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Altium designer 19.1.18 - Import frame

2022-07-05 07:45:00 What a miserable bald man

Import board frame

Prepared in advance DWG file ( It can also be DXF file ):

 Insert picture description here

stay AD in , Create a new one PCB file :

 Insert picture description here

next , Menu selection file > Import > DXF/DWG

 Insert picture description here

Select the board and frame file to import :

 Insert picture description here

stay from AutoCAD Import In the dialog box , Set up :

  1. The proportion
  2. Default lineweight
  3. Layers to be imported

 Insert picture description here

After completing the above settings , Click on determine Button , You can import the board frame :

 Insert picture description here

Um. , Because I put some non board and frame objects ( For example, positioning 、 Prohibit layout and so on ) Also on the Mechanical 1 layer , So we need to change these objects to other layers , After the modification is completed , The board and frame I want are as follows :

 Insert picture description here

next , Select all the board and frame objects , Then choose the menu Design > The shape of the board > According to the definition of the selected object Modify the shape of the board :

 Insert picture description here

You can get the shape of the board according to the definition of the selected object :

 Insert picture description here

Reference resources

AD How to import a board and frame file


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