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Is private equity legal in China? Is it safe?

2022-07-07 20:53:00 Koufu Q & A

Is private equity legal in China ? Is it safe? ?

Take the answer 1:
Hello 、 Private equity funds are legal in China   , Private equity funds are funds raised privately or directly from specific groups . The corresponding public fund is the fund publicly raised from the public . What people usually call a fund is mainly a mutual fund , Securities investment funds .

At present, China adopts the record system management mode for private equity funds . Private equity funds must record fund management companies and issued products .

You can check the filing of private equity funds on the website of the Fund Industry Association . See whether there is a formal custody institution for the products issued by the institution .

however , The number of private institutions is huge , Registration and issuance are legal and compliant, and it does not guarantee the operation level of private equity funds . Investors need to pay special attention to performance and management ability .

Summing up , Pass the national audit 、 The legal compliance of private equity funds under supervision is not a problem , I believe many people have confused a concept , That is, the difference between legal compliance and risk . in other words , Even if it is legal and compliant , But the risk of investing in private equity funds is very high , The editor also reminds netizens , Investment is risky 、 Be careful , Be cautious before investing , If there is something indecisive , You can consult a professional lawyer .

The above answer is my professional analysis , I hope I can help you , If you have any questions , Please click on the top right corner to contact me for free consultation !


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