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Chapter 2: try to implement a simple bean container

2022-07-05 07:13:00 Bubble ^ bubble

The goal is

Spring Bean What is the container ?

Spring Contains and manages the configuration and life cycle of application objects , In this sense, it's a container for hosting objects , You can configure each of your Bean How are objects created , these Bean You can create a single instance or generate a new instance every time you need it , And how they are built and used in relation to each other .

If one Bean Object to Spring Container management , So this Bean Objects should be disassembled and stored in a similar way to parts Bean The definition of , This is equivalent to an operation to decouple objects , Can be Spring Easier to manage , It's like dealing with circular dependencies .

When one Bean After the object is defined and stored , Again by Spring Assemble in a unified way , This process includes Bean The initialization 、 Attribute filling, etc , In the end, we can use one completely Bean The instantiated object .

And our goal in this chapter is to define a simple Spring Containers , Used for definition 、 Storage and access Bean object .


Any specific data structure that can store data is realized , You can call it a container . for example :ArrayList、LinkedList、HashSet etc. , But in Spring Bean In the container scenario , We need a data structure that can be used to store and index names , So choose HashMap It's the most appropriate .

Here is a brief introduction HashMap,HashMap It's based on the perturbation function 、 Load factor 、 Red black tree conversion and other technical content , The zipper addressing data structure formed , It can make the data more hash distributed in the hash bucket and the linked list and red black tree formed during collision . Its data structure will maximize the complexity of the whole data reading O(1) ~ O(Logn) ~O(n) Between , Of course, in extreme cases there will be O(n) Linked list to find more data . But we went through 10 Re addressing verification test of disturbance function for 10000 data , The data will be hashed evenly on each hash bucket index , therefore HashMap Very suitable for Spring Bean On the container implementation of .

Another simple one Spring Bean Container implementation , still need sth. Bean The definition of 、 register 、 Get three basic steps , The simplified design is as follows ;
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  • Definition :BeanDefinition, Maybe you're looking up Spring A class often seen in source code , For example, it would include singleton、prototype、BeanClassName etc. . But at present, our initial implementation will be more simple , Define only one Object Types are used to hold objects .
  • register : This process is equivalent to storing data in HashMap in , Just now HashMap What's stored is defined Bean Object information of .
  • obtain : Finally, get the object ,Bean The name of is key,Spring The container is initialized Bean in the future , You can get it directly .


Engineering structure  Insert picture description here

Class diagram relation
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Spring Bean The whole implementation of the container is very simple , It just includes a simple BeanFactory and BeanDefinition, The class name here is associated with Spring Consistent in the source code , It's just that the current class implementation will be relatively simpler , In the follow-up implementation process and constantly add content .

  1. BeanDefinition, Used for definition Bean Instantiation information , Now the realization is based on a Object Storage objects
  2. BeanFactory, On behalf of Bean Object's factory , It can store Bean Define the Map And get .

Bean Definition

package com;

public class BeanDefinition {
    private Object bean;

    public BeanDefinition(Object bean) {
        this.bean = bean;

    public Object getBean() {
        return bean;
  • current Bean In the definition , only one Object To hold Bean object . If you are interested, please refer to Spring Information about this class in the source code , The names are all the same .
  • However, it will be gradually improved in the subsequent implementation BeanDefinition Fill in related properties , for example :SCOPE_SINGLETON、SCOPE_PROTOTYPE、ROLE_APPLICATION、ROLE_SUPPORT、ROLE_INFRASTRUCTURE as well as Bean Class Information .

Bean factory

package com;

import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;

public class BeanFactory {
    /** * Bean Containers  */
    private Map<String,BeanDefinition> beanDefinitionMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(256);

    /** *  obtain Bean * @param name * @return */
    public Object getBean(String name){
        return beanDefinitionMap.get(name).getBean();

    /** *  register Bean * @param name * @param beanDefinition */
    public void registerBeanDefinition(String name,BeanDefinition beanDefinition){
  • stay Bean In the realization of the factory , It includes Bean Registration of , It's registered here Bean The definition information of . Also included in this class is getting Bean The operation of .
  • current BeanFactory Still a very simplified implementation , But this simplified implementation is also the whole Spring In the container about Bean The final result of use , But the implementation process only shows the basic core principles . In the subsequent supplementary implementation , This is going to get bigger and bigger .


package com;

public class UserService {
    public void queryUserInfo(){
        System.out.println(" Query user information ");
package com;

import org.junit.Test;

public class UTest
    public void test_BeanFactory() {
         //1. initialization  BeanFactory
         BeanFactory beanFactory = new BeanFactory();
         //2. Registration  Bean
         BeanDefinition beanDefinition = new BeanDefinition(new UserService());
         //3. obtain  Bean
         UserService userService = (UserService)beanFactory.getBean("userService");

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