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The problem of Chinese garbled code in the vscode output box can be solved once for life

2022-07-05 06:37:00 Qingyun on the moon

VSCode Chinese garbled code in output box


Changed a computer and installed vscode, When compiling, the Chinese output is garbled ????
The first thing to know is : The compiler needs to get the correct binary code , So you must know the encoding format .
compiler gcc By default UTF8 code , So use MinGW Chinese wide characters in the compiled source file must be saved as UTF-8 code .
Find tutorial emmm Inexplicably found are those who say that there is garbled code in the code itself ( That's funny ).

Solution modification

1. Need a more local format

Search area (w8/w10 Be the same in essentials while differing in minor points )
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Check Then the computer automatically restarts

Last result

Display has changed

 Insert picture description here
vscode The display is normal
 Insert picture description here


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