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[software testing] 06 -- basic process of software testing

2022-07-05 07:05:00 Derived planet

The basic flow of software testing

   1. Software testing process

    Different types of software products are tested in different ways and with different emphasis , The testing process will be different . The same type of software product , Different companies have different testing procedures . Although the detailed test steps of different software are different , But the basic testing process they follow is the same : Analyze test requirements → Make a test plan → Design test cases → Perform the test → Write test report . The following is a brief introduction to the basic process of software testing .

   (1) Analyze test requirements

    Testers need to analyze software requirements before making test plans , In order to have a clear understanding of the software products to be developed , So as to clarify the test object, the scope and focus of the test work . Some test data can also be obtained when analyzing requirements , As the basic basis of test plan , Lay a good foundation for subsequent tests .

    Testing requirements analysis is actually testing software requirements , Testers can find unreasonable places in software requirements , If the requirement description is complete 、 Accurate and unambiguous , Whether the demand priority arrangement is reasonable . Testers usually make a software requirements specification checklist according to the software development requirements document , Analyze and verify the software requirements according to each inspection item , As shown in the table .

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    The table lists what checks need to be made on software requirements , The tester checks and judges one by one according to the inspection items , If the requirements are met, choose “ yes ”, If the requirements are not met, choose “ no ”, If a check item is not applicable, select “NA”. This table is just a general software requirements specification checklist , In the actual test , Appropriate increase or decrease or modification shall be made according to the specific test items .

    Pay attention when analyzing test requirements , The identified test requirements must be verifiable , Test requirements must have an observable 、 Measurable results . Requirements that cannot be verified are not test requirements . Test requirements analysis also needs to communicate with customers , To clarify some confusion , Ensure that testers and customers reach a consensus on the project as soon as possible .

   (2) Make a test plan

    Testing runs through the whole software development life cycle , It is a huge and complex work , It is necessary to formulate a complete and detailed test plan as a guide . The test plan is the navigation chart of the whole test work , But it is not immutable , As the project progresses or needs change , Test plans are constantly changing , Therefore, the formulation of the test plan is constantly adjusted with the development of the project 、 The process of gradual improvement .

    The following work arrangements shall be made for the test plan .

   ① Determine test scope : Identify which objects need to be tested , Which objects are not to be tested .

   ② Develop test strategy : Test strategy is the most important part of test plan , It prioritizes the content to be tested , And determine the test focus . According to the characteristics and test types of test modules ( Such as function test 、 Performance testing ) Select test environment and test method ( Such as manual test 、 automated testing ).

   ③ Schedule test resources : By measuring the difficulty of the test 、 Time 、 The workload and other factors make reasonable arrangements for the testing resources , Including personnel allocation 、 Tool configuration, etc .

   ④ Schedule the test : According to the software development plan 、 Schedule the testing work according to the overall product plan , At the same time, we should also consider the changes of each part of the work . When scheduling work , It is better to reserve a buffer time between various test work to deal with plan changes .

   ⑤ Estimate the test risk : List the uncertainties that may occur during the test work , And formulate countermeasures .

   (3) Design test cases

    The test case (Test Case) It refers to a detailed test plan , Including test environment 、 testing procedure 、 Test data and expected results . Different companies have different test case templates , Although they are different in style and style , But it's essentially the same , Both include the basic elements of test cases . The principle of test case writing is to achieve the maximum test coverage with the least test cases as far as possible . The common design methods of test cases include equivalence class division method 、 Boundary value analysis 、 Causality diagram and decision table method 、 Orthogonal experimental design method 、 Logical covering method, etc , These design methods will be explained in later chapters .

   (4) Perform the test

    Test execution is the process of testing according to test cases , This is the main activity stage of testers . The test shall be executed according to the priority of test cases . The test execution process seems simple , Just complete the test according to the test case , But this is not the case . The number of test cases is very large , Testers need to complete the execution of all test cases , Every test case may find many defects , The tester shall make test records and tracking , Measure the quality of defects and prepare defect reports .

    When the submitted defect is modified by the developer , Testers need to do regression testing . If the system has defect immunity to the test case , Testers need to write new test cases . In unit testing 、 Integration testing 、 The system test 、 Functional tests should be carried out at all stages of the acceptance test 、 Performance test, etc , This workload is undoubtedly huge . besides , Testers also need documentation , Such as user manual 、 Installation manual 、 Use instructions, etc. to test . So don't simply think that performing tests means completing tasks step by step , It can be said that this stage is the most important work stage for testers .

   (5) Write test report

    A test report is a summary of a test activity , Summarize the project testing process , Make statistics on the test data , Objectively evaluate the test quality of the project . Although the test report templates of different companies are different , But the key points of the test report are the same , Generally, the software is briefly introduced first , Then explain that this report is a summary of the testing process of the product , Evaluate the test quality .

    A complete test report must contain the following points .

    introduction : Describe the purpose of the test report 、 Explanation of professional terms and references in the report .·

    Test summary : Introduce the background of the project 、 Test time 、 Information such as test location and tester .·

    Test content and implementation : Describe the version of this test module 、 Test type , The test case design method used and the test pass coverage , Provide the evaluation conclusion of the test execution process according to the passing of the test , And give suggestions for improvement of test execution activities , It can be used as a reference for subsequent test implementation activities .

    Defect statistics and analysis : Count the number of defects found in this test 、 Type, etc , Analyze the causes of defects , Give suggestions such as avoidance measures , At the same time, residual defects and unresolved problems shall be recorded .

    Test conclusion and suggestion : From demand compliance 、 Functional correctness 、 The overall evaluation of version quality is carried out from multiple dimensions such as performance indicators , Give specific and clear conclusions .

    The data in the test report is true , Every conclusion must have an evaluation basis , It can't be subjective .

   2. Test entry and exit

    Test admission and exit refers to the circumstances under which the current version of the test can be started , Under what circumstances can you end the testing of the current version . Different items 、 The test entry and exit criteria of different companies will be different . Here are some general test entry and exit criteria .

    The test access criteria are as follows .

   (1) End of development coding , The developer has carried out unit testing in the development environment , That is, developers complete self-test .

   (2) The functions specified in the software requirements have been realized . If not fully implemented , Developers provide test scope .

   (3) The test project passed the basic smoke test , The functions on the interface have been realized , Functions in accordance with design regulations .

   (4) The code of the tested project complies with the software coding specification and has passed the review .

   (5) The developer submitted the test application and provided the corresponding documentation .

    The test exit criteria are as follows .

   (1) Test items meet customer needs .

   (2) All test cases have been reviewed and successfully executed .

   (3) The test coverage has reached the requirements .

   (4) All defects found are recorded in the defect management system .

   (5) One 、 The second level error repair rate reaches 100%.

   (6) 3、 ... and 、 The error repair rate has reached level 4 95%.

   (7) There are solutions to all remaining problems .

   (8) Test the function of the project 、 performance 、 Safety and other requirements are met .

   (9) Complete the system test summary report .

    Sometimes , Some unexpected situations may occur during the test, resulting in the suspension of the test work , This pause is not the end of the test mentioned above , It's not normal . The situations that need to be suspended during the test include the following: .

   (1) The tester found major defects during smoke test , The test cannot be carried out normally , Need to pause and return to development .

   (2) The tester found that Bug Too much , You can apply to suspend the test , Return to development .

   (3) The test project needs to be updated and adjusted , The test work shall also be suspended accordingly .

   (4) If the tester has other higher priority tasks , You can apply to suspend the test .


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