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Open source OA development platform: contract management user manual

2022-07-07 21:33:00 O2OA

  brief introduction

Open source OA Development platform ——O2OA The platform can build a contract management platform , The content includes file management 、 Process management 、 Collection management 、 Payment management 、 Files of contracting parties 、 Contract management configuration, etc . You can file the contract 、 Manage collection and payment plans , And the management of the contracting parties .


Function introduction

1、 It can be done by Excel Import the signatory files in batch 、 Contract file .

2、 Create contract files through process approval .

3、 Make collection plans for different types of contracts 、 Payment plan .

4、 Make payment and collection according to the established plan .

5、 After collection and payment, the corresponding Invoicing requisition and bill receipt record are also corresponding

6、 After the contract expires, the system automatically sends an instance of the status change process to the contract handler


Overview of use

Contract management platform , The content includes file management 、 Process management 、 Collection management 、 Payment management 、 Files of contracting parties 、 Contract management configuration, etc .


Operation instructions

File management

File management includes initiating the contract approval process 、 Contract file 、 Supplementary entry of contract 、 Contract file import function .


Initiate the contract approval process : Initiate a contract approval process instance , After the process flow is completed, a contract file is generated .

Contract file : You can select a contract according to the contract type , Initiate payment plan or collection plan 、 Information changes 、 State change, etc .

Supplementary entry of contract : Approval is not required , Directly initiate and generate a contract file .

Import contract file : The administrator has permission to pass excel Batch import contract files .

Process management

Information changes : Initiate a process instance to change the contract file information .

Change of state : Initiate a process instance to change the status of the contract file .

Collection management

Preparation of collection plan : Prepare a collection plan for a file whose contract type is a collection contract , Then synchronize to the contract file .

Change of collection plan : For contracts that have been prepared with collection plans , Change the collection plan .

Contract collection : Contract collection for collection plan .

Billing application : Apply for invoicing for the contract that has been collected .

Payment management

Payment plan preparation : Prepare payment plans for files whose contract type is payment contract , Then synchronize to the contract file .

Payment plan changes : For contracts that have been prepared with payment plans , Change the payment plan .

Contract payment : Make contract payment for payment plan .

Ticket records : Record the bill receipt of the contract that has been collected .

Contracting party management


Files of contracting parties : The administrator has the right to record all the information of the contracting parties .

Import contracting party files : The administrator has permission to pass excel Import the signatory information in batch .

Contract management configuration

Administrators configure contract management , For example, the type configuration of the contracting party 、 Configuration of contract management and contract administrator .


Change of state : The contract file has the filing date , Before the end of the filing date , The system will automatically initiate a process instance of contract status change to the contract handler .

