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[MySQL] database knowledge record

2022-07-05 07:30:00 MatchaApril

data type

see :https://www.runoob.com/mysql/mysql-data-types.html

Create a table of sql sentence

create table option_table
    id          bigint auto_increment comment 'id',
    q_id        bigint  not null comment ' Subject id',
    option_des VARCHAR(5000)  not null comment ' Option to describe ( The radio 、 multi-select 、 Judge -> Option to describe ; Fill in the blanks 、 Calculation -> answer )',
    is_true tinyint  comment ' Is this option correct ( The radio 、 multi-select 、 Judge ->0/1; Fill in the blanks 、 Calculation -> empty )',
    order   tinyint  comment ' The order of the options (1、2、3、4、5...)',
    create_time datetime not null default current_timestamp comment ' Creation time ',
    update_time datetime not null default current_timestamp on update current_timestamp comment ' Update time ',
    create_user VARCHAR(100)   not null comment ' founder ',
    update_user VARCHAR(100)   not null comment ' Updated by ',
    is_delete   tinyint  not null default 0 comment ' Is it deleted  0: Not delete ;1: Be deleted ',
    constraint option_table_pk
        primary key (id)
) comment ' List of options ';
