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Software test -- 0 sequence

2022-07-05 05:24:00 Rolei_ zl

    Engaged in software development for some years , Focus on software testing 、 Quality management 、 The time of project management is not short . The older the Jianghu is , The less daring you are .
    Development 、 test 、 quality 、 The longer the project management takes , Although I am more and more familiar with the software development process , But there will always be a vague feeling : Right or wrong ? How to start ?......
    It seems that you are always choosing , Also more and more dare not say that they understand software development 、 I dare not say that I understand quality , From encirclement and interception to active prevention , More is the awe of this process and quality and how to do it well .

    One of the principles of software testing : It's impossible to run out of tests .
     No matter what , There will always be problems , Then why do you have to do the test ? Why should we do quality management ? Why should we do process management ? It seems that some people give up eating because of choking , Wouldn't it be better not to do or do less , To save time 、 And effort .
    What is the meaning ? After so many years of software testing 、 Quality management 、 What is the significance of project management ? Icing on the cake or giving timely help ? But it always seems to be mending things after they are lost , Always in a mess 、 Busy things 、 Endless omissions .

    Zeroing , Maybe back to the origin , To see why I did this 、 What to do 、 What else to do . When confused , Reviewing the old and learning the new is a way , Review this process again , Quickly sort out .

     The road to wisdom , Clear and simple , We make mistakes again and again , Repeat one's mistakes , But it will get better , More and more good .

    software test , It's a job 、 It's a process 、 It's an activity 、 It's an attitude .

    Test the story ( Test the story 1~100 Test the story 1  Test the story 1~100  Test the story 100 Test the story 1~100), It is a reflection on the experience of software testing , I make complaints about it 、 There are complaints 、 Have an opinion 、 Have expectations . Scattered 、 a word or two .
     Quality discussion ( Quality discussion 1~), Is the awareness of quality 、 Quality management 、 Understanding of process management , From indignant youth to Buddhism , All the way , Less momentum and anger , It seems more accepting and tolerant , Maybe more rational , But less passion . intermittent , Still just a fragment .

    From fragment to system is a process , Need theory 、 Need to practice 、 Need experience accumulation , But how to express systematically is still a problem .
    Why did you choose this industry at first ? Why choose to test ? Why pay attention to the process 、 Focus on quality 、 Focus on project management ?
    What happened in this process 、 What has been learned 、 Become what ? How to become an expert from a layman ? How to pay attention to process and quality ?

    What is the test ? Why do you want to test ?
    Just as the testing process is to find problems (BUG, ISSUE), The process of systematic thinking is also constantly finding problems 、 solve the problem , There are always so many problems , I can't make sense of it 、 I don't understand , Comb step by step .
    it's better to go back and make a net than to stand by the pond and long for fish , Maybe it's a good idea to move first when you can't start : Work with your head down , Look up at the road ; At the same time 、 Thinking about 、 Edge adjustment , Imperfect is perfect , There will always be problems , Tinkering on the road .

     Everything is difficult at the beginning : How to take the first step , Writing the first sentence is another problem .
     Standing on the shoulders of giants , See further .
     The era of information explosion , Faced with an increasing amount of information , How to select useful books is a problem , Calming down to read is another problem .
    Book to time side hate less , Turning to classics can always find a breakthrough , Even if it's just a few words .

    Every industry will always be a little focused , similar 《XXX From entry to mastery 》、《XXX Cook Book》、《XXX quintessence 》, There are also many classic books in the software testing industry .    
    -《 The art of software testing 》 It's my favorite book about testing : thin : simply , No drag ; dew : Hit the core , Little modification ; Thorough : Be clear and clear , New people are easier to start .
    - STA Provided Software Testing Adventure It shows the knowledge points and advanced route of software testing .
    - DELTA Of Softwre Testing at a Glance - or two It also gives a detailed description of the test .
    -  Mr. Zhu Shaomin's panorama of software testing ( Reprint : Software test panorama ( Designed by Zhu Shaomin )) It provides a more detailed process description for those who study software testing .
    - CBSTC( Software testing capability certification Alliance ,The Certification Board of Software Testing Competency) The software testing capability certification standard of has established a benchmark ISTQB Industry standards for . Software testing capability certification Alliance (CBSTC)
    - PMP, IPMP, Process consultation , agile ......
    numerous , A single point of knowledge , Extensive reference , Understand in the whole process 、 Learn into , For reference .

    break the ice , Put your understanding of the test 、 The understanding of quality should be reviewed as systematically as possible 、 Write it down , It is a summary of the previous work , It is also the starting point of the new work : How to treat software testing and software quality systematically .
     Not in writing 、 Not academic , Talk about software testing and quality in the daily language of software testing practitioners : Basics 、 technology 、 The process 、 Advanced .

  1. 2000 Development tools used since 、 system platform 、 Testing tools
  2. Fundamentals of software testing 、 technology 、 The process 、 Advanced
  3. The process , Talk about something else , Maybe the test story   and   Quality discussion and selection 、 combined

2013 Around the year, it took 30 An outline of test knowledge written by Zhong , I wanted to write But I can't do it , Today I pick it up again , Put it here for reference without modification .

test Business Tools Soft skills Reference
introduction Software testing concepts Basic function ( A functional test )Bug Management communicate ( English )ReadingExtend
Software testing process / technological process Office tool The professional ethics / Quality * Software testing art * Word/Excle
Job content : Use case execution ,BUG Submit Mail * Project requirements document
 OS/DB/Service Basic operation  * Project problem base
Advanced Software test design ( Use case design ) Data flow and architecture ( Integration testing / The system test )Process/Flow Management communicate ( English )ReadingExtend
Problem analysis (BUG analysis )Analysis Tool Quality awareness * Software test design * PPT/Visio/MindManager
Job content : Use case design / perform 、BUG analysis / Submit OS/DB/Service install 、 To configure Script development * Industry knowledge / Forum / The paper * The Internet
    * Security
thorough Software Engineering Business environment / Industry development (ad-hoc, exploratory, Special tests )Plan communicate ( English )ReadingExtend
Occupation development ( Technical direction / The management direction )Analysis Collaboration / Quality thinking / Risk Management * Software Engineering * Project
Job content : Test Development 、 Design 、 review , plan 、 monitor 、 The report Report software development * Perfect software testing
 OS/DB/Service Optimize management  * PMBOK


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