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Research and forecast report on China's solution polymerized styrene butadiene rubber (SSBR) industry (2022 Edition)

2022-07-05 04:49:00 Standing tree information consultation

Content abstract :

Styrene butadiene rubber varies according to the polymerization method , It is divided into solution polymerized styrene butadiene rubber (SSBR) And emulsion polymerized styrene butadiene rubber (ESBR) Two kinds of .SSBR Resilience 、 Heat generation 、 Wear resistance and hysteresis loss performance are better than ESBR, It has high wet skid resistance in the tire industry 、 Low rolling resistance 、 High wear resistance and other advantages , Good comprehensive balance performance , Especially in green tires 、 Non skid tyres 、 Ultra light weight tires and other high-performance tires have a wide range of applications .

Foreign functionality SSBR Fast R & D speed , Part of the process has been developed to the fifth 、 The sixth generation , And China is still in the second 、 In the process of the third generation , domestic SSBR The scope of application is narrow 、 The dosage is small , The utilization rate of production equipment is low , Some high-performance products almost all rely on imports .

Domestic large-scale production SSBR The devices of share 6 set , capacity 29.0 ten thousand / Tons of . Among them, Gaoqiao Petrochemical 、 Dushanzi Petrochemical Branch and Liaoning North dynaso synthetic rubber are imported foreign patented technology , Baling Petrochemical 、 Yanshan Petrochemical and Zhenjiang Qimei Chemical Co., Ltd. use their own technology to build and produce ; Dushanzi petrochemical plant has the production capacity of continuous process and intermittent process . However, the operating rate of some devices is low 、 The production of thermoplastic elastomer styrene butadiene block copolymer is being stopped or converted (SBS) And low CIS polybutadiene rubber (LCBR) The phenomenon of .

In our country SSBR Mainly used in tyres 、 Plastic modification 、 Areas such as shoe making and adhesives . In our country SSBR Of 75% Used in tire industry , Mainly used for tire tread ; The application proportion of plastics industry is 12%, In high impact polystyrene (HIPS) And acrylonitrile butadiene styrene copolymer (ABS) Modification is widely used ; The application proportion in the shoemaking industry is 10% about , Used in the production of high-end sports shoes ; Others such as in raincoat 、 Windbreaker 、 Civil applications such as felt cloth and air cushion bed account for about 3%.

According to the country 《 Directory of guidance for industrial restructuring (2019 This year )》,5 Ten thousand tons of / Solution polymerized styrene butadiene rubber (SSBR) of years or above is an encouraged project . With the vigorous development of China's highway network and the popularity of family cars , The increasing demand for high-performance high-speed tires , future SSBR The market prospect will be better and better .


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