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The little money made by the program ape is a P!

2022-07-07 21:17:00 Programmer Xiaohui


Recent outbreaks have been repeated , I watched a medical documentary at home 《 My white coat 》.

It's about the clinical growth of a group of young doctors , The film is full of real clinical cases , Highly referential , And the score of Douban is very high , Today I want to share with you .


The film , Some people are willing to sell houses to save the lives of a family of four ;

Some people are afraid of empty money , Tangle about whether to be in debt and gamble ;

Some people care about the cost of treatment , Better than the treatment ……

Money or life ?

This multiple-choice question is performed around us every day . It seems to others , Of course, you have to save your life first , But when you are really faced with such a choice , What choice will you make ?

Here are the real stories in the two films , Let's see. , If you experience such a thing , How would you choose ?

One night , A patient with acute chest pain caused by eating a lot of soybeans came to the emergency room .( In fact, it is caused by high blood pressure )

When the doctor is checking the cause , It was found that the pressure on both feet of the patient was asymmetric , Immediately diagnosed as dangerous aortic dissection bleeding , Then he gave a critical notice .


Doctor :“ This disease requires immediate surgery , mortality 63%, It may not be saved .”

The patient's family :“ How much does this disease cost ?”

Doctor :“ At least 300000 .”


mortality 63%, Far greater than survival , At least it will take 30 ten thousand .

Save people , This money is bound to be spent , But there are 63% People and money may be empty ; Don't save , People will soon disappear ……

Whether to save or not ?

I thought it was just an ordinary chest pain , I have to make a decision about my husband's life and death immediately , The sudden change caught Ms. Wang off guard , Fall into painful entanglement .

“ Then he must save his life , There is probably a few% chance of surviving ?” Ms. Wang's questioning about the success rate , I just want to get a little confidence from the doctor that spending money can save people .


But this is also the most difficult question for doctors to answer , because 63% The mortality rate is based on the statistics of past cases , But specific to someone is uncertain .

If you don't save people, you must be gone , There is still a glimmer of hope .

Ms. Wang still couldn't make a decision after calling her relatives , Until I finally dialed my son who was still in college in his twenties , When the other end of the phone came, I made a firm decision “ cure ” when , She just made up her mind , Let the doctor operate urgently .

The big proposition of life and death , In our daily life, many people don't think about , When you need to make a choice right away , Most of us will be stunned like Ms. Wang .

Everyone wants to help , But the premise is whether you can afford the money ?

Will people and money end up empty , I have to be in debt ?

At the end of the day , It's still about money , If you can afford , Everyone has the confidence to ask the doctor to operate immediately , Instead of worrying about calculating which value of money or life is higher .

The Wang family is lucky , Finally, the operation was successful , Early surgery expenses 25 More than ten thousand . so to speak , This is a gamble , They bet right , Spend money to buy the life of your family , See this ending , I'm glad .

But , Not everyone is lucky . In the hospital , There are many families of patients , In the face of high treatment costs , Can only sign silently “ Give up all treatment ”.


The film , There's another one 32 Year old patient with severe pancreatic cancer , stay ICU It can only sustain life .

Pancreatic cancer is often found to be advanced , Not only because the location is hidden , But also with smoking and drinking 、 High fat diet and other bad habits , So pancreatic cancer is also called “ The king of cancer ”.

She lived for more than half a month ICU, Every day, the long bill urges her family to raise money everywhere , The reminder appears almost every day 9 The name of the bed .

9 The bed , In arrears 26000 element

9 The bed , In arrears 30800 element

9 The bed , In arrears 53000 element

Those days ,9 The bed becomes ICU Topics that everyone talks about from time to time , Worried that her family would choose to give up treatment .

Sure enough , It was not long before ,9 Bed had to be discharged early . A few days before discharge , Her whole body is swollen , Respiratory failure , The airway is plugged , On the ventilator .

On the day of discharge ,9 The bed saw her husband come in , She's as usual , A smile appeared on the swollen face , She stretched out her right hand to her husband with difficulty , Want to hold her husband's hand , But the husband didn't reach out , He is looking at the doctor .

The doctor paused for a moment , Just say ,9 The bed , Don't panic , We need to pull out the pipe today .

9 The smile on the bed's face suddenly froze , Why pull the pipe ? She can't speak , But the eyes are full of doubts , She moved her eyes from the doctor to her husband , The husband looked at the monitor by the bed , No words .

She used all her strength , Pulled the corners of her husband's clothes , finally , His husband spoke :“ Let's go home and cure , There is really no way to stay here , Relatives have borrowed it all ”.

The nurse wants to reach out and take off the breathing mask on her mouth , She grabbed the breathing tube , Looking at the doctor in horror , Looking at her husband again .

Put the tube in your mouth , She can't speak , But she knows very well , This is a life-saving tube , How can I unplug ? Pipe in one day , Her life can last for one day .

When the doctor finally reached out and pulled out the intubation from her body , She grabbed the doctor's hand and finally slowly 、 Let go feebly , Tears have been flowing , The desire to survive is heartbreaking .

1 After a month , Learned that she passed away , This is the expected outcome , Everyone is not so surprised .

Although I have seen too many such endings in my life , But I still believe , All hearts are made of meat , Most ordinary people like you and me are kind , If not forced , No one would make such a decision to live in self blame and guilt for the rest of his life .

Speaking of this , Also think of a thing at the end of last year , A father doesn't give up 10 Million operation expenses , Leave the hospital alone , Then commit suicide . Tell the truth , It touched me a lot at that time .


Survival is the instinct of each of us , How much one loves another , Will be willing to trade his life for the rest of his life .

In addition to the parents , Maybe there's really no one else .

Whether family members give up patients , Or patients give up their families , It's very sad , But , It seems that we can't blame anyone , Everyone seems to have done their best .

I've heard too much ICU The story in , Well aware of people's savings in this life , Most of it will be spent on dying time .

You didn't go to the hospital , I have no idea how much money is not spent .

Take the most common cancer , Hospital expenses 、 medical expenses 、 Nursing expenses 、 Equipment usage fee, etc , It can be as high as tens or even millions in a random circle , It's easy to confiscate all the savings of a family for generations .


Now we are , When everything goes well , Everything looks ok . But once the accident comes , Most of them are overwhelmed .

It's hard to avoid these things for a lifetime , We can't avoid its impact on our lives . But there are two things we can decide :

First of all , It's an attitude in the face of suffering .

second , It's preparation for a rainy day .


As for how to prepare ? think it over and over again , I found that there are not many ways , Just two ways :

1、 Increasing income 、 Control expenses , Master as many deposits as possible , To deal with possible accidents .

2、 For less balance 、 Readers with slower income growth , Perhaps the best way is to fully configure the insurance for yourself and your family , Use as little money as possible , Pass on the risks you can't afford to the insurance company .( This article does not recommend any insurance products )

all the time , I'm suggesting that you must have complete insurance configuration , That's because , I have witnessed too many such tragedies in the hospital these years , And these tragedies are often solved by a very cheap insurance .

Take this opportunity to , I want to give you some simple insurance science , Are very practical knowledge , I hope you have patience to read it , Also hope to be useful to you .

I believe most readers have participated in urban medical insurance or new rural cooperative medical system , Therefore, you may feel that there is no worry behind you , Then you're wrong .

Although the country has made a lot of efforts in medical insurance these years , Every year, soul bargaining can be on the hot search . But while thanking the country, we should also realize , National medical insurance is only basic medical security , After all, it's not everything .

such as , Medicare reimbursable drugs include 2800 Varied , On the market 20 Only a small part of the more than 10000 drugs ; And within the starting line of medical insurance 、 Above the capping line 、 Medical expenses outside the reimbursement proportion and the medical insurance catalogue , You have to bear it yourself .

The function of insurance is to encounter disease 、 Accidents and other risks , Help us take risks , Reduce the loss to ultra-low .


Suppose a disease may cost 80 ten thousand , After social security reimbursement and medical serious illness insurance compensation , It didn't cost a cent , The remaining 100 Wan used it to compensate for his illness 5 Annual family income loss , The illness did not affect the normal life of the family .

But be sure to pay attention to , Insurance can't be bought blindly . Insurance itself has a high threshold , It's about finance 、 Medical Science 、 The knowledge of three aspects of law intersects .

Because I don't know relevant knowledge , Buy wrong insurance , Finally, you can't lose money , matches , You've seen more than one or two .

In order to avoid everyone falling into the pit of buying wrong insurance , Here it is , I solemnly recommend my old friend , A professional third-party insurance consulting platform :


Their platform is the Chinese insurance regulatory department in 2008 The national insurance service licensed institution approved in , It's an old regular army .

2020 In, it also ranked among the top insurance intermediaries in the world 20 name , Become the only insurance intermediary enterprise shortlisted in Asia .

The only free places are 50 individual , The registration method is as follows :

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The platform is reliable , Not advertising for any insurance company , I suggest that you choose specific insurance products before , Go to them for a comprehensive understanding and consultation .


The platform consultant team has been working for a long time , Proficient in finance and taxation 、 Legal business 、 Medical related knowledge , Professional and reliable . The platform is original DOSM The service mode has been certified by the national copyright administration , The entire Just make suggestions 、 Never sell .

I've experienced their service , The consultant spent half an hour understanding my situation , According to my Family structure 、 Financial situation 、 Security needs , Gave me a detailed family security plan , It is also more economical than traditional institutions 30%-50% The cost of .


After detailed communication, the insurance consultant gives an exclusive plan

This time I fought for 50 A place for free consultation To all of you , First come first served basis , You can long press the QR code to register and receive .

No matter whether you have bought insurance before , You can experience , I sincerely hope that every reader can make an appointment for this service , Do a good job of security , Make up the short board , This is responsible for yourself and your family .

The only free places are 50 individual , The registration method is as follows :

Exclusive benefits for little grey fans  

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Exclusive family security planning scheme


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value 500 Yuan family security planning services include :

1. Insurance consultation : One on one exclusive consultant will answer the risk management concept for you 、 Insurance laws and regulations 、 Insurance underwriting rules and other insurance questions ;

2. risk assessment : According to your family structure 、 Financial situation 、 Life vision ,360 Measure potential family risks , And sort out the risk management needs ;

3. Program customization : Customize the family security plan for you , Choose the best from thousands of products , And explain the plan carefully for you , Neutral and objective, never flatter or conceal ;

4. Value added service : Provide follow-up compensation agency 、 Health care 、 Emergency rescue and other services , Graphic inquiry function after policy custody , It has solved the problem of seeing a doctor during the epidemic of tens of thousands of people ;


In addition to family security planning services , The platform also has unique Online services + Offline consultation The ability of , The national 20 Professional insurance service consultants in provinces and cities have 4 More than ten thousand .

This time, we will provide services for you 50 A consultant , But also Insufficient 1% Selected by the passing rate of .


this 50 Free places , I'm fighting for it especially for you , It is suggested that everyone take this opportunity to make a consultation .

When you need money when you are sick like a mountain , It's too late to regret again .( Long press the QR code below to receive exclusive benefits , You can also click “ Read the original ” To sign up .)

Programmer Xiaohui

Recommended for the third time , Pre limitation 50 Free places

Hands slow ! Registration is as follows


( Long press the QR code to get , front 50 Names are free

Or click on “ Read the original ”, Sign up now


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