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JVM garbage collection

2022-07-05 03:55:00 Long time

Garbage collection

1 How to judge whether an object can be recycled

1.1 Reference counting

seeing the name of a thing one thinks of its function , Every time it is quoted +1;

In the case of circular references , Circular reference objects will not be recycled , Memory leak .

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1.2 Reachability analysis algorithm

Java The garbage collector in virtual machine uses reachability analysis to explore all living objects ; Scan the objects in the team , See if you can follow GC Root object ( Root object ) Find the object for the reference chain of the starting point , Not found, indicating that it can be recycled . That is, first determine the root object , By root object Indirect or direct reference None of them can be recycled .

Which objects can be used as root objects

  • Virtual machine stack ( Local variable table in stack frame ) Object referenced in
  • Local method stack Native Method reference object
  • Object referenced by a class static property in a method area as well as Objects referenced by constants
1.3 Four quotations

1. Strong citation

  • adopt new Keywords are strong references
  • Only all GCRoots object Not through 【 Strong citation 】 Reference the object , This object can only be garbage collected

2. Soft citation (SoftReference)

  • Only soft references When referencing this object , stay After recycling , When memory is still insufficient Will start garbage collection again , Recycling soft reference objects , You can release the soft reference itself in conjunction with the reference queue

3. Weak reference (WeakReference)

  • When only weak references refer to the object , During garbage collection , Whether the memory is sufficient or not , Will recycle weak reference objects , The weak reference itself can be released by cooperating with the reference queue

4. Virtual reference (PhantomReference)

  • Must be used with reference queues , Mainly with ByteBuffer Use , When the referenced object is recycled , I'm going to join the team , from Reference Handler Thread calls virtual reference related methods to release direct memory – That is to call Cleaner Reclaim direct memory according to the recorded direct memory address

5. Terminator references (FinalReference)

  • No need to code manually , But it's used internally with reference queues , During garbage collection , Terminator references are queued ( The referenced object has not been recycled yet ), Again by Finalizer The thread finds the referenced object through the terminator reference and calls its finalize Method , The second time GC The referenced object can be recycled only when the

Soft reference application

public static void soft() {
        //list-> SoftReference--> byte[]
        List<SoftReference<byte[]>> list= new ArrayList<>();
        for(int i=0;i<5;i++){
            SoftReferencec<byte[]> ref=new SoftReference<>(new byte[_4MB]);

        System.out.println(" End of looping :"+list.size()); 	
        for(SoftReference<byte[]> ref :list){

Use Reference queue Clear useless soft references

private static final int_4MB=4* 1024* 1024;
    public static void main(string[] args){
        List<SoftReference<byte[]>> list = new ArrayList<>();
        ReferenceQueue<byte[]> queue=new ReferenceQueue<>();// Reference queue 
        for(int i=0;i<5;i++){
            // Associated with the reference queue , When a soft reference is associated with byte[] When it's recycled , The soft reference itself will be added to queue In the middle  
            SoftReference<byte[]> ref=newSoftReference<>(new byte[_4MB],queue); 
        // Get useless... From the queue   Soft reference objects , And remove 
        Reference<? extends byte[]>poll=queue.poll(); 
        while( poll != null) {
            poll = queue.poll();

        for(SoftReference<byte[]> reference :list){

Weak reference application

public static void soft() {
        //list-> WeakReference--> byte[]
        List<WeakReference<byte[]>> list= new ArrayList<>();
        for(int i=0;i<5;i++){
            WeakReference<byte[]> ref=new WeakReference<>(new byte[_4MB]);
            for(WeakReference<byte[]> w :list){

2 Garbage collection algorithm

2.1 Mark clear

Mark all objects that need to be recycled , Recycle marked objects

  • Faster
  • Will cause memory fragmentation
2.2 Tag to sort out

Mark all objects that need to be recycled , Recycle marked objects , Put the memory of unmarked objects Put it in order Continuous memory space , But this process will change the address of the object , thus

  • Slow speed
  • No memory fragmentation
2.3 Copy

Divide memory into two equal sized blocks , Use only one piece at a time . When it is almost used up, garbage collection is triggered : Mark all objects that need to be recycled , Copy the unmarked object to another memory space , Recycle the existing memory space at one time ; The next time you trigger garbage collection, copy another piece of live garbage to this piece , Recycle another piece at one time , cycle .

  • There will be no memory fragmentation
  • It takes up double the memory space , Memory utilization is not high
2.4 Generational algorithm

Divide the memory area into the new generation and the old generation , Adopt different algorithms for different regions :

  • The new generation adopts replication algorithm , In the old days, we adopted marking and sorting / Tag clearing algorithm

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  • Objects are first assigned to the Eden area
  • When the new generation is short of space , Trigger new generation recycling (Minor GC), The object of the garden of Eden Copy to the surviving area , The age of the survivors plus 1; Next trigger Minor GC when , The garden of Eden and the surviving objects , The age of the survivors plus 1, Copy to another surviving area , cycle
    • From And To It can be understood as from this surviving area From Copy to another surviving area To, Therefore, the name of the surviving area is not fixed , The author believes that it is only for convenience of memory
  • Minor gc May trigger stop the world(STW), Pause other users' threads , When the garbage collection is over , The user thread will resume running
  • When the object lifetime exceeds a threshold , Will be promoted to the old age , Maximum life 15(4bit)
  • When the old days were short of space , Will try to trigger the new generation recycling first , If there's not enough space after that , It triggers Full GC,STW Longer time

Be careful :

If the operation of other threads will not affect the data of the main thread , Then the memory of other threads overflows , It will not affect the normal operation of the main thread

3 Garbage collector

In general, there are four kinds of garbage collectors : Serial 、 parallel 、 Concurrent 、G1

3.1 Serial
  • For single thread 、 Heap memory is small

  • Will pause all other threads

Serial The collector : Copy the new generation (Serial), Take marking and sorting for the elderly (Serial Old)

Corresponding JVM Parameters :-XX:+UseSerialGC

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3.2 parallel
  • Multiple garbage collection threads work in parallel , Will pause all other threads
  • Suitable for weak interaction

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ParNew The collector : Only for the new generation of recycling , yes Serial A new generation of parallel multithreaded collectors , Also copy the Cenozoic .

Corresponding JVM Parameters :-XX:+UseParNewGC – ParNew + Serial Old The collector combination of

Parallel The collector : Copy the new generation (Parallel Scavenge), Take marking and sorting for the elderly (Parallel Old).

  • Parallel Scavenge The collector : similar ParNew The collector is also a parallel multithreaded garbage collector , Commonly known as throughput first collector .

    throughput : Run user code time Proportion ( Run user code time + Garbage collection time )

    If the program runs 10 minute , Garbage collection 5 second , The throughput is about 99%

  • Parallel Old The collector : yes SerialOld Parallel multithreaded versions of collectors from older generations

Corresponding JVM Parameters :-XX:+UseParallelGC or -XX:+UseParallelOldGC – Parallel Scanvenge + Parallel Old The collector combination of

ParNew The collector And Parallel Scavenge The collector difference – Parallel Scavenge Collector's Adaptive strategy

  • The virtual machine collects performance monitoring information based on the current system performance , Dynamically adjust parameters to provide the most appropriate pause time (-XX:MaxGCPauseMillis) Or maximum throughput
3.3 Concurrent
  • Garbage collection threads and other threads can execute concurrently , Don't stop other threads

  • It is applicable to , Heap memory is large ,CPU Audit support

    Old age concurrent mark removal

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CMS The collector :Concurrent Mark Sweep: Concurrent tag removal , It is a kind of collector that aims to get the shortest recovery pause time .

  • Initial marker : Mark the objects directly referenced by the root object , Meeting STW That is, stop other threads
  • Concurrent Tags : Find the surviving object simply referenced by the root object , Other threads execute concurrently
  • Re label : Fix the mark record of the part of the object whose mark changes due to the continuous operation of other threads during concurrent marking , Meeting STW
  • Concurrent elimination : Recycle the object to be recycled

Corresponding JVM Parameters : -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC ( Automatically put -XX:+UseParNewGC open )–
ParNew + CMS + Serial Old The collector combination of ,Serial Old Will serve as a CMS Fallback collectors

Be careful :

  • Can't handle floating garbage , Judge that the object is not garbage before , Because the user thread is also running , Maybe the object has become a garbage object before it is cleared , Eventually, it should have been recycled but not recycled , Just wait for the next time GC Then recycle the object
  • If CMS The memory reserved during operation cannot meet the needs of the program , Will appear Concurrent Mode Failure, Demote temporarily enabled Serial Old Collector for old age garbage collection ,STW So the time becomes longer
3.4 G1

G1 Applicable to the whole stack , It can be used in the new generation and the old generation

  • Pay attention to throughput and low latency at the same time , The default pause is 200ms

  • Huge amount of memory , The heap will be divided into multiple equal sized region, It can be done by -XX:G1HeapRegionSize Parameter setting area size , Must be 2 Power square

  • The whole is marked + Sorting algorithm , Two region Between regions is the replication algorithm

G1 The collector : A garbage collector with the process of sorting memory , There won't be a lot of memory fragmentation ;STW More controllable , A prediction mechanism is added to the pause time , The user can specify the expected pause time .

It can be divided into the following four steps :

  • Initial marker : Mark the objects directly referenced by the root object , Meeting STW That is, stop other threads ;

    And modify TAMS Value , Let the next phase of the user program run concurrently , Can be used in the right Region Create a new object in .

    Every Region There are two records top-at-mark-start (TAMS) The pointer , Respectively prevTAMS and nextTAMS, stay TAMS The object corresponding to the above memory space is newly allocated

  • Concurrent Tags : Find the surviving object simply referenced by the root object , Other threads execute concurrently

  • Final marker : Fix the mark record of the part of the object whose mark changes due to the continuous operation of other threads during concurrent marking , Meeting STW

  • Screening and recovery : To each Region Sorted by recovery value and cost , According to the user's expectation GC Pause time to plan recovery , Take the part that you decide to recycle Region Of live objects copied to empty Region in , And clean up the whole old Region The whole space of , Meeting STW

Garbage collection stage

New generation recycling : Conduct GC Root The initial tag of , Meeting STW;

New generation recycling + Concurrent Tags : When the proportion of heap space occupied by the old age reaches the threshold , Mark concurrency ( Can't STW);

Mixed recycling : Carry out comprehensive recycling , The final mark and copy survive , Meeting STW.( Within the maximum stop time , More heap space is released for garbage collection , Will choose a larger memory space

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Cross generational quotation

The old times quote the new generation objects

During garbage collection, accessibility analysis needs to be carried out according to the root object , And the old age may also have root objects , Cross generational references do not need to completely traverse older generations , But by traversing Dirty card Get the root object .

Class unload

After all objects are marked concurrency , You can know which classes are no longer used , When all classes of a class loader are no longer used , Then unload all the classes it loads .

Recycling giant objects

  • An object is larger than region Half the time , Call it a giant object

  • G1 You don't copy giant objects

  • Recycling is a priority

  • G1 I'll track all the things in the old days incoming quote , So the older generation incoming Referenced as 0 Giant objects can be disposed of in the Cenozoic

4 Garbage collection tuning

Tuning areas

  • Memory
  • Lock competition
  • CPU Occupy
  • io

Set goals

Low latency or high throughput , Choose the right recycler

  • CMS G1 ZGC – Low latency
  • ParallelGC -- High throughput
  • Zing virtual machine – Low latency
4.1 One of the fastest GC It doesn't happen GC

Because if it happens frequently GC That explains. STW The longer it takes , Then it is also detrimental to the operation of the program .

  • see FullGC Memory usage before and after , Consider the following questions

    1. Is there too much data

      Such as database operation result set , Loaded some unnecessary data , It can be done by limit Limit

    2. Is the data representation too bloated

    3. Is there a memory leak

      static Map map Objects of this length

      Soft citation / Weak reference

      Third party cache implementation Such as middleware redis

4.2 Cenozoic optimization
  • The characteristics of the new generation
    • be-all new The memory allocation of the operation is very complicated
    • The cost of recycling dead objects is 0
    • Most of the objects die after use
    • New generation recycling Minor GC Time is far less than Full GC

The larger the memory of the new generation, the better :

  • Small : You may start frequently Minor GC;Oracle It is recommended to occupy heap memory 25%-50%;
  • Too big : Then the longer it takes to recycle .

Ideal situation :

  • The new generation can hold all 【 Concurrency *( request - Respond to )】 The data of

  • The surviving area is large enough to be preserved 【 The current active object + People who need to be promoted 】

    If the survival area is too small , Will automatically adjust the promotion threshold , You may promote the object to the old age in advance , Impact : Objects that originally had a short life span had to wait Full GC It can only be recycled

  • Promotion thresholds are properly configured , Let the long-term survivors be promoted as soon as possible

    Minor GC Mainly marking and copying , It mainly consumes time on replication ; If a long-lived object cannot be promoted as soon as possible , That means it will be copied back and forth in the surviving area , It's a burden for performance .

4.3 In the old days

With CMS For example

CMS The garbage collector has two defects , One is the inability to dispose of floating garbage , That is, in the process of concurrent cleanup , User threads generate new garbage , These garbage can't be marked and can only wait until next time FullGC Clean up . Therefore, in the old age, a certain space needs to be reserved for floating garbage . stay CMS The process may lead to concurrency failure , namely CMS Runtime memory space cannot be satisfied , Then the virtual machine will Serial Old Take it out and STW, Carry out serial garbage cleaning .

  • CMS The older the memory, the better , Avoid concurrent failures caused by floating garbage

  • Try not to tune first , without Full GC That means there is no lack of memory space in the old age , Even if it happens Full GC, Try tuning the new generation first

  • Watch what happens Full GC when , Memory usage in old times , Turn up the memory of the old age 1/4 ~1/3, Reduce Full GC Happen

    -XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=percent Adjust startup CMS The ratio of used memory in old age

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