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MySQL advanced part 2: SQL optimization

2022-07-05 06:13:00 Dawnlighttt

Mass insert data

Environmental preparation :

CREATE TABLE `tb_user_2` (
  `username` varchar(45) NOT NULL,
  `password` varchar(96) NOT NULL,
  `name` varchar(45) NOT NULL,
  `birthday` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
  `sex` char(1) DEFAULT NULL,
  `email` varchar(45) DEFAULT NULL,
  `phone` varchar(45) DEFAULT NULL,
  `qq` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL,
  `status` varchar(32) NOT NULL COMMENT ' User state ',
  `create_time` datetime NOT NULL,
  `update_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  UNIQUE KEY `unique_user_username` (`username`)  --  Uniqueness constraint 

When using load When the command imports data , Appropriate settings can improve the efficiency of import .

 Insert picture description here

about InnoDB Type of watch , There are several ways to improve the efficiency of import :

1) Insert primary key in order

because InnoDB Tables of type are saved in the order of primary keys , So the imported data is arranged in the order of primary key , It can effectively improve the efficiency of importing data . If InnoDB Table has no primary key , Then the system will automatically create an internal column as the primary key by default , So if you can create a primary key for a table , Will be able to take advantage of this , To improve the efficiency of importing data .

 Script file Introduction  :
	sql1.log  ---->  The primary key is ordered 
	sql2.log  ---->  The primary key is out of order 

Insert ID Order the data :

 Insert picture description here

Insert ID Sort the data out of order :

 Insert picture description here

Notice that :【LOAD DATA Syntax upload data 】

See... For the specific solution Last 【Mysql note ERROR】

2) Turn off uniqueness check

Execute... Before importing data SET UNIQUE_CHECKS=0, Turn off uniqueness check , Execute... After import SET UNIQUE_CHECKS=1, Restore uniqueness check , Can improve the efficiency of import .

 Insert picture description here

3) Commit transactions manually

If the app uses auto submit , It is recommended to execute before importing SET AUTOCOMMIT=0, Turn off auto submit , After the import, execute SET AUTOCOMMIT=1, Turn on auto submit , It can also improve the efficiency of import .

 Insert picture description here

Optimize insert sentence

When it comes to data insert During operation , The following optimization schemes can be considered .

  • If you need to insert many rows of data into a table at the same time , You should try to use more than one value table insert sentence , This way will greatly reduce the connection between the client and the database 、 Turn off consumption, etc . Make the efficiency ratio separate from the single execution insert Fast sentence .

    Example , The original way is :

    insert into tb_test values(1,'Tom');
    insert into tb_test values(2,'Cat');
    insert into tb_test values(3,'Jerry');

    The optimized scheme is :

    insert into tb_test values(1,'Tom'),(2,'Cat'),(3,'Jerry');
  • Data insertion in transactions .

    start transaction;
    insert into tb_test values(1,'Tom');
    insert into tb_test values(2,'Cat');
    insert into tb_test values(3,'Jerry');
  • Data is inserted in order

    insert into tb_test values(4,'Tim');
    insert into tb_test values(1,'Tom');
    insert into tb_test values(3,'Jerry');
    insert into tb_test values(5,'Rose');
    insert into tb_test values(2,'Cat');

    After optimization

    insert into tb_test values(1,'Tom');
    insert into tb_test values(2,'Cat');
    insert into tb_test values(3,'Jerry');
    insert into tb_test values(4,'Tim');
    insert into tb_test values(5,'Rose');

Optimize order by sentence

Environmental preparation

  `name` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  `age` int(3) NOT NULL,
  `salary` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

insert into `emp` (`id`, `name`, `age`, `salary`) values('1','Tom','25','2300');
insert into `emp` (`id`, `name`, `age`, `salary`) values('2','Jerry','30','3500');
insert into `emp` (`id`, `name`, `age`, `salary`) values('3','Luci','25','2800');
insert into `emp` (`id`, `name`, `age`, `salary`) values('4','Jay','36','3500');
insert into `emp` (`id`, `name`, `age`, `salary`) values('5','Tom2','21','2200');
insert into `emp` (`id`, `name`, `age`, `salary`) values('6','Jerry2','31','3300');
insert into `emp` (`id`, `name`, `age`, `salary`) values('7','Luci2','26','2700');
insert into `emp` (`id`, `name`, `age`, `salary`) values('8','Jay2','33','3500');
insert into `emp` (`id`, `name`, `age`, `salary`) values('9','Tom3','23','2400');
insert into `emp` (`id`, `name`, `age`, `salary`) values('10','Jerry3','32','3100');
insert into `emp` (`id`, `name`, `age`, `salary`) values('11','Luci3','26','2900');
insert into `emp` (`id`, `name`, `age`, `salary`) values('12','Jay3','37','4500');

create index idx_emp_age_salary on emp(age,salary);

Two ways of sorting

1). The first is to sort the returned data , That is to say filesort Sort , All sorts that do not return sorting results directly through index are called FileSort Sort . Low efficiency

 Insert picture description here

2). The second way is to return ordered data directly through ordered index scanning , This is the case using index, No need for extra sorting , High operating efficiency .

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Multi field sorting

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I understand MySQL Sort by , The goal of optimization is clear : Try to minimize the extra ordering , Return ordered data directly through index (using index).where Conditions and Order by Use the same index , also Order By In the same order as the index , also Order by The fields of are all in ascending order , Or in descending order . Otherwise, extra operation is necessary , And then there will be FileSort.

Filesort The optimization of the

By creating the appropriate index , Can reduce the Filesort Appearance , But in some cases , Conditionality cannot allow Filesort disappear , Then we need to speed up Filesort The sorting operation of . about Filesort , MySQL There are two sort algorithms :

1) Two scan algorithm :MySQL4.1 Before , Use this method to sort . First, take out the sorting field and row pointer information according to the conditions , Then in the sorting area sort buffer Middle order , If sort buffer Not enough , On the temporary watch temporary table The sorting result is stored in . After sorting , Then read the record according to the row pointer back to the table , This operation may result in a large number of random I/O operation .

2) One scan algorithm : Take out all the fields that meet the conditions at once , Then in the sorting area sort buffer After sorting, output the result set directly . When sorting, memory overhead is large , But the efficiency of sorting is higher than that of twice scanning algorithm .

MySQL By comparing system variables max_length_for_sort_data The size and Query The total size of the field taken out by the statement , To determine the sort algorithm , If max_length_for_sort_data Bigger , Then use the second optimized algorithm ; Otherwise use the first .

Can be improved properly sort_buffer_size and max_length_for_sort_data System variables , To increase the size of the sorting area , Improve the efficiency of sorting .

 Insert picture description here

Optimize group by sentence

because GROUP BY In fact, the sorting operation will also be carried out , And with the ORDER BY comparison ,GROUP BY It's mainly about the grouping operation after sorting . Of course , If some other aggregate functions are used when grouping , So we need to calculate some aggregate functions . therefore , stay GROUP BY During the implementation of , And ORDER BY You can also use the index .

If the query contains group by But users want to avoid the consumption of sorting results , Then you can execute order by null No sorting . as follows :

drop index idx_emp_age_salary on emp;

explain select age,count(*) from emp group by age;

 Insert picture description here

After optimization

explain select age,count(*) from emp group by age order by null;

 Insert picture description here

As can be seen from the above example , first SQL The statement needs to be "filesort", And the second one. SQL because order by null There is no need for “filesort”, As mentioned above Filesort It's very time consuming .

Create index :

create index idx_emp_age_salary on emp(age,salary);

 Insert picture description here

Optimize nested queries

Mysql4.1 After the version , Start supporting SQL Subquery of . This technology can be used SELECT Statement to create a single column query result , Then use this result as a filter in another query . Using subquery can complete many logical steps at once SQL operation , At the same time, transaction or table lock can be avoided , And it's easy to write . however , In some cases , Subqueries can be joined more efficiently (JOIN) replace .

Example , Find all user information with roles :

 explain select * from t_user where id in (select user_id from user_role );

The execution plan is :

 Insert picture description here

After optimization :

explain select * from t_user u , user_role ur where u.id = ur.user_id;

 Insert picture description here

Connect (Join) The reason why queries are more efficient , Because MySQL There is no need to create a temporary table in memory to complete this logically two-step query .

Optimize OR Conditions

To contain OR Query clause for , If you want to use indexes , be OR Each condition column between must use an index , And you can't use composite indexes ; If there is no index , You should consider adding indexes .

obtain emp All indexes in the table :

 Insert picture description here

Example :

explain select * from emp where id = 1 or age = 30;

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It is recommended to use union Replace or

 Insert picture description here

Let's compare the important indicators , The main difference was found to be type and ref These two

type It shows the type of access , Is a more important indicator , The result value is from good to bad :

system > const > eq_ref > ref > fulltext > ref_or_null  > index_merge > unique_subquery > index_subquery > range > index > ALL

UNION Of the statement type The value is ref,OR Of the statement type The value is range, You can see that this is a very clear gap

UNION Of the statement ref The value is const,OR Of the statement type The value is null,const Represents a constant value reference , Very fast

The difference between the two shows that UNION Is better than OR .

Optimize paging queries

General paging query , Better performance can be achieved by creating indexes . A common and very troublesome problem is limit 2000000,10 , At this time need MySQL Sort front 2000010 Record , Just go back to 2000000 - 2000010 The record of , Other records discarded , The cost of query sorting is very high .
 Insert picture description here

Optimization idea 1

Complete sort paging operation on Index , Finally, according to the primary key Association, return to the original table to query other column contents .

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Optimization idea II

This scheme is applicable to tables with self increasing primary key , You can put Limit The query is converted to a query in a certain location .( limitations : Primary keys cannot be broken )

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Use SQL Tips

SQL Tips , Is an important means to optimize the database , Simple Come on , Is in the SQL Add some human prompts in the statement to optimize the operation .


After the table name in the query statement , add to use index To provide hope MySQL To refer to the index list , You can make MySQL No longer consider other available indexes .

create index idx_seller_name on tb_seller(name);

 Insert picture description here


If the user just wants to let MySQL Ignore one or more indexes , You can use ignore index As hint .

 explain select * from tb_seller ignore index(idx_seller_name) where name = ' Xiaomi Tech ';

 Insert picture description here


Is mandatory MySQL Use a specific index , It can be used in query force index As hint .

create index idx_seller_address on tb_seller(address);

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