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Word import literature -mendeley

2022-07-05 07:14:00 RS&Hydrology

Record utilization mendeley stay word The process of importing literature .

1. Installing a plug-in
close word file , stay mendeley Install in software word plug-in unit :Tools –>Install Ms Word Plugin.
 Insert picture description here
2. Citation steps
(1) First, import the literature into mendeley Software ;
(2) stay word Where references need to be inserted , In turn, click Insert Citation->Go To Mendeley->Cite;
(3) Insert the specific contents of the literature : Move the mouse focus to the position where the document details are inserted at the end of the text , And then in Word Of Mendeley In the toolbar , choice Insert Bibliography You can insert the details of the literature .

3. Import literature mendeley Methods

  • Only reference information is generated , There is no reference itself ( Simply want to cite literature )
    (1) download ris or bib file
     Insert picture description here
    (2) open mendeley Software :Import
     Insert picture description here
    (3) This method will only import references , open word, Follow the above method to import .
  • There is no need to import references , There is no need to import reference information , Only need to use Mendeley Query the reference information according to the title of the reference
    Use Mendeley Built in literature search :Literature Search
    stay Mendeley The easiest way to add citations in is to use the built-in literature search to search journal articles . But there's one thing to note , Unless it is Mendeley Premium edition , Otherwise, the full text of the article to be searched cannot be provided by using the built-in literature search .
    The solution can't be found Literature Search The problem of :https://www.researchgate.net/post/Mendeley_Update_v1198_removed_the_Literature_Search_option_from_the_UI
    (1) reinstall Mendeley( edition 1.19.6)
    v.1.19.8 Version without Literature Search, Need to reinstall the software .
    v.1.19.6 download :https://www.mendeley.com/autoupdates/installers/1.19.6
     Insert picture description here
    First , open Mendelay Standalone And click on the left Literature Search, Enter the keyword you are searching for and select the article you want to save . Click on the right side of the article Save Reference, Citation information will be saved to Mendeley library .

The storage location of literature quotation information :
 Insert picture description here

4. Quote several documents at the same time
(1) First put the quoted article in mendeley In software ;
(2) Quote according to the above method , Just when quoting articles , Select multiple articles .

5. Add citation manually
Sometimes you need to insert citations manually :
(1) single click Add Entry Manually;
(2) Fill in the relevant details and save the entry ;
 Insert picture description here

Reference material :
use Mendeley stay Word Insert references :https://blog.csdn.net/golden1314521/article/details/50216289

Mendeley Operation guide :https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/99491256

Mendeley Of Literature Search The loss of :https://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-1109904-1285328.html

Mendeley Introduction to the use of document management software :https://www.cnblogs.com/Jspo/p/8328115.html

