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Anti climbing killer

2022-07-07 22:01:00 Boris

Anti climbing killer

Today I read it in detail Light up the network Unlocker This product , Also measured , It's a loser , It does work , Share with you


Jump to buy through the connection in this article , First flush 100 Send... In dollars 100 dollar

Usage mode

Look at the effect , Such as requesting a wallpaper network , The direct request will appear as follows

But after using the bright network Unlocker, it goes directly

Test code

import ssl

import requests

ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context

proxies = {

resp = requests.get("https://wallhere.com/", proxies=proxies, verify=False)

The Unlocker is used in the same way as the agent , Add agent proxies The parameter is to use the Unlocker to request . When you use xxx Just change your agent

After registering the website , Log in backstage , In the background menu on the left api Can be seen in

The principle is to forward the request to them , They will return the data to you after they get it , It is similar to selling interface services , Someone will crack it for you , Just ask directly through someone else's interface


Support sites

I don't know for the moment , There is no introduction on the official website , This wallpaper net is one I casually found 5 Example of second shield anti climbing , Testing is OK


Price : The non package price is $5/CPM, namely 1000 Secondary call 5 dollar , It's still a little expensive

The set meal is cheaper



Jump to buy through the connection in this article , First flush 100 Send... In dollars 100 dollar

