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Mlperf training v2.0 list released, with the same GPU configuration, the performance of Baidu PaddlePaddle ranks first in the world

2022-07-05 07:49:00 Paddlepaddle

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MLPerf Training v2.0 The list is released , In the same way GPU The performance of Baidu PaddlePaddle under configuration is the first in the world

stay 6 month 30 The latest MLPerf Training v2.0 In the list , Baidu uses Flying propeller frame (PaddlePaddle) And Baidu AI Cloud Baige computing platform BERT Large Model GPU Training performance results , In the same way GPU Ranked first in all submission results under the configuration , It has surpassed highly customized optimization and has been in the leading position in the list for a long time NGC PyTorch frame , It shows the world Flying propeller Performance advantages of the framework .


chart 1 MLPerf Training v2.0 BERT Top five training results of model effectiveness

chart 1 It shows MLPerf Training v2.0 BERT Model in 8 card NVIDIA GPU A100(400W Power waste ,80G memory ) The training performance results of the top five , Baidu Flying propeller The proposal is faster than other submission results 5%-11% Unequal .

“ World first ” The black technology behind it

Flying propeller stay BERT Model 8 card GPU Training has created the world's best training performance , It comes from Flying propeller The basic performance of the framework and the leadership of Distributed Technology , as well as Flying propeller And NVIDIA GPU Deep collaborative optimization .

For deep learning model training tasks , From data reading to model calculation , From the bottom operator to the upper distributed strategy , From multi device load balancing to whole process scheduling mechanism , Will affect the final training performance . Flying propeller Based on leading architecture design and long-term practice , Systematic optimization work has been made in high-performance training , Mainly reflected in the following aspects :

Load balancing of data reading and model training

Aiming at the problem of load imbalance that often occurs in distributed training , Train the model and read the data 、 Pretreatment is allocated to different devices , Ensure that heterogeneous computing power makes the best use of everything , Implementation data IO And the balance of calculation .

Calculation acceleration of variable length sequence input model

For variable length sequence input models, most of them adopt padding The problem of redundant computation caused by filling alignment , Provide efficient support for variable length input and corresponding model structure , Give Way GPU Computing resources focus on efficient computing , Especially for Transformer The calculation efficiency of class model is significantly improved .

High performance operator library and fusion Optimization Technology

For the ultimate demand of framework foundation performance optimization , Developed a high-performance operator Library PHI, Fully optimize GPU Kernel Implementation , Improve the parallelism of the internal calculation of the operator , And through operator fusion to reduce the imitation memory overhead , Develop GPU The ultimate performance of .

High speedup hybrid parallel training strategy

For traditional data parallel performance 、 The bottleneck of video memory is limited , It realizes the parallel of fused data 、 Model parallel 、 A hybrid parallel distributed training strategy of grouping parameter slicing parallel strategy , Distributed training performance with Superlinear acceleration can be achieved in some scenarios .

Asynchronous scheduling of the whole process

The synchronization frequency of each link in the model training process is high 、 Low degree of time overlap , Design Asynchronous scheduling mechanism , Most of the synchronization operations are removed while ensuring the convergence of the model , Data processing 、 Training and collective communication are almost asynchronous scheduling , Improve end-to-end performance .

Help big model Technological innovation and industrial landing

Baidu has always attached importance to the technological research and development of large models , And is committed to promoting the industrial landing of large models . Large model training requires deep learning framework to provide strong support in high-performance distributed training .

Flying propeller Distributed training starts from industrial practice , Continuously strengthen the leading edge , Successively released the industry's first general heterogeneous parameter server architecture 、4D Hybrid parallel training strategy 、 Many bright technologies such as end-to-end adaptive distributed training architecture , And fully Polish according to different model structures and sparse and dense characteristics , Supportable including computer vision 、 natural language processing 、 Personalized recommendation 、 Different algorithms in a wide range of fields, including scientific computing, achieve high-performance training on heterogeneous hardware , Effectively help the rapid iteration of large model technology innovation exploration .

Flying propeller Leading distributed technology and high-performance training features , Supported based on Flying propeller The software and hardware solutions of are MLPerf Continue to achieve excellent performance on , It supports the release of many industry-leading Wenxin large models , For example, the world's first knowledge enhancement model of 100 billion “ Pengcheng - Baidu · Literary heart ”, Knowledge enhanced power industry NLP Big model “ State Grid - Baidu · Literary heart ”, Knowledge enhanced financial industry NLP Big model “ PUFA - Baidu · Literary heart ”, And domestic hardware clusters AlphaFold2 Ten million level protein structure analysis model .


Flying propeller stay MLPerf Training v2.0 Got BERT Model training performance is the world's first eye-catching achievement . It's not just because Flying propeller The long-term efforts of the framework in the field of performance optimization , It cannot be separated from the help of hardware ecology . In recent years , Flying propeller Our technical strength is deeply recognized by the majority of hardware manufacturers , Cooperation is getting closer , Integrated software and hardware for coordinated development , Ecological co creation is fruitful . Not long ago (5 month 26 Japan ),NVIDIA And Flying propeller Co launched NGC-Paddle The official launch . At the same time MLPerf In the list ,Graphcore Also by using Flying propeller The framework has achieved excellent results . future , Flying propeller Will continue to build performance advantages , Continuous technological innovation in software and hardware collaborative performance optimization and large-scale distributed training , For the majority of users to provide more convenient 、 Easy to use 、 Deep learning framework with excellent performance .

MLPerf Introduce

MLPerf By AI Benchmark in the field of artificial intelligence initiated by world-renowned academic researchers and industry experts .MLPerf It aims to provide a fair 、 A practical benchmark platform , Show industry-leading AI The best performance of software and hardware system , The test results have been obtained AI General recognition in the field . Almost all mainstream hardware manufacturers and software service providers in the world will refer to MLPerf Build your own benchmark system based on the published results , To test the new AI Accelerating chip and deep learning framework in MLPerf Performance on the model .

Live broadcast announcement

7 month 6 Japan ( Wednesday )20:00, Flying propeller Chief architect Yu dianhai and Flying propeller Zeng Jinle, a senior R & D Engineer, will broadcast live , Uncover secrets for everyone GPU Under configuration , Baidu Flying propeller performance 「 World first 」 The key technology behind it .

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