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Collection: programming related websites and books

2022-07-05 05:42:00 A big pigeon


College Computer Major ( Computer principle and programming language (JAVA/C/C++/C#/python) Algorithm related )


C Language :


Graphical interface implementation :(C++) QT5 course :

Python course :

  Data structure and algorithm related :

Git course :

College Computer Major ( Computer principle and programming language (JAVA/C/C++/C#/python) Algorithm related )

College Computer Major - Netease cloud classroom


codeGym  ( codegym.cc)    Java Brush question website

Java introduction Netease cloud classroom

Java Advanced   Netease cloud classroom

insane Java The notes ( Li Gang )

Java Core volume  

C Language :

Introduction to programming ——C Language  ( University of China MOOC)

C Advanced language programming         ( University of China MOOC)


 C++ Fundamentals of language programming ( Autonomous Mode ) ( School Online )

C++ Advanced programming language design ( Autonomous Mode )( School Online )( The URL is the following line )

C++ Advanced language programming - Tsinghua University - School Online

Object oriented programming -C++ ( Netease cloud classroom )

Essential C++ //(C++ Introductory classic )

Effective C++ //(C++ Advanced classic )

C++ Primer Plus ( The first 6 edition )

Graphical interface implementation :(C++) QT5 course :

QT5 Introduction to programming

Post another relatively new one in Netease cloud class QT Getting started video tutorial :

QT Introduction to the essence of - Netease cloud classroom

Python course :

Liao Xuefeng  ( Liao Xuefeng python course ).

python Official website  Welcome to Python.org

Python Basic course ( The first 3 edition ) # Use python3

Python Programming   From introduction to practice # and Python Basic course ( The first 3 edition ) almost , All introductory tutorials

Python Web crawler from entry to actual combat ( Cui Qingcai )# Use Python3, Those interested in reptiles can have a look , Some examples have changed, but the idea can still be used .

Deep learning (Pytorch Realization ,2021 year ) Learn from Li Mu AI Personal space _ Bili, Bili _bilibili

  Data structure and algorithm related :

Books :《 Ah ! Algorithm 》( Great for getting started )

University of China MOOC data structure _ Zhejiang University data structure _ Zhejiang University _ University of China MOOC( MOOC )

PAT Class B problem solving catalogue  

 PAT Class a problem solving catalogue


PTA:PTA | Program design experiment auxiliary teaching platform

Zhejiang University OJ ZOJ

Hangzhou University of Electronic Science and technology OJ: Welcome to Hangzhou Dianzi University Online Judge

Luogu  Luogu

Git course :

Liao Xuefeng's official website :Git brief introduction - Liao Xuefeng's official website  ( Most suitable for beginners Git Chinese Course )

Linux course :

Linux It's time to learn : website : The first 0 Chapter Let's talk about learning methods and red hat system first . | 《Linux It's time to learn 》


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