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Ros2 topic (VIII)
2022-07-05 06:50:00 【Me and nano】
ROS2 Robot operating system
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Nodes realize various functions of robots , But these functions are not independent , There will be countless connections , One of the most important contact methods is topic , It is a bridge for transferring data between nodes .
One 、topic topic of conversation
1. Communication model
Take two robot nodes as an example .A The function of the node is to drive the hardware device of the camera , Get the image information taken by the camera ,B The function of the node is video surveillance , Display the image captured by the camera to the user in real time . At this point, the slave node A To the node B The way of transferring image data , stay ROS in , We call it topic , It serves as a bridge , It realizes the data transmission in a certain direction between nodes .
2. Publish and subscribe model
From the perspective of the implementation of the topic itself , Based on DDS Release / Subscription model , What is publish and subscribe ?
The characteristic of topic data transmission is from one node to another , The object that sends data is called the publisher , The object receiving data is called a subscriber , Every topic needs a name , The transmitted data also needs to have a fixed data type .
How to put it? , The relationship between publish and subscribe is similar to , I created a publisher , I posted the news , I don't care what you subscribe to , Anyway, I sent the message to a channel , You can check my news after subscribing to the change , It can also be subscribed by many individuals . Of course, you can't see it without a subscription
3. Many to many communication
Think about these things you can subscribe to , Is it not the only , Each of us can subscribe to many official account 、 newspaper 、 The magazine , These official account numbers 、 newspaper 、 Magazines can also be subscribed by many people , you 're right ,ROS The same is true of the topic in , The number of publishers and subscribers is not unique , It can be called a many to many communication model .
Because the topic is a many to many model , The rocker that issues the control command can have a , There can be 2 individual 、3 individual , Robots that subscribe to control commands can have 1 individual , There can be 2 individual 、3 individual , You can imagine this picture , It seems to be quite magical , If there are multiple nodes that send instructions , It is suggested that you should pay attention to prioritization , Otherwise, the robot may not know who to listen to .
4. asynchronous communication
Topic communication has another feature , That's asynchronous , This word may be heard for the first time by some students ? Asynchronous , As long as it refers to the data sent by the publisher , I don't know when subscribers will receive , This is called asynchrony .
The asynchronous feature also makes the topic more suitable for some periodically published data , Such as sensor data , Motion control instructions, etc , If some instructions with strong logic , For example, modify a parameter , Topic transmission is not appropriate .
5. Message structure
Last , Since it is data transmission , Publishers and subscribers have to unify the description format of data , You can't speak English alone , One is understood as Chinese . stay ROS in , The description format of topic communication data is called message , Corresponding to the concept of data structure in programming language . For example, here is an image data , It will contain the length and width pixel values of the image 、 Per pixel RGB wait , stay ROS There are standard definitions in .
The news is ROS An interface definition method in , It's not about programming languages , We can also pass .msg The suffix file defines itself , With such an interface , Various nodes are like building blocks , Splice through various interfaces , Make up a complex robot system .
Two 、 Topic examples
1.Hello World Topic communication
Start the first terminal , Run the publisher node of the topic :
ros2 run learning_topic topic_helloworld_pub
Start the second terminal , The subscriber node that runs the topic :
ros2 run learning_topic topic_helloworld_sub
Publisher code parsing
import rclpy # ROS2 Python Interface library
from rclpy.node import Node # ROS2 Node class
from std_msgs.msg import String # ** String message type **
Create a publisher node
class PublisherNode(Node):
def __init__(self, name):
super().__init__(name) # ROS2 Node parent class initialization
self.pub = self.create_publisher(String, "chatter", 10) # ** Create publisher object ( Message type 、 Topic name 、 The queue length )**
self.timer = self.create_timer(0.5, self.timer_callback) # Create a timer ( Period in seconds , Callback function executed regularly )
def timer_callback(self): # Create a callback function for timer cycle execution
msg = String() # ** Create a String Message object of type **
msg.data = 'Hello World' # ** Fill in the message data in the message object **
self.pub.publish(msg) # Post topic news
self.get_logger().info('Publishing: "%s"' % msg.data) # Output log information , Prompt that the topic release has been completed
def main(args=None): # ROS2 Node main entrance main function
rclpy.init(args=args) # ROS2 Python Interface initialization
node = PublisherNode("topic_helloworld_pub") # establish ROS2 Node object and initialize
rclpy.spin(node) # Loop waiting for ROS2 sign out
node.destroy_node() # Destroy the node object
rclpy.shutdown() # close ROS2 Python Interface
After writing the code, you need to set the compilation options of the function package , Let the system know Python Program entry , To open a feature pack setup.py file , Add the following entry point configuration :
'console_scripts': [
'topic_helloworld_pub = learning_topic.topic_helloworld_pub:main',
Process summary
Analyze the above procedures , If we want to implement a publisher , The process is as follows :
Programming interface initialization
Create nodes and initialize
Create publisher object
Create and populate topic messages
Post topic news
Destroy the node and close the interface
Subscriber code parsing
import rclpy # ROS2 Python Interface library
from rclpy.node import Node # ROS2 Node class
from std_msgs.msg import String # ROS2 Standard definition of String news
Create a subscriber node
class SubscriberNode(Node):
def __init__(self, name):
super().__init__(name) # ROS2 Node parent class initialization
self.sub = self.create_subscription(\
String, "chatter", self.listener_callback, 10) # Create subscriber object ( Message type 、 Topic name 、 Subscriber callback function 、 The queue length )
def listener_callback(self, msg): # Create callback function , Execute the data processing after receiving the topic message
self.get_logger().info('I heard: "%s"' % msg.data) # Output log information , Prompt to subscribe to the received topic messages
def main(args=None): # ROS2 Node main entrance main function
rclpy.init(args=args) # ROS2 Python Interface initialization
node = SubscriberNode("topic_helloworld_sub") # establish ROS2 Node object and initialize
rclpy.spin(node) # Loop waiting for ROS2 sign out
node.destroy_node() # Destroy the node object
rclpy.shutdown() # close ROS2 Python Interface
After writing the code, you need to set the compilation options of the function package , Let the system know Python Program entry , To open a feature pack setup.py file , Add the following entry point configuration :
'console_scripts': [
'topic_helloworld_pub = learning_topic.topic_helloworld_pub:main',
'topic_helloworld_sub = learning_topic.topic_helloworld_sub:main',
Process summary
Analyze the above procedures , If we want to implement a subscriber , The process is as follows :
Programming interface initialization
Create nodes and initialize
Create subscriber object
Callback function handles topic data
Destroy the node and close the interface
It can also be explained by machine vision , I'm just going to go over it here , You can watch the video of Gu Yue .
2. Topic command line operation
ros2 topic list # Check the list of topics
ros2 topic info <topic_name> # View topic information
ros2 topic hz <topic_name> # Check the frequency of topic Publishing
ros2 topic bw <topic_name> # Check the topic transmission bandwidth
ros2 topic echo <topic_name> # View topic data
ros2 topic pub <topic_name> <msg_type> <msg_data> # Post topic news
The characteristic of topic communication is one-way transmission 、 asynchronous communication , Suitable for periodic data transmission , For a complex robot system , This feature certainly cannot meet all the needs of data transmission .
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