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Sqlmap tutorial (1)

2022-07-05 06:06:00 A τθ

One 、 Introduce

 Official website  https://sqlmap.org/ 

sqlmap Is an open source penetration testing tool , It can automatically detect and utilize SQL Inject vulnerabilities and take over the database server . It has a powerful detection engine ,
 Many good features and numerous operational options for ultimate penetration testing , Fingerprint from database 、 Data access to the underlying file system 、 Execute operating system commands . 

Two 、 characteristic

 Full support MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Access, IBM DB2, SQLite, 
Firebird, Sybase  and  SAP MaxDB Database management system .
 Support six SQL Injection technology :boolean-based Blind note 、time-based Blind note 、error-based、UNION Inquire about 、 Stack query and out of band query .
 By providing DBMS voucher 、IP Address 、 Port and database name , Support failed SQL Injected direct connection database .
 Support enumerating users 、 Password hash 、 Privilege 、 role 、 database 、 Tables and columns .
 Automatically identify password hash format , Support dictionary based attack cracking .
 Support full dump of database tables , Dump entries or specific columns in a certain range according to the user's choice . The user can also choose to dump only the specified characters from each column .
 Support searching specific database names 、 Table name , Or search for specific column names across tables . This is very useful , for example , Identify the tables that contain custom application credentials , It's related 
 The column name may contain name、pass Etc .
 Support downloading and uploading any file through the file system where the database server is located , When the database software is MySQL, PostgreSQL or Microsoft SQL 
server when .
 It supports executing arbitrary commands and obtaining output through the operating system where the database server is located , When the database software is MySQL、PostgreSQL or Microsoft SQL
server when .
 Support the establishment of out of band stateful between the attacker machine and the operating system of the database server TCP Connect , This channel can be interactive according to the user's choice 
 Order line 、Meterpreter Session or graphical user interface (VNC).
 Supported by Metasploit Of getsystem Command to upgrade the user rights of the database process .

SQLMAP Six different injection methods supported :
B:Boolean-basedblindSQLinjection( Boolean Injection )
E:Error-basedSQLinjection( Error reporting injection )
U:UNIONquerySQLinjection( Query injection can be combined )
S:StackedqueriesSQLinjection( Multi statement query injection )
T:Time-basedblindSQLinjection( Injection based on time delay )
Q:InlineSQLInjection( Inline Injection )

3、 ... and 、 download

kali Bring their own  sqlmap
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/sqlmapproject/sqlmap.git sqlmap

 to update sqlmap:
python sqlmap.py --update

 Insert picture description here
 Insert picture description here

 Insert picture description here

Four 、 Help document

1、 Display terminal help documents

sqlmap -h

2、 Show sqlmap Detailed help documentation

sqlmap -hh

3、 Chinese help document

 usage :python sqlmap.py [ Options ]

 Options :
  -h, --help             Display basic help information and exit 
  -hh                    Display advanced help and exit 
  --version              Display the program version information and exit 
  -v VERBOSE             Output information detail level :0-6( The default is  1)

   The goal is :
       Provide at least one of the following options to specify the target 

    -d DIRECT            Connect directly to the database 
    -u URL, --url=URL    The goal is  URL( for example :"http://www.site.com/vuln.php?id=1"-l LOGFILE           from  Burp  or  WebScarab  Resolve the target address in the agent's log file 
    -x SITEMAPURL        From a remote site map (.xml) Parse target in file 
    -m BULKFILE          Get batch target from text file 
    -r REQUESTFILE       Read from file  HTTP  request 
    -g GOOGLEDORK        Use  Google dork  Results as a goal 
    -c CONFIGFILE        from  INI  Load options in configuration file 

   request :
       The following options can specify how to connect to the destination address 

    --method=METHOD      Force the use of the provided  HTTP  Method ( for example :PUT--data=DATA          Use  POST  Send data string 
    --param-del=PARA..   Set the parameter value separator 
    --cookie=COOKIE      Appoint  HTTP Cookie 
    --cookie-del=COO..   Set up  cookie  Separator 
    --load-cookies=L..   Specified in  Netscape/wget  Format storage  cookies  The file of 
    --drop-set-cookie    Ignore  HTTP  In response  Set-Cookie  Parameters 
    --user-agent=AGENT   Appoint  HTTP User-Agent
    --random-agent       Use random  HTTP User-Agent
    --host=HOST          Appoint  HTTP Host
    --referer=REFERER    Appoint  HTTP Referer
    -H HEADER, --hea..   Set up extra  HTTP  Header parameters ( for example :"X-Forwarded-For:"--headers=HEADERS    Set up extra  HTTP  Header parameters ( for example :"Accept-Language: fr\nETag: 123"--auth-type=AUTH..  HTTP  authentication (Basic,Digest,NTLM  or  PKI--auth-cred=AUTH..  HTTP  Authentication credentials (username:password)
    --auth-file=AUTH..  HTTP  authentication  PEM  certificate / Private key file 
    --ignore-code=IG..   Ignore  HTTP  Error code ( for example :401--ignore-proxy       Ignore the system default proxy settings 
    --ignore-redirects   Ignore redirection attempts 
    --ignore-timeouts    Ignore connection timeout 
    --proxy=PROXY        Use a proxy to connect to the target  URL
    --proxy-cred=PRO..   Use an agent for authentication (username:password)
    --proxy-file=PRO..   Load the agent list from the file 
    --tor                Use  Tor  Anonymous networks 
    --tor-port=TORPORT   Set up  Tor  The proxy port replaces the default port 
    --tor-type=TORTYPE   Set up  Tor  Agency mode (HTTP,SOCKS4  or  SOCKS5( Default ))
    --check-tor          Check whether the is used correctly  Tor
    --delay=DELAY        Set each  HTTP  Requested delay seconds 
    --timeout=TIMEOUT    Set the number of valid seconds for the connection response ( The default is  30--retries=RETRIES    Number of retries when the connection timed out ( The default is  3--randomize=RPARAM   Randomly change the given parameter value 
    --safe-url=SAFEURL   It can be accessed frequently and legally during the test  URL  Address ( translator's note :
                         Some websites will close the session connection when you visit the wrong address several times in a row ,
                         hinder “ request ” The section has a detailed description )
    --safe-post=SAFE..   Use  POST  Method to send legal data 
    --safe-req=SAFER..   Load legal... From file  HTTP  request 
    --safe-freq=SAFE..   Every two visits to a given legal  URL  Just send a test request 
    --skip-urlencode     incorrect  payload  Data processing  URL  code 
    --csrf-token=CSR..   Set up a website to counter  CSRF  The attack  token
    --csrf-url=CSRFURL   Specifies the extractable inverse  CSRF  attack  token  Of  URL
    --force-ssl          Compulsory use  SSL/HTTPS
    --hpp                Use  HTTP  Parameter pollution attack 
    --eval=EVALCODE      Execute the given... Before initiating the request  Python  Code ( for example :
                        "import hashlib;id2=hashlib.md5(id).hexdigest()")

   Optimize :
     The following options are used to optimize  sqlmap  performance 

    -o                   Turn on all optimization switches 
    --predict-output     Predict the output of common requests 
    --keep-alive         Use persistent  HTTP(S)  Connect 
    --null-connection    Only get the page size, not the actual  HTTP  Respond to 
    --threads=THREADS    Set up  HTTP(S)  Maximum number of concurrent requests ( The default is  1)

   Inject :
     The following options are used to specify the parameters to be tested ,
     Provide custom injection  payloads  And scripts that tamper with parameters 

    -p TESTPARAMETER     Specify the parameters to be tested 
    --skip=SKIP          Specify the parameters to skip 
    --skip-static        Specifies to skip non dynamic parameters 
    --param-exclude=..   Exclude parameters with regular expressions ( for example :"ses"--dbms=DBMS          Appoint  DBMS  type ( for example :MySQL)
    --dbms-cred=DBMS..  DBMS  Authentication credentials (username:password)
    --os=OS              Appoint  DBMS  The operating system type of the server 
    --invalid-bignum     Set invalid value to a large number 
    --invalid-logical    Use logical operations on invalid values 
    --invalid-string     Use a random string for invalid values 
    --no-cast            close  payload  Structural mechanism 
    --no-escape          Turn off the string escape mechanism 
    --prefix=PREFIX      Inject  payload  Prefix string 
    --suffix=SUFFIX      Inject  payload  Suffix string 
    --tamper=TAMPER      Modify the injected data with the given script 

   testing :
     The following options are used to customize the detection method 

    --level=LEVEL        Set the test level (1-5, The default is  1--risk=RISK          Set the test risk level (1-3, The default is  1--string=STRING      String used to determine when the query result is true 
    --not-string=NOT..   Used to determine the string when the query result is false 
    --regexp=REGEXP      Regular expression used to determine when the query result is true 
    --code=CODE          Used to determine when the query result is true  HTTP  Status code 
    --text-only          Compare pages only according to the text content of the page 
    --titles             Compare pages only according to the page title 

   technology :
     The following options are used to adjust specific parameters  SQL  Test method of injection technology 

    --technique=TECH     The use of  SQL  Injection technology ( The default is “BEUSTQ”, translator's note :
                        B: Boolean-based blind SQL injection( Boolean blind note )
                        E: Error-based SQL injection( Error reporting injection )
                        U: UNION query SQL injection( Joint query injection )
                        S: Stacked queries SQL injection( Heap query injection )
                        T: Time-based blind SQL injection( Time blind injection )
                        Q: inline Query injection( Inline query injection )
    --time-sec=TIMESEC   Delay  DBMS  Number of seconds of response ( The default is  5--union-cols=UCOLS   Set the range of columns for the joint query injection test 
    --union-char=UCHAR   Characters used to guess the number of splits 
    --union-from=UFROM   Set joint query injection  FROM  Table used at 
    --dns-domain=DNS..   Setting is used for  DNS  The domain name of the exudation attack ( translator's note :
                         Recommended reading 《 stay SQL Use in injection DNS get data 》
                         In the rear “ technology ” There are corresponding explanations in the section )
    --second-order=S..   Set the result display page of the second-order response  URL( translator's note :
                         This option is used for second order  SQL  Inject )

   fingerprint identification :
    -f, --fingerprint    Carry out extensive  DBMS  Version fingerprint identification 

   enumeration :
       The following options are used to obtain the information of the back-end database management system , Structure and data in the data table .
       Besides , You can also run the  SQL  sentence 

    -a, --all            Get all the information 、 data 
    -b, --banner         obtain  DBMS banner
    --current-user       obtain  DBMS  The current user 
    --current-db         obtain  DBMS  Current database 
    --hostname           obtain  DBMS  The hostname of the server 
    --is-dba             Probe  DBMS  Whether the current user is  DBA( Database administrator )
    --users              List  DBMS  All users 
    --passwords          List  DBMS  Password hashes for all users 
    --privileges         List  DBMS  All user privilege levels 
    --roles              List  DBMS  All user roles 
    --dbs                List  DBMS  All databases 
    --tables             List  DBMS  All the tables in the database 
    --columns            List  DBMS  All the columns in the table 
    --schema             List  DBMS  All modes 
    --count              Get the number of data tables 
    --dump               export  DBMS  Database table entries 
    --dump-all           Export all  DBMS  Database table entries 
    --search             Search column , Table and / Or database name 
    --comments           obtain  DBMS  notes 
    -D DB                Specify the to enumerate  DBMS  database 
    -T TBL               Specify the to enumerate  DBMS  Data sheet 
    -C COL               Specify the to enumerate  DBMS  Data columns 
    -X EXCLUDECOL        Specify the to exclude  DBMS  Data columns 
    -U USER              Specifies the of the enumeration  DBMS  user 
    --exclude-sysdbs     When enumerating all data tables , Specifies to exclude specific system databases 
    --pivot-column=P..   Specify the primary column 
    --where=DUMPWHERE    Use... When dumping tables  WHERE  Conditional statements 
    --start=LIMITSTART   Specify the number of starting rows of data table entries to export 
    --stop=LIMITSTOP     Specify the number of end rows of data table entries to export 
    --first=FIRSTCHAR    Specifies the starting character bit of the returned query result 
    --last=LASTCHAR      Specifies the end character bit of the returned query result 
    --sql-query=QUERY    Specifies which to execute  SQL  sentence 
    --sql-shell          Call up interactive  SQL shell
    --sql-file=SQLFILE   Execute the  SQL  sentence 

   Brute force :
     The following options are used for brute force testing 

    --common-tables      Check whether common table names exist 
    --common-columns     Check whether the commonly used column names exist 

   User defined function Injection :
     The following options are used to create user-defined functions 

    --udf-inject         Injection of user-defined functions 
    --shared-lib=SHLIB   The local path to the shared library 

   Accessing the file system :
     The following options are used to access the underlying file system of the back-end database management system 

    --file-read=RFILE    Read the backend  DBMS  Files in the file system 
    --file-write=WFILE   Write back end  DBMS  Files in the file system 
    --file-dest=DFILE    Use the absolute path of the file to write to the back end  DBMS

   Access the operating system :
     The following options are used to access the underlying operating system of the back-end database management system 

    --os-cmd=OSCMD       Execute operating system commands 
    --os-shell           Call up the interactive operating system  shell
    --os-pwn             Call out  OOB shell,Meterpreter  or  VNC
    --os-smbrelay        One key call up  OOB shell,Meterpreter  or  VNC
    --os-bof             Using the buffer overflow of stored procedure 
    --priv-esc           Database process user authorization 
    --msf-path=MSFPATH  Metasploit  The local installation path of the framework 
    --tmp-path=TMPPATH   The absolute path to the remote temporary file directory 

   visit  Windows  The registry :
     The following options are used to access the back-end database management system  Windows  The registry 

    --reg-read           Read a  Windows  Registry key 
    --reg-add            Write a  Windows  Registry key data 
    --reg-del            Delete one  Windows  Registry key 
    --reg-key=REGKEY     Appoint  Windows  Registry key 
    --reg-value=REGVAL   Appoint  Windows  Registry key 
    --reg-data=REGDATA   Appoint  Windows  Registry key data 
    --reg-type=REGTYPE   Appoint  Windows  Registry key type 

   General options :
     The following options are used to set general parameters 

    -s SESSIONFILE       From file (.sqlite) Read session information in 
    -t TRAFFICFILE       Save all  HTTP  Record the traffic to the specified text file 
    --batch              Never ask for user input , Use default configuration 
    --binary-fields=..   Result field with binary value ( for example :"digest"--check-internet     Check whether you are connected to the Internet properly before accessing the target 
    --crawl=CRAWLDEPTH   From the target  URL  Start crawling the website 
    --crawl-exclude=..   Filter crawled pages with regular expressions ( for example :"logout"--csv-del=CSVDEL     Specify output to  CVS  The separator used in the file ( The default is “,”)
    --charset=CHARSET    Appoint  SQL  Blind annotation character set ( for example :"0123456789abcdef"--dump-format=DU..   Format of exported data (CSV( Default ),HTML  or  SQLITE--encoding=ENCOD..   Specifies the character encoding to use when getting data ( for example :GBK--eta                Displays the estimated arrival time of each result output 
    --flush-session      Clear the session file of the current target 
    --forms              Parse and test the target  URL  Form for 
    --fresh-queries      Ignore the query results stored in the session file 
    --har=HARFILE        Will all  HTTP  The flow is recorded to a  HAR  In file 
    --hex                Call... When getting data  DBMS  Of  hex  function 
    --output-dir=OUT..   Custom output directory path 
    --parse-errors       Parse and display from response  DBMS  error message 
    --save=SAVECONFIG    Save the option settings to a  INI  The configuration file 
    --scope=SCOPE        Filter targets from the provided agent logs with regular expressions 
    --test-filter=TE..   according to  payloads  and / Or title ( for example :ROW) Choose a test 
    --test-skip=TEST..   according to  payloads  and / Or title ( for example :BENCHMARK) Skip some tests 
    --update             to update  sqlmap

   The other options :
    -z MNEMONICS         Use short mnemonics ( for example :“flu,bat,ban,tec=EU”)
    --alert=ALERT        Find  SQL  Run during injection  OS  command 
    --answers=ANSWERS    Set the answer to the question ( for example :“quit=N,follow=N”)
    --beep               Remind of problems or find  SQL  A prompt tone is given during injection 
    --cleanup            Specify removal  DBMS  Specific in  UDF  Or data tables 
    --dependencies       Check  sqlmap  What's missing ( Non core ) rely on 
    --disable-coloring   Turn off the color console output 
    --gpage=GOOGLEPAGE   Specify the page number to use  Google dork  result 
    --identify-waf       in the light of  WAF/IPS/IDS  Protection is thoroughly tested 
    --mobile             Use  HTTP User-Agent  Imitate smart phones 
    --offline            Working in offline mode ( Use session data only )
    --purge-output       Safely delete all contents of the output directory 
    --skip-waf           Skip heuristic detection  WAF/IPS/IDS  Protect 
    --smart              Only when heuristic detection is used, do thorough testing 
    --sqlmap-shell       Call up interactive  sqlmap shell
    --tmp-dir=TMPDIR     Specify the local directory where temporary files are stored 
    --web-root=WEBROOT   Appoint  Web  Server root ( for example :"/var/www"--wizard             Wizard interface suitable for junior users 

5、 ... and 、 Common command

1、-u、-v Parameters

sqlmap -u "" -v 1

-u  and  --url Same parameter , They are all representatives who fill in the test url Connect , If there is  & Symbol , Need to add url Put it in double quotation marks .

-v  Indicates the level of detail of the output information :0-6( The default is  10: Display only Python Back to the source (tracebacks), error (error) And key (criticle) Information .
1: Display information at the same time (info) And warning messages (warning)( The default is 12:  Debugging information is displayed at the same time (debug)
3: At the same time, the injected payload (payloads)
4: Show at the same time http request 
5: Show at the same time http Response head 
6: Show at the same time http Response content 

 The higher the level , The more detailed the information is , Choose the appropriate output information according to your needs .

2、 Designated target

1、 Designate a url To test  :
sqlmap -u http://sqlmap.com/index.php?id=1 -v 1 

2、 Load from file http Request test :
sqlmap -r url.txt 

3、 Get multiple target scans from text :
sqlmap -m url.txt 

3、 request

http data 
1、 Parameters  --data
 This parameter sets the data as post Mode submission ,sqlmap It will automatically detect post Parameters .
sqlmap -u "" --data="id=1&submit=1"

 Insert picture description here

 Parameters :--param-del
 When GET or POST When the data needs to be segmented with other characters to test parameters , This parameter is required .
sqlmap -u "http://www.target.com/vuln.php" --data="query=foobar;id=1" --param-del=";" --dbs --users

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