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Remember aximp once Use of exe tool

2022-07-07 22:18:00 freelooppowter

AxImp.exe Also known as Windows forms ActiveX Control import program .ActiveX Control importers will ActiveX The control of COM The type definition in the type library is converted to Windows Form control .

Recently joined a company , Today's task is to prepare the development environment and compile the code , There's a problem , References in the discovery program include AxXXXLib and XXXLib Named file , But there is no such name C# project , Check the name characteristics , Found to have C++ The project is named after this , So that's it , Seems to have found something .( It's entirely because there are no colleagues around to ask , My colleagues are all far away in Beijing , Otherwise, how can I ponder and guess by myself .)

Originally, a few modules are used C++ Written controls , Build after compilation .ocx Suffix components , Associate with let will Aximp.exe Path configuration to environment variables , Guess you need to use this tool to generate C# Dynamic library files required by the project . see msdn Document entry cmd Window one meal operation , According to the prompt file, generate to C:\Windows\System32 Under the table of contents , As a result, I couldn't find it , So change VS In the editor Command Tools , Finally, the .

Personal feeling is the cause of the path , C:\Windows\System32  The path is write protected, so the file is not written . It is recommended to change the path or use in the project vs command Tools .

Aximp.exe Usage mode :

aximp c:\systemroot\system32\msdxm.ocx 


