointXYZI> point_ds;
  point_ds.setLeafSize(kDownsampleSize, kDownsampleSize, kDownsampleSize);
  //  Sampling under terrain message 

  pcl::PointXYZI point;
  int terrainCloudSize = terrain_cloud_ds->points.size();
  for (int i = 0; i < terrainCloudSize; i++) {
    point.x = terrain_cloud_ds->points[i].x;
    point.y = terrain_cloud_ds->points[i].y;
    point.z = terrain_cloud_ds->points[i].z;
    point.intensity = terrain_cloud_ds->points[i].intensity;
    // crop all ground points
    // 0.2m To 1m Obstacles between are considered to be obstacle,(kObstacleHeightThre Default 0.2)
    if (point.intensity > kObstacleHeightThre && point.intensity < kFlyingObstacleHeightThre) {
    } else if (point.intensity <= kObstacleHeightThre) {
  clearGrid(); // grid All filled as unknown state 
void OccupancyGrid::updateGrid() {
  pcl::PointXYZI point;
  for (int i = 0; i < terrain_cloud_obstacle_->points.size(); i++) {
    point = terrain_cloud_obstacle_->points[i];
    //  Convert obstacle points into indexes 
    // kGridSize = 0.1
    int indX = int((point.x - robot_position_[0] + kGridSize / 2) / kGridSize) + map_half_width_grid_num_;
    int indY = int((point.y - robot_position_[1] + kGridSize / 2) / kGridSize) + map_half_width_grid_num_;
    //  Deal with negative rounding 
    if (point.x - robot_position_[0] + kGridSize / 2 < 0)
    if (point.y - robot_position_[1] + kGridSize / 2 < 0)
    if (indX < 0)
      indX = 0;
    if (indY < 0)
      indY = 0;
    if (indX > map_width_grid_num_ - 1)
      indX = map_width_grid_num_ - 1;
    if (indY > map_width_grid_num_ - 1)
      indY = map_width_grid_num_ - 1;

    if (indX >= 0 && indX < map_width_grid_num_ && indY >= 0 && indY < map_width_grid_num_) {
      gridStatus grid_state = occupied;
      gridState_[indX][indY] = grid_state;
  for (int i = 0; i < terrain_cloud_traversable_->points.size(); i++) {
    point = terrain_cloud_traversable_->points[i];
    int indX = int((point.x - robot_position_[0] + kGridSize / 2) / kGridSize) + map_half_width_grid_num_;
    int indY = int((point.y - robot_position_[1] + kGridSize / 2) / kGridSize) + map_half_width_grid_num_;
    if (point.x - robot_position_[0] + kGridSize / 2 < 0)
    if (point.y - robot_position_[1] + kGridSize / 2 < 0)
    if (indX < 0)
      indX = 0;
    if (indY < 0)
      indY = 0;
    if (indX > map_width_grid_num_ - 1)
      indX = map_width_grid_num_ - 1;
    if (indY > map_width_grid_num_ - 1)
      indY = map_width_grid_num_ - 1;
    if (indX >= 0 && indX < map_width_grid_num_ && indY >= 0 && indY < map_width_grid_num_) {
      if (gridState_[indX][indY] == 2) {
      if (updateFreeGridWithSurroundingGrids(indX, indY) == false) {
        gridStatus grid_state = free;
        gridState_[indX][indY] = grid_state;
      } else {
        gridStatus grid_state = near_occupied;
        gridState_[indX][indY] = grid_state;

point.x() - robot_position_[0] Is the vector from the current point to the robot origin

kGridSize The default is 0.1, This vector plus kGridSize/2 Divided by kGridSize And then to int Variable , It means round off ;

That is, assume that the current point is away from the robot 2m, The resolution of the grid is 0.1, Then distance 20 Lattice , Plus map_half_width_grid_num_(200), That is, at this point 220 It's about .

The robot is the center of the map , A point is on the right side of the robot 20 It's about , So in the whole map , It should be on the left 220 Lattice .

void OccupancyGrid::publishGridMap() {
  pcl::PointXYZI p1;
  geometry_msgs::Point p2;
  // typedef Vector2i GridIndex;
  GridIndex p3;
  for (int i = 0; i < map_width_grid_num_; i++) {
    for (int j = 0; j < map_width_grid_num_; j++) {
      p3[0] = i;
      p3[1] = j;
      //  Return point 
      p2 = getPoint(p3);
      p1.x = p2.x;
      p1.y = p2.y;
      p1.z = p2.z;
      p1.intensity = gridState_[i][j];
  sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 gridCloud2;
  pcl::toROSMsg(*grid_cloud_, gridCloud2);
  gridCloud2.header.stamp = terrain_time_;
  gridCloud2.header.frame_id = world_frame_id_;

1.2 grid_ Object summary  

grid_ The definition is to only initialize subscribers and publishers and clearGrid() function .

subscribe /state_estimation as well as /terrain_map_ext, Execute callback function , The function executes the following : Divide the points in the point cloud into four categories :unknown , free , occupied , near_occupied , And store the information of each point in intensity Properties of the , And take it as a topic /occpancy_grid_map Release it .

 1.3 Define the global graph

dual_state_graph_ = new DualStateGraph(nh_, nh_private_, manager_, grid_);

 dual_state_graph_ Constructors :

namespace dsvplanner_ns {
    const ros::NodeHandle &nh, const ros::NodeHandle &nh_private,
    volumetric_mapping::OctomapManager *manager, OccupancyGrid *grid)
    : nh_(nh), nh_private_(nh_private) {
  manager_ = manager;
  grid_ = grid;

initialize() function :

1. Initialize some parameters

2. Define some subscribers and publishers

// Initialize subscriber
  // sub_keypose_topic_: state_estimation_at_scan
  key_pose_sub_ = nh_.subscribe<nav_msgs::Odometry>(sub_keypose_topic_, 5, &DualStateGraph::keyposeCallback, this);
  // sub_path_topic_ : /graph_planner_path
  graph_planner_path_sub_ = nh_.subscribe<nav_msgs::Path>(sub_path_topic_, 1, &DualStateGraph::pathCallback, this);
  // sub_graph_planner_status_topic_ : /graph_planner_status
  graph_planner_status_sub_ = nh_.subscribe<graph_planner::GraphPlannerStatus>(sub_graph_planner_status_topic_, 1,
      &DualStateGraph::graphPlannerStatusCallback, this);

  // Initialize publishers
  // pub_local_graph_topic_: /local_graph
  local_graph_pub_ = nh_.advertise<graph_utils::TopologicalGraph>(pub_local_graph_topic_, 2);
  // pub_global_graph_topic_ : /global_graph
  global_graph_pub_ = nh_.advertise<graph_utils::TopologicalGraph>(pub_global_graph_topic_, 2);
  // pub_global_points_topic_ : /global_points
  graph_points_pub_ = nh_.advertise<sensor_msgs::PointCloud2>(pub_global_points_topic_, 2);

released /global_graph Display only .

  One . Subscribe to the topic /state_estimation_at_scan( Equate to /state_estimation), Execute callback function keyposeCallback 

void DualStateGraph::keyposeCallback(const nav_msgs::Odometry::ConstPtr &msg) {
  geometry_msgs::Pose keypose;
  keypose.position.x = msg->pose.pose.position.x;
  keypose.position.y = msg->pose.pose.position.y;
  keypose.position.z = msg->pose.pose.position.z;
  keypose.orientation.y = 0;

That is, the current posture of each robot , Is executed addNewGlobalVertexWithKeypose() Callback function  

void DualStateGraph::addNewGlobalVertexWithKeypose(geometry_msgs::Pose &vertex_msg) {
  // Same as addNewLocalVertex but only adds vertex if a similar vertex doesn't already exist

  // Extract the point
  geometry_msgs::Point new_vertex_location;
  new_vertex_location = vertex_msg.position;

  // Check if a similar vertex already exists
  bool already_exists = false;
  bool too_long = false;
  double distance = -1;
  int closest_vertex_idx = -1;
  if (!global_graph_.vertices.empty()) {
    closest_vertex_idx = graph_utils_ns::GetClosestVertexIdxToPoint(global_graph_, new_vertex_location);
    auto &closest_vertex_location = global_graph_.vertices[closest_vertex_idx].location;
    distance = misc_utils_ns::PointXYZDist(new_vertex_location, closest_vertex_location);
    if (distance < kMinVertexDist / 2) {
      already_exists = true;
    if (distance > kMaxLongEdgeDist || fabs(new_vertex_location.z - closest_vertex_location.z) > kMaxVertexDiffAlongZ) {
      too_long = true;


1. This callback function accepts the current pose of the robot , Extract the current position information of the robot ,  And extract global_graph_ Index of the point closest to the current point in closest_vertex_idx, And its location information closest_vertex_location,

2. Judge the distance between the current point and the nearest point , If the distance is too small or too large , Then ignore the current point . If the distance is right , Then execute the following function :

  // If not, add a new one
  if (!already_exists && !too_long) {
    prev_track_vertex_idx_ = closest_vertex_idx;
    addGlobalEdgeWithoutCheck(prev_track_keypose_vertex_idx_, track_globalvertex_idx_, true);
    prev_track_keypose_vertex_idx_ = track_globalvertex_idx_;

1. Will be closest to the current point global_graph_ Index of points in closest_vertex_idx Assign to prev_track_vertex_idx_,

2. perform addNewGlobalVertex(vertex_msg) function :

        2.1 Set the current point position、vertex_id(global_graph_.vertices.size()) and information_gain Add to global_graph_ in , obtain At present vertex The index of track_globalvertex_idx_, And the pointer vertex_new

        2.2 When global_graph_ in vertex Is greater than 1 when , Define the current vertex Of parrent_idx by prev_track_vertex_idx_, Execute function addGlobalEdgeWithoutCheck(prev_track_vertex_idx_, track_globalvertex_idx_, false).

        2.3 addGlobalEdgeWithoutCheck() The functionality :( In two vertex Add... Between edge)

                2.3.1 First of all, from the global_graph_ According to the index of the passed parameter prev_vertex as well as At present vertex And are respectively defined as start_vertex and end_vertex.

                2.3.2 Then check two vertex Whether there is edge, If not , Add

                2.3.3 First calculate two vertex Distance between dist_diff, Then define two edge object :graph_utils::Edge edge_to_start as well as graph_utils::Edge edge_to_end;

                2.3.4 Add two edge : edge_to_start.vertex_id_end = start_vertex_idx,edge_to_end.vertex_id_end = end_vertex_idx; among start_vertex_idx by prev_track_vertex_idx_,end_vertex_idx by track_globalvertex_idx_

                2.3.5 Calculation traversal cost:edge_to_start.traversal_costs = dist_diff,edge_to_end.traversal_costs = dist_diff;

                2.3.6 edge_to_start.keypose_edge = trajectory_edge,edge_to_end.keypose_edge = trajectory_edge; here trajectory_edge Pass for reference false.

                2.3.7 take edge Add to vertex in :start_vertex.edges.push_back(edge_to_end),end_vertex.edges.push_back(edge_to_start).

        2.4 For the current vertex Nearby vertex add to edge: Calculation global_graph_ Every one of them vertex Distance from the present vertex Subgrade , If less than a certain threshold , execute addGlobalEdge(graph_vertex.vertex_id, vertex_new.vertex_id) function .

                2.4.1 Function declaration :void DualStateGraph::addGlobalEdge(int start_vertex_idx, int end_vertex_idx), namely start_vertex_idx To meet the threshold condition nearby_vertex And current vertex.

                2.4.2 Calculate two vertex Distance between dist_edge

                2.4.3 Then call ShortestPathBtwVertex(path, global_graph_, start_vertex_idx, end_vertex_idx) function :Function for getting the shortest path on a graph between two vertexes;Output a sequence of vertex ids as the path-->path

                2.4.4 And then calculate path The length of dist_path

                2.4.5 Carry out the formula in the paper 6 The judgment of the , If the conditions are met , At the same time, collision detection , Those who meet the conditions , call addGlobalEdgeWithoutCheck(), Add edge .

        2.5   perform addGlobalEdgeWithoutCheck(prev_track_keypose_vertex_idx_, track_globalvertex_idx_, true);

        Then prev_track_keypose_vertex_idx_ = track_globalvertex_idx_;

void DualStateGraph::addNewGlobalVertex(geometry_msgs::Pose &vertex_msg) {
  // Extract the point
  geometry_msgs::Point new_vertex_location;
  new_vertex_location = vertex_msg.position;

  // Create a new vertex
  graph_utils::Vertex vertex;
  vertex.location = new_vertex_location;
  vertex.vertex_id = (int)global_graph_.vertices.size();
  vertex.information_gain = vertex_msg.orientation.y;

  // Add this vertex to the graph
  track_globalvertex_idx_ = (int)global_graph_.vertices.size() - 1;
  auto &vertex_new = global_graph_.vertices[track_globalvertex_idx_];
  // If there are already other vertices
  if (global_graph_.vertices.size() > 1) {
    // Add a parent backpointer to previous vertex
    vertex_new.parent_idx = prev_track_vertex_idx_;

    // Add an edge to previous vertex 
    addGlobalEdgeWithoutCheck(prev_track_vertex_idx_, track_globalvertex_idx_, false);

    // Also add edges to nearby vertices
    for (auto &graph_vertex : global_graph_.vertices) {
      // If within a distance
      float dist_diff = misc_utils_ns::PointXYZDist(graph_vertex.location, vertex_new.location);
      if (dist_diff < kConnectVertexDistMax) {
        // Add edge from this nearby vertex to current vertex
        addGlobalEdge(graph_vertex.vertex_id, vertex_new.vertex_id);
  } else {
    // This is the first vertex -- no edges
    vertex.parent_idx = -1;
void DualStateGraph::addGlobalEdgeWithoutCheck(int start_vertex_idx, int end_vertex_idx, bool trajectory_edge) {
  // Add an edge in the graph from vertex start_vertex_idx to vertex end_vertex_idx

  // Get the two vertices
  auto &start_vertex = global_graph_.vertices[start_vertex_idx];
  auto &end_vertex = global_graph_.vertices[end_vertex_idx];

  // Check if edge already exists -- don't duplicate
  for (auto &edge : start_vertex.edges) {
    if (edge.vertex_id_end == end_vertex_idx) {
      // don't add duplicate edge
      edge.keypose_edge = trajectory_edge;
      for (auto &edge : end_vertex.edges) {
        if (edge.vertex_id_end == start_vertex_idx) {
          // don't add duplicate edge
            edge.keypose_edge = trajectory_edge;

  // Compute the distance between the two points
  float dist_diff = misc_utils_ns::PointXYZDist(start_vertex.location, end_vertex.location);

  // Create two edge objects
  graph_utils::Edge edge_to_start;
  graph_utils::Edge edge_to_end;

  // Join the two edges
  edge_to_start.vertex_id_end = start_vertex_idx;
  edge_to_end.vertex_id_end = end_vertex_idx;

  // Compute the traversal cost
  // For now, this is just Euclidean distance
  edge_to_start.traversal_costs = dist_diff;
  edge_to_end.traversal_costs = dist_diff;

  edge_to_start.keypose_edge = trajectory_edge;
  edge_to_end.keypose_edge = trajectory_edge;

  // Add these two edges to the vertices

void DualStateGraph::addGlobalEdge(int start_vertex_idx, int end_vertex_idx) {
  if (start_vertex_idx == end_vertex_idx) {

  // Get the edge distance
  float dist_edge = misc_utils_ns::PointXYZDist(

  if (dist_edge > kMaxLongEdgeDist) {
    // VERY long edge. Don't add it
  } else {
    // Get the path distance
    std::vector<int> path;
    graph_utils_ns::ShortestPathBtwVertex(path, global_graph_, start_vertex_idx, end_vertex_idx);
    bool path_exists = true;
    float dist_path = 0;

    // Check if there is an existing path
    if (path.empty()) {
      // No path exists
      path_exists = false;
    } else {
      // Compute path length
      dist_path = graph_utils_ns::PathLength(path, global_graph_);
      // ROS_WARN("path exists of edge of length %f, where path exists of length
      // %f", dist_edge, dist_path);

    // Check if ratio is beyond threshold
    // bool collision = false;
    //  The formula in the paper 6 Defined constraint check 
    if ((!path_exists || (path_exists && ((dist_path / dist_edge) >= kExistingPathRatioThresholdGlobal))) &&
        (!zCollisionCheck(start_vertex_idx, end_vertex_idx, global_graph_))) {
      Eigen::Vector3d origin;
      Eigen::Vector3d end;
      origin.x() = global_graph_.vertices[start_vertex_idx].location.x;
      origin.y() = global_graph_.vertices[start_vertex_idx].location.y;
      origin.z() = global_graph_.vertices[start_vertex_idx].location.z;
      end.x() = global_graph_.vertices[end_vertex_idx].location.x;
      end.y() = global_graph_.vertices[end_vertex_idx].location.y;
      end.z() = global_graph_.vertices[end_vertex_idx].location.z;
      //  Make sure that the wires do not collide ( Ray tracing for collision detection )
      if (volumetric_mapping::OctomapManager::CellStatus::kFree == manager_->getLineStatusBoundingBox(origin, end, robot_bounding)) {
        addGlobalEdgeWithoutCheck(start_vertex_idx, end_vertex_idx, false);

  Two . subscribe /graph_planner_path as well as /graph_planner_status, And execute the callback function . These two topics are from graph_planner Node published , Not for now .

1.4 dual_state_frontier object  

// Define a global boundary solver

dual_state_frontier_ = new DualStateFrontier(nh_, nh_private_, manager_, grid_);

    const ros::NodeHandle &nh, const ros::NodeHandle &nh_private,
    volumetric_mapping::OctomapManager *manager, OccupancyGrid *grid)
    : nh_(nh), nh_private_(nh_private) {
  manager_ = manager;
  grid_ = grid;

  The constructor only executes initialize() function

bool DualStateFrontier::initialize() {
  // Read in parameters
  if (!readParameters())
    return false;

  // Initialize subscriber
  // /global_points
  graph_points_sub_ = nh_.subscribe(sub_graph_points_topic_, 1, &DualStateFrontier::graphPointsCallback, this);
  // /state_estimation
  odom_sub_.subscribe(nh_, sub_odom_topic_, 1);
  // /terrain_map_ext
  terrain_point_cloud_sub_.subscribe(nh_, sub_terrain_point_cloud_topic_, 1);
  sync_.reset(new Sync(syncPolicy(10), odom_sub_, terrain_point_cloud_sub_));
  sync_->registerCallback(boost::bind(&DualStateFrontier::terrainCloudAndOdomCallback, this, _1, _2));

  // /octomap_unknown
  unknown_points_pub_ = nh_.advertise<sensor_msgs::PointCloud2>(pub_unknown_points_topic_, 1);
  // /global_frontier
  global_frontier_points_pub_ = nh_.advertise<sensor_msgs::PointCloud2>(pub_global_frontier_points_topic_, 1);
  // /local_frontier
  local_frontier_points_pub_ = nh_.advertise<sensor_msgs::PointCloud2>(pub_local_frontier_points_topic_, 1);
  terrain_elev_cloud_pub_ = nh_.advertise<sensor_msgs::PointCloud2>("/elevation_map", 1);

  if (kExecuteFrequency_ > 0.0) {
    executeTimer_ = nh_private_.createTimer(ros::Duration(1.0 / kExecuteFrequency_), &DualStateFrontier::execute, this);
  for (int i = 0; i < kTerrainVoxelWidth * kTerrainVoxelWidth; i++) {

  boundaryLoaded_ = false;

  ROS_INFO("Successfully launched DualStateFrontier node");

  return true;

  First, at a certain frequency , Keep executing execute() function , and execute() Function is to call getFrontiers() function .

executeTimer_ = nh_private_.createTimer(ros::Duration(1.0 / kExecuteFrequency_), &DualStateFrontier::execute, this);
void DualStateFrontier::execute(const ros::TimerEvent &e) { getFrontiers(); }
void DualStateFrontier::getFrontiers() {
  // search_bounding[0] = 40
  // search_bounding[1] = 40
  // search_bounding[2] = 0.5
  //  Given a range , And location center , Get the point cloud around it that belongs to the boundary , And save the obtained boundary point set to local_frontier_ in 
  getUnknowPointcloudInBoundingBox(robot_position_, search_bounding);
  //  Check and update local boundary points 
  //  Check and update global boundary points 
  //  Down sampling of global sampling points 
  //  Release of various contents , Including local boundary points , Global boundary points , Point cloud in unknown state 

1. First call getUnknowPointcloudInBoundingBox() function :

        1.1 First, adjust the center position , Adjust center Parameters

        1.2 Traverse the... In a given range in turn x,y,z; call octomap, Get the index value according to the point coordinates , And get the specific node according to the index value .

        1.3 If octomap There is no such node in , Add this point to the set of unknown points unknown_points_ in , If the point is within a given range , And it is indeed a boundary point ( If this point is indeed a boundary point , Then there should be both free and unknown around this point ), Then join local_frontier_temp in

        1.4 Yes local_frontier_temp Filter to get local_frontier_

2. Then call localFrontierUpdate(robot_position_) function :

        2.1  Traverse local_frontier Every point in the

        2.2 inSensorRangeofRobot() Function analysis : Only its parameter transmission distance from the current position of the robot is within a certain threshold , And the pitch angle of its vector is less than 15 degree , And the currently unknown grid cells for ray tracing of robots are free state , Then return to TRUE

        2.3 collisionCheckByTerrainWithVector(center, checkedPoint) function : Given a starting point and an end point , Judge whether there are obstacles on the connection between the two

        2.4 inSensorRangeofGraphPoints(checkedPoint): Enter a point , utilize kd Trees , Find the nearest set of points in the global , As long as there is one that can be normally observed by the position of the formal parameter , And there are no obstacles , Think it is true

        2.5 Boundary points satisfying certain conditions are added to local_frontier_pcl_ as well as global_frontier_ in , Also on local_frontier_pcl_ Conduct downsampling to obtain local_frontier_

3. call gloabalFrontierUpdate() function : extract  global_frontier_ Every point in the , If the point belongs to the cleared boundary point , Then jump out of this cycle , Get that point in octomap Index value in , If the point belongs to the boundary point, it is added to global_frontier_pcl_ in , And filter it to get global_frontier_

4. globalFrontiersNeighbourCheck();: Traverse  global_frontier_ Every point in the , adopt KD The tree searches for boundary points near it , If there is , Then only one boundary point is saved . It is equivalent to a down sampling of global boundary points , And save the result to global_frontier_pcl_ and global_frontier_ in

5. Release /global_frontier as well as /local_frontier ,/global_frontier Than /local_frontier Check whether it belongs to the cleared boundary point again , Then the filter is carried out twice

 execute() Function summary : Traverse the points within a certain range of the current robot position , And find the boundary points , Subsequently, the boundary points are obtained by downsampling and published

2. perform init() function ( Read parameters and determine subscribers and publishers )

bool dsvplanner_ns::drrtPlanner::init() {
  if (!setParams()) {
    ROS_ERROR("Set parameters fail. Cannot start planning!");

  odomSub_ = nh_.subscribe(odomSubTopic, 10, &dsvplanner_ns::drrtPlanner::odomCallback, this);
  boundarySub_ = nh_.subscribe(boundarySubTopic, 10, &dsvplanner_ns::drrtPlanner::boundaryCallback, this);

  params_.newTreePathPub_ = nh_.advertise<visualization_msgs::Marker>(newTreePathPubTopic, 1000);
  params_.remainingTreePathPub_ = nh_.advertise<visualization_msgs::Marker>(remainingTreePathPubTopic, 1000);
  params_.boundaryPub_ = nh_.advertise<visualization_msgs::Marker>(boundaryPubTopic, 1000);
  params_.globalSelectedFrontierPub_ = nh_.advertise<sensor_msgs::PointCloud2>(globalSelectedFrontierPubTopic, 1000);
  params_.localSelectedFrontierPub_ = nh_.advertise<sensor_msgs::PointCloud2>(localSelectedFrontierPubTopic, 1000);
  params_.randomSampledPointsPub_ = nh_.advertise<sensor_msgs::PointCloud2>(randomSampledPointsPubTopic, 1000);
  params_.plantimePub_ = nh_.advertise<std_msgs::Float32>(plantimePubTopic, 1000);
  params_.nextGoalPub_ = nh_.advertise<geometry_msgs::PointStamped>(nextGoalPubTopic, 1000);
  params_.shutdownSignalPub = nh_.advertise<std_msgs::Bool>(shutDownTopic, 1000);

  plannerService_ = nh_.advertiseService(plannerServiceName, &dsvplanner_ns::drrtPlanner::plannerServiceCallback,this);
  cleanFrontierService_ = nh_.advertiseService(cleanFrontierServiceName, &dsvplanner_ns::drrtPlanner::cleanFrontierServiceCallback, this);

  return true;

 2.1 subscribe /state_estimation, perform odomCallback() Callback function ( The current pose of the robot is passed to drrt solver )

void dsvplanner_ns::drrtPlanner::odomCallback(const nav_msgs::Odometry &pose) {
  // Planner is now ready to plan.
  drrt_->plannerReady_ = true;
void dsvplanner_ns::Drrt::setRootWithOdom(const nav_msgs::Odometry &pose) {
  root_[0] = pose.pose.pose.position.x;
  root_[1] = pose.pose.pose.position.y;
  root_[2] = pose.pose.pose.position.z;

 2.3 Defining services : 

Service type :dsvplanner_srv

Header header
geometry_msgs/Point[] goal
std_msgs/Int32 mode
plannerService_ = nh_.advertiseService(plannerServiceName, &dsvplanner_ns::drrtPlanner::plannerServiceCallback,this);
cleanFrontierService_ = nh_.advertiseService(cleanFrontierServiceName, &dsvplanner_ns::drrtPlanner::cleanFrontierServiceCallback, this);


1. Define a GraphPlanner object

2. perform execute() function

graph_planner_ns::GraphPlanner graph_planner(node_handle);


This function is graph_planner The implementation function of , First look at its constructor

GraphPlanner::GraphPlanner(const ros::NodeHandle &nh) {
  nh_ = nh;

 1. initialize()

bool GraphPlanner::initialize() {
  if (!readParameters())
    return false;

  // Initialize target waypoint
  waypoint_ = geometry_msgs::PointStamped();
  waypoint_.point.x = -1.0;
  waypoint_.point.y = -1.0;
  waypoint_.point.z = 0.0;
  // world_frame_id_ : map
  waypoint_.header.frame_id = world_frame_id_;

  // Initialize subscribers
  // /local_graph
  graph_sub_ = nh_.subscribe(sub_graph_topic_, 1, &GraphPlanner::graphCallback, this);
  // /graph_planner_command
  graph_planner_command_sub_ = nh_.subscribe(graph_planner_command_topic_, 1, &GraphPlanner::commandCallback, this);
  // /state_estimation
  odometry_sub_ = nh_.subscribe(sub_odometry_topic_, 1, &GraphPlanner::odometryCallback, this);
  // /terrain_map_ext
  terrain_sub_ = nh_.subscribe(sub_terrain_topic_, 1, &GraphPlanner::terrainCallback, this);

  // Initialize publishers
  // /way_point
  waypoint_pub_ = nh_.advertise<geometry_msgs::PointStamped>(pub_waypoint_topic_, 2);
  // /graph_planner_status
  graph_planner_status_pub_ = nh_.advertise<graph_planner::GraphPlannerStatus>(graph_planner_status_topic_, 2);
  // /graph_planner_path
  graph_planner_path_pub_ = nh_.advertise<nav_msgs::Path>(pub_path_topic_, 10);

  ROS_INFO("Successfully launched graph_planner node");

  return true;

  First look at the subscription function /state_estimation

1. subscribe /state_estimation, perform odometryCallback() Callback function :

        Put the robot currently (x,y,z) The position is passed to robot_pos_, as well as yaw Information to robot_yaw_

void GraphPlanner::odometryCallback(
    const nav_msgs::Odometry::ConstPtr &odometry_msg) {
  double roll, pitch, yaw;
  geometry_msgs::Quaternion geo_quat = odometry_msg->pose.pose.orientation;
  tf::Matrix3x3(tf::Quaternion(geo_quat.x, geo_quat.y, geo_quat.z, geo_quat.w))
      .getRPY(roll, pitch, yaw);

  robot_yaw_ = yaw;
  robot_pos_ = odometry_msg->pose.pose.position;

2. subscribe /terrain_map_ext, Execute callback function terrainCallback:

        Accept the local point cloud message , Greater than 0.2, Less than 1.2 The point cloud of is judged to cause obstacles to robot action , And save the point cloud to terrain_point_crop_ in , After voxel filtering, we get terrain_point_crop_.

void GraphPlanner::terrainCallback(
    const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2::ConstPtr &terrain_msg) {
  pcl::fromROSMsg(*terrain_msg, *terrain_point_);

  pcl::PointXYZI point;
  int terrainCloudSize = terrain_point_->points.size();
  for (int i = 0; i < terrainCloudSize; i++) {
    point = terrain_point_->points[i];

    float pointX = point.x;
    float pointY = point.y;
    float pointZ = point.z;

    // kObstacleHeightThres : 0.20 # the obstacle height that will be considered when filtering the terrain cloud
    // kOverheadObstacleHeightThres : 1.20 # the overhead obstacle height that will be considered when filtering the terrain cloud
    //  higher than 0.2  lower than 1.2 The obstacle point cloud of is judged to cause obstacles to robot action 
    if (point.intensity > kObstacleHeightThres && point.intensity < kOverheadObstacleHeightThres) {
      point.x = pointX;
      point.y = pointY;
      point.z = pointZ;
  pcl::VoxelGrid<pcl::PointXYZI> point_ds;
  point_ds.setLeafSize(kDownsampleSize, kDownsampleSize, kDownsampleSize);

 3. Then subscribe /local_graph as well as /graph_planner_command, And execute the callback function . Don't look here for the moment

 2. execute()

  This part of the function and exeploration.cpp() Function related


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