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Burpsuite grabs app packets

2022-07-05 04:16:00 Two ladies' post it notes

0x00 Download tool

Xiaoyao simulator official website


0x01 Certificate installation

Burpsuite Certificate download , find import/export CA certificate
 Insert picture description here
Select first , Then find the path to download
 Insert picture description here
Change the downloaded certificate suffix to .cer Import the certificate into the simulator
Find the security options in the simulator , Select from SD Just install the card
 Insert picture description here

0x02 Setting agent

Mobile terminal selection WLAN Modify the network , Advanced intermediate proxy server writes computer host ip, Port at will , As long as you and Burpsuite Keep consistent
 Insert picture description here
Burpsuite Add
 Insert picture description here
 Insert picture description here
Intercept open , Mobile data can be Burpsuite Intercept .
In practice , May encounter app Unable to install in the simulator , stay Android The operation steps of the mobile terminal remain unchanged , But make sure to connect to the same wifi.


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