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Binary search basis

2022-07-05 05:16:00 lee2813

One 、 Two points search

First , It is clear that the premise of binary search is for ordered arrays , Then the significance of binary search on this basis is to use the order of data structure to simplify the time and space overhead of the algorithm .
in addition , Binary search is the same as double pointer traversal array , But the difference is that binary search moves every time ‘ Half interval ’ length , The double pointer problem moves step by step .
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Two 、 classification

The standard of classification here is the method to solve the problem :

  1. The interval is defined as left closed and right closed , The corresponding boundary condition is l<=r, Because when there is only one number left , Still reasonable , for example [5,5], At this time, it is written as :
int l = 0;
int r = nums.size()-1;
  mid = (l+r)/2;
  1. The interval is defined as left closed and right open , The corresponding boundary condition is l<r, Because when there is only one number left , unreasonable , for example [5,5), and [5,6) reasonable , At this time, it is written as :
int l = 0;
int r = nums.size();
  mid = (l+r)/2;

Both can solve the problem , But there are some differences in writing , It is suggested to learn one .
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