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10 programming habits that web developers should develop

2022-07-05 04:23:00 Software testing network

translator |  Zhu Gang

Reviser |  Sun Shujuan

Technology is evolving , And those programmers who have not developed their professional skills will be left far behind .

First , They must have the hard skills that programmers need , For example, the language involved . But firmly grasp the data structure and algorithm, as well as Web Developing skills is only a minimum requirement .

To stand out from the competition requires more skills , Including internalizing meta skills that are critical to success (meta skills). Stay agile in rapidly changing fields , Proficient in demand technology , Know how to avoid burnout , This means being able to work and study smarter .

You need to know how to manage your time , To enter the flow state , And have the willpower to resist distractions . most important of all , This means accepting these habits , Until they become part of you .

In this article , We have listed ten habits that developers who want to join the elite should develop .

1. Human friendly code

It is best for developers to see the code they write as an annotation of their future self . Habit is like design  ML The practice involved in pipeline architecture is the same , It helps to complete today's work in a way that does not hinder future work . The most important thing is to remember to write friendly human readable code , Here are some of the best practices .


When naming private variables , You need to keep your style consistent , And your naming convention must be consistent , Use the same style every time . In addition, when cooperating , Please discuss style with your colleagues first .

Although you can sometimes use your own naming convention , But it's best to rely on standard naming conventions . The so-called code Inspectors can force code to conform to standard conventions and find inconsistencies , This has greatly helped us .


Name variables correctly

Name variables and methods , In order to clearly understand the role of the code , Optimize names to help understand rather than improve technical efficiency . For example, do not use abbreviations , This is bound to be confusing , Instead, we should provide short nouns for objects to express their functions . You can also use comments to clarify code or solutions , These codes or solutions are not completely self-evident .


Mastering indents and line breaks will make the code friendly 、 Readable and easier to navigate . It also shows the code structure , And allows you to edit the code in a way that explains its function .

2. organization

In addition to following clean code principles , Developers should also learn and implement best practices in code organization .

One of the most popular basic rules is “don’t repeat yourself”(DRY), It advises developers not to use the same code in different places to reduce duplication . It can also help developers avoid making logically unrelated code segments work in the same way , So as to improve readability and reduce ambiguity .

After successfully using this method , It can help developers modify the elements in the system , And keep the logically related elements synchronized . It reduces redundancy , And eliminate all tasks except the most critical editing tasks .

DRY The opposite of the code is WET Code ( Every time I write ). Usually avoid using WET Code .

3. Planning code

Before you start coding , Find out exactly what you want to accomplish .

Let's see RDD Programming Guide . The outline discusses  Spark API Two abstractions provided , So you can use them as a detailed reference . The same is true of Planning , Provide clear goals to guide your work , Blindness may affect code quality , It often leads to wasting time on retry and burnout .

How to determine your program in advance and write a solution ? Start with a brief summary of the project , Outline general steps and functions : Its purpose and purpose .

Software development teams can use solutions that enable them to make minor adjustments and smooth the process . Especially those who don't need to ask “ What is continuous integration ?” People who .

It's a good idea to consider the architecture of the project , Clarify how the elements will interact and whether the function is primary or secondary .

Software developers usually build projects in small parts , Until it fits .  By the way , This means that when data scientists create machine learning models , They will do it step by step , One model at a time , Even using AutoML The same is true of tools .

4. Upgrade the code editor

Choosing the right code editor can not only improve the coding speed , It will also help you expand your perspective . This software is designed to help you write code from scratch , And it has additional functions of managing and editing code .

See the pros and cons of each option , And consider the languages and platforms they support and their functions , For example, syntax highlighting and automatic indentation .

The code editor is different from IDE( Integrated development environment ), It is specially designed to help developers code .

5. Software refactoring

Code refactoring is based on DRY And other programming principles 、 The process of optimizing and cleaning up code . The goal is to make your code more efficient , Easier to maintain , Without changing its function . Code refactoring can not only prevent code corruption , And developing this programming habit can reduce costs , Because it's easier to clean up code now than to handle errors in the future .

for example , The best time to consider software refactoring and clean up existing code is in pos Add new functions to the system or whatever you choose Skuvault Before the alternative . In this way, developers can build on the original code .

6. Use debugging tools

Code refactoring can also improve the debugging process . A constant in the career of software developers is spending a lot of time debugging code . You can spend time browsing your source code and testing your assumptions , But sometimes you still have trouble paying dues . Fortunately, , Some browsers today come with powerful debuggers , It can help you detect errors , Performance inspection and other commissioning work . Debugging tools are similar to A/B As important as , And multivariable testing is also very important for designers .

7. Version control system

Version control software is necessary to solve programming errors and avoid tedious error finding . Use version control system , You can track changes to the code base , Keep visiting your project and be able to find out who has changed what and when , Thus greatly improving the work efficiency .

Suppose you are developing an e-commerce solution , The solution can understand the types of indicators to measure customer satisfaction . The version control system allows you to monitor revisions , Track the changed code that caused the error , And recover if necessary .

Please remember to submit your code regularly , This can avoid rollback when an error is temporarily caused .

8. Finish what you started

A decisive meta skill of elite programmers is to do well in developing good habits .

In the best of circumstances , Coding and debugging can be hard work .  Sometimes , Growing developers try to cope with requirements by distracting themselves from decompressing them . Usually this will lead some people to prototype their work before completing the project —— This is a harmful habit .

Learn how to improve your concentration , And it's worth it to solve the impulse to escape when the project encounters difficulties .

9. Lifelong learning

If you as a Web Developers don't keep learning new things , So before you find a high paying job , The programming language you learn will become an old hat .

Monitor job advertisements to grasp trends and identify emerging languages that employers covet . See what new things people want in technology , Maybe it's a new language , In order to establish a better user interface in the inventory management system ,tradegecko Our competitors have adopted this .

Those who thrive don't just study in their spare time . They accepted the challenge of real programming projects , for example , Try Apache Kudu Tutorial documentation .

10. The power of habit

Prefix meta- From Greek , Meaning is beyond , and meta-skills It's a skill that can be self referenced and integrated . These include over time , You can adopt new habits 、 Better routines and greater self-awareness to cultivate your way of thinking .

as time goes on , Sticking to a fixed program will become a solid habit to help you achieve your goals . contrary , The destructive habits you may unconsciously develop will undermine your progress .

If this is the first time you have done this , Then trying to crack your productivity may be challenging . By establishing a fixed program , Stick to it even if you don't like it , You can form these habits . Pay attention to factors such as time and place , Pay attention to the distractions that make you unable to work , And learn how to reduce the cognitive burden by contacting conscious employers . Soon your brain will begin to associate consistency with work , And remind you of the kind of deep concentration you need .

Occupation planning

Become  Web The good news for developers is , Contrary to some popular views , You don't have to be a genius to succeed . If you find it difficult at first , Maybe this shows that you haven't formed the Ten Habits discussed above . Follow their development , Mobilize your attention , Become an expert . Because if you can design a data intake network , Why don't you design your own career ?

Translator introduction

Zhu Gang ,51CTO Community editor ,2021 year IT Influential experts bloggers , Alibaba cloud expert Blogger ,2019 year CSDN Blog star 20 strong ,2020 Tencent cloud in + Community excellent author ,11 Years of front-line development experience , Once participated in the architecture design of headhunting service website , Enterprise intelligent customer service and large-scale e-government system development , Lead the construction of internal anti disclosure and electronic document security monitoring system of a large central enterprise , At present, he is engaged in the research and development of medical software in Beijing Tujia health .

Original title :​10 Programming Habits a Web Developer Should Embrace​, author :Pohan Lin


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