当前位置:网站首页>confidential! Netease employee data analysis internal training course, white whoring! (attach a data package worth 399 yuan)

confidential! Netease employee data analysis internal training course, white whoring! (attach a data package worth 399 yuan)

2022-07-05 06:24:00 Python waiter

It's hard to work every day , Can only work overtime until the evening 8 It's already secretly happy , One day's work 12 An hour is a common thing ... Why is it so hard I still can't get a promotion and a raise !a8b1a845197c9f2b6bc341c07bc73ff0.png

  • You analyze the data 3 Hours , Colleagues reached a conclusion in half an hour , Who will you give a raise if you are the boss ?

  • You make a PPT, The data display is a mess , Colleagues use a simple and clear visual chart to solve , Who will you give a raise if you are the boss ?

  • After you analyze the data, the conclusion can only stay in the document , Colleagues immediately combined with data to promote business optimization , Who will you give a raise if you are the boss ?

The fact proved that , Inefficient overtime can only make you physically and mentally exhausted , Improve the ability of data analysis , Only by working efficiently can you get a promotion and a raise !


  Data analysis , Help everyone Get Efficient work , Magic weapon for rapid promotion ! 

Netease special invitation “ Former Shanda game strategy director 、 Tencent game business intelligence center Leader” Lead everyone to learn , Can be effectively applied to daily work 、 High quality 、 High level of data analysis thinking !【 Netease data analysis efficient training camp 】3 The day course solves the biggest problem of your career !


   Time limit 0 element , limited 30 people !



/ Sweep first, get first Double the efficiency /

① Experts collect data and analysis materials for free



   Time limit 0 element , limited 30 people !



/ Sweep first, get first Double the efficiency /

② All walks of life are suitable for listening


③1v1 The effect of intimate guidance and learning is guaranteed

Training camp mode :3 Days of accompanying teaching , The learning effect can be seen

A famous teacher in a big factory : Netease professional data team leads learning

Exclusive community : The assistant teacher follows up and answers questions ,1V1 Develop a learning plan

Use it when you have finished learning : Analysis of interview questions of first-line large factories ,4 A real-world combat project

Heavy thinking and weak tools :8 Big data analysis thinking ,5 Big data analysis model ,6 Big strategy analysis model


   Time limit 0 element , limited 30 people !



/ Sweep first, get first Double the efficiency /

④0 The method of meta learning is also very useful



   Time limit 0 element , limited 30 people !



/ Sweep first, get first Double the efficiency /


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