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Code of "digital image processing principle and Practice (matlab version)" part2[easy to understand]
2022-07-07 21:25:00 【Full stack programmer webmaster】
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Department of literature 《 Principle and practice of digital image processing (MATLAB edition )》 A Book of code series of Part2(P43~80), Please refer to the diagram of the original book for the code running results , It is recommended to read the following before downloading the code :
About 《 Principle and practice of digital image processing (MATLAB edition )》 A description of code publication
i = imread(‘theatre.jpg’); i = rgb2gray(i); i = double(i);
out1 = log(1+i)/0.065; out2 = log(1+i)/0.035; out1(find(out1>255)) = 255; out2(find(out2>255)) = 255; out1 = uint8(out1); out2 = uint8(out2);
subplot(221), imshow(out1), title(‘image, p = 0.065’); subplot(222), imhist(out1), title(‘histgram, p = 0.065’); subplot(223), imshow(out2), title(‘image, p = 0.035’); subplot(224), imhist(out2), title(‘histgram, p = 0.035’);
i = rgb2gray(imread(‘theatre.jpg’)); i = double(i); y1 = 255*(i/255).^2.5; y2 = 255*(i/255).^0.4; y1 = uint8(y1); y2 = uint8(y2); subplot(221), imshow(y1), title(‘p =2.5’); subplot(222), imhist(y1), title(‘p =2.5’); subplot(223), imshow(y2), title(‘p =0.4’); subplot(224), imhist(y2), title(‘p =0.4’);
i = rgb2gray(imread(‘theatre.jpg’)); y1 = double(i); y1 = 255*(y1/255).^2.5; y2 = uint8(y1); y3 = imadjust(y2, [ ], [ ], 0.4); subplot(131), imshow(i), title(‘original image’); subplot(132), imshow(y2),title(‘power = 2.5’); subplot(133), imshow(y3),title(‘gamma = 0.4’);
i = imread(‘theatre.jpg’); i = rgb2gray(i); i = double(i);
y1 = 1.5.^(i*0.070)-1; y2 = 1.5.^(i*0.050)-1; y1(find(y1>255)) = 255; y2(find(y2>255)) = 255; y1 = uint8(y1); y2 = uint8(y2);
subplot(221), imshow(y1), title(‘c=0.070’); subplot(222), imhist(y1), title(‘c=0.070’); subplot(223), imshow(y2), title(‘c=0.050’); subplot(224), imhist(y2), title(‘c=0.050’);
i = imread(‘theatre.jpg’); i = rgb2gray(i); L = imadjust(i,[ ],[50/255;150/255]); J = imadjust(L,[50/255;150/255 ],[20/255;230/255]); subplot(221), imshow(L), title(‘low contrast’); subplot(222), imhist(L), title(‘low contrast’); subplot(223), imshow(J), title(‘gray stretch’); subplot(224), imhist(J), title(‘gray stretch’);
i = rgb2gray(imread(‘theatre.jpg’)); LC = imadjust(i,[ ],[50/255;150/255]); figure(1), subplot(221), imshow(LC); title(‘low contrast’); figure(1),subplot(222), imhist(LC); title(‘low contrast’); HE1 = histeq(LC); figure(1), subplot(223), imshow(HE1); title(‘histogram equalization’); figure(1),subplot(224), imhist(HE1); title(‘histogram equalization’);
img = rgb2gray(imread(‘theatre.jpg’)); img_ref = rgb2gray(imread(‘rpic.jpg’)); [hgram, x] = imhist(img_ref); J = histeq(img, hgram); subplot(2,3,1), imshow(img), title(‘original image’); subplot(2,3,4), imhist(img), title(‘original image’); subplot(2,3,2), imshow(img_ref), title(‘reference image’); subplot(2,3,5), imhist(img_ref), title(‘reference image’); subplot(2,3,3), imshow(J), title(‘output image’); subplot(2,3,6), imhist(J), title(‘output image’);
I = imread(‘apostles.jpg’); I = double(I); B = zeros(size(I)); H = size(I); move_x = 100; move_y = 150; B(move_y + 1:H(1), move_x+1:H(2), 1:H(3))=… I(1:H(1)-move_y, 1:H(2) – move_x, 1:H(3)); subplot(1,2,1),subimage(uint8(I)) title(‘ Original image ’) subplot(1,2,2),subimage(uint8(B)) title(‘ Translation transformation ’);
I = imread(‘apostles.jpg’); se=translate(strel(1),[150 100]); B = imdilate(I,se); figure; subplot(1,2,1),subimage(I); title(‘ Original image ’); subplot(1,2,2),subimage(B); title(‘ Translation transformation ’);
I = imread(‘apostles.jpg’); [height, width, dim]=size(I); % Horizontal mirror transform tform = maketform(‘affine’,[-1 0 0;0 1 0; width 0 1]); B=imtransform(I, tform, ‘nearest’); % Vertical mirror transformation tform2 = maketform(‘affine’, [1 0 0; 0 -1 0; 0 height 1]); C=imtransform(I, tform2, ‘nearest’); subplot(1,3,1),imshow(I); title(‘ Original image ’); subplot(1,3,2),imshow(B); title(‘ Horizontal image ’); subplot(1,3,3),imshow(C); title(‘ Vertical image ’);
A = imread(‘apostles.jpg’); A = double(A); figure(1), imshow(uint8(A)); H = size(A); figure(2),B(1:H(1),1:H(2),1:H(3))=A(H(1):-1:1,1:H(2),1:H(3));% Vertical mirror imshow(uint8(B)); figure(3),C(1:H(1),1:H(2),1:H(3))=A(1:H(1),H(2):-1:1,1:H(3));% Horizontal mirror imshow(uint8(C));
I = imread(‘apostles.jpg’); tform = maketform(‘affine’,[0 1 0; 1 0 0; 0 0 1]);% Define transpose matrix B = imtransform(I, tform, ‘nearest’); subplot(1,2,1),imshow(I) title(‘ Original image ’); subplot(1,2,2),imshow(B) title(‘ Transpose the image ’);
I = imread(‘C:\apostles.jpg’); A = imresize(I, 1.5, ‘nearest’); B = imresize(I, 1.5, ‘bilinear’); C = imresize(I, 1.5, ‘bicubic’); subplot(2,2,1), imshow(I), title(‘original’); subplot(2,2,2), imshow(A), title(‘nearest’); subplot(2,2,3), imshow(B), title(‘bilinear’); subplot(2,2,4), imshow(C), title(‘bicubic’);
I = imread(‘apostles.jpg’); A = imrotate(I, 30, ‘nearest’);% rotate 30 degree , Nearest neighbor interpolation figure(1),imshow(A) B = imrotate(I, 45, ‘bilinear’,’loose’);% rotate 45 degree , Quadratic linear interpolation figure(2),imshow(B)
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Publisher : Full stack programmer stack length , Reprint please indicate the source :https://javaforall.cn/116517.html Link to the original text :https://javaforall.cn
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