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Research on the value of background repeat of background tiling

2022-07-05 05:02:00 Fierce chicken

The value of the background tile determines the repetition of the background image in the background of the visible area

background-repeat The value of

background-repeat The acceptable value is :

repeat-x | repeat-y | [ repeat | space | round | no-repeat ]{
    1, 2}
/* repeat-x  and  repeat-y  Can only be used for single valued syntax , The remaining values can be used for single - and double valued syntax  */

The following is a brief description of the functions of each value

Value effect
repeat-x Only in Repeat horizontally Background image , The last background image repeated horizontally will be cropped if it cannot fit
repeat-y Only in Repeat vertically Background image , The last background image repeated in the vertical direction will be cropped if it cannot fit
repeat The background picture will be in Repeat horizontally and vertically , The last background image repeated horizontally or vertically will be cropped if there is no room for it
space The image will be repeated as much as possible , Generally, it will not be cut ( Unless the image is too big to hold , here “ overflow ” Partially cropped )
The first and last images will be fixed on the corresponding edges of the element , At the same time, the white space will be evenly distributed between the images
Unless only one image can be displayed without clipping ( This is equivalent to using no-repeat), otherwise background-position Attributes are ignored
—— The image can be evenly distributed in the background
round If the background space grows in size , The repeated image will stretch out ( No gaps ), Until there is enough space to add an image
When you can add a new image , All current images will be compressed to make room , At this time, the original image will be properly compressed
It is up to the browser to decide when to add an image , Instead of stretching
—— Sure Zoom the background image autonomously , Put the picture completely into the background ( Even if the picture is too large, it can be put in completely )
no-repeat The image will not be repeated ( The area where the background image is located may not be completely covered )
The position of the background image that is not repeated is determined by background-position Attribute to determine

The effect of the above values is as follows :

 Insert picture description here

round The particularity of the value is , It will never cut the picture in any way . Here is a big background picture for each box , Only the value is round The picture is complete , Because it enables the browser to scale the image appropriately , In order to display the complete picture

 Insert picture description here

Double valued grammar

background-repeat There are single value syntax and double value syntax , Single valued Syntax Just a Use a valueable , Is an ellipsis form of double valued grammar ( The following table ), It is also a common form ; So-called Double valued grammar That's right background-repeat When setting the value Set two allowed values , These two values are separated by spaces , The first value is used to represent horizontal repetition behavior , The second value is used to represent the vertical repetition behavior

Single value Equivalent to two valued
repeat-xrepeat no-repeat
repeat-yno-repeat repeat
repeatrepeat repeat
spacespace space
roundround round
no-repeatno-repeat no-repeat

It can be known from the above table , Any value of single valued grammar is an omission of double valued grammar , It is the result of setting the horizontal repetition behavior and vertical repetition behavior of the background picture respectively under the double value syntax

The result of each value in single value grammar can be understood under the condition of understanding the role of each value , It's easy to guess what the effect is . Under the double value grammar , There are more combinations of values , And there are many combinatorial effects that single valued grammar cannot do , Especially when using double valued syntax , If used round or space, There will be many uncommon background image tiling effects

But in double valued syntax ,repeat-x and repeat-y Is not available

The following shows the effects of different values under several double valued grammars

 Insert picture description here

Article source :https://gitee.com/thisismyaddress/bocheng-blogs/tree/master/css/ Background tile background-repeat Research on the value of

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