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Lua GBK and UTF8 turn to each other
2022-07-05 04:56:00 【Meteor spot】
function Helper.utf8ToGBK(str)
if true then
return str
if device.platform == "android" then
return AppUtils:utf8ToGBK(str)
local convertStr = str
local togbk = iconv.new("GB2312", "UTF-8")
if togbk then
convertStr = togbk:iconv(str)
return convertStr
function Helper.gbkToUTF8(str)
if true then
return str
local convertStr = str
local toutf8 = iconv.new("UTF-8", "GB2312")
if toutf8 then
convertStr = toutf8:iconv(str)
return convertStr
string AppUtils::gbkToUTF8(const string& str)
string convertStr = str;
JniMethodInfo t;
if (JniHelper::getMethodInfo(t, "java/lang/String", "getBytes", "(Ljava/lang/String;)[B")) {
jstring jstr = t.env->NewStringUTF(str.c_str());
jstring jcode = t.env->NewStringUTF("UTF-8");
jbyteArray jarr = (jbyteArray)t.env->CallObjectMethod(jstr, t.methodID, jcode);
jsize len = t.env->GetArrayLength(jarr);
jbyte* pByte = t.env->GetByteArrayElements(jarr, JNI_FALSE);
char * pBuffer = new char[len + 1];
memcpy(pBuffer, pByte, len);
pBuffer[len] = 0;
convertStr = string(pBuffer);
delete[] pBuffer;
return convertStr;
string AppUtils::utf8ToGBK(const string& str)
string convertStr = str;
JniMethodInfo t;
if (JniHelper::getMethodInfo(t, "java/lang/String", "getBytes", "(Ljava/lang/String;)[B")) {
jstring jstr = t.env->NewStringUTF(str.c_str());
jstring jcode = t.env->NewStringUTF("GB2312");
jbyteArray jarr = (jbyteArray)t.env->CallObjectMethod(jstr, t.methodID, jcode);
jsize len = t.env->GetArrayLength(jarr);
jbyte* pByte = t.env->GetByteArrayElements(jarr, JNI_FALSE);
char * pBuffer = new char[len + 1];
memcpy(pBuffer, pByte, len);
pBuffer[len] = 0;
convertStr = string(pBuffer);
delete[] pBuffer;
return convertStr;
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