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Official announcement! The third cloud native programming challenge is officially launched!

2022-07-05 03:50:00 51CTO

 Official announcement ! The third cloud native programming challenge was officially launched !_ competition

Now , More and more developers are joining the wave of cloud native development : According to the 《 Cloud native development status report 》 Show , Global cloud native developers reach 680 ten thousand , And 2020 year 5 Number of cloud native developers reported per month 470 Ten thousand , The number of cloud native developers around the world is growing rapidly .

According to statistics ,2022 There are more than 75% Of enterprises use containers in production environments . Enterprises are building IT Architecture , The cloud is no longer a third-party isolated platform , But to become an enterprise IT Part of the architecture , Cloud native is innovating the development model . Enterprises need to consider cloud operation and maintenance 、 Development on the cloud 、 Iteration on the cloud 、 Disaster recovery on cloud , Therefore, the era of all cloud development has come , Developers and enterprises will usher in a golden age of technological dividends . So how do developers adapt to these changes ? One way is to upgrade personal skills and cognition , Readjust to some working modes , For example, how to manage permissions on the cloud 、 Asset governance 、 Cloud operation and maintenance, etc .

Based on this , The third cloud native programming challenge was officially launched ! This competition will Explore the service grid in depth 、 Edge container 、Serverless Three hot technical fields , For the hot technology direction of the industry , Master the core problem 、 The way of thinking about problems , Use the most cutting-edge product technology tools , Comprehensively improve personal ability .

Track one : in the light of Sidecar Service grid data side application service access under mode QPS And delay optimization

Before the advent of service grid technology , have access to SpringCloud、Netflix OSS etc. , By integrating... In your application SDK, Programmatically manage traffic in applications . But this usually has programming language limitations , And in SDK When you upgrade , Need to modify the code and re launch the application , It will increase the human burden . Service grid technology makes traffic management transparent to applications , Transfer this function from the application to the platform layer , Become a cloud native infrastructure . With Istio Led by service grid technology , It is attracting the attention of more and more enterprises .

This competition question hopes to start from Sidecar Agent resource allocation 、Sidecar Configuration tuning 、 Hardware optimization from several perspectives , By constructing a dynamic optimization system of service grid performance and resource occupation , To minimize Sidecar Agent resource consumption , Try to reduce the request delay of services in the cluster .

Scan the code and sign up now

 Official announcement ! The third cloud native programming challenge was officially launched !_ Alibaba cloud _02

Track two : For cloud native edge computing scenarios [email protected] Efficient edge autonomy scheme

Under the edge Scene Architecture of cloud edge collaboration , As the scale of edge devices and edge businesses grows , And frequent changes brought about by business innovation , It brings huge management efficiency and cost challenges to cloud side collaboration . In practice, we find that , Under the edge Scene Architecture of cloud edge collaboration , There are a lot of lightweight devices , The configuration of these devices is relatively low , Reduce the resource occupancy of edge side components , Free up more resources for the business on the device , It has become a problem that must be solved .

This competition problem hopes to achieve an edge side edge-proxy Components , Responsible for forwarding edge side components, such as kubelet/kube-proxy Request , At the same time, it can put the cloud apiserver The returned data is cached locally , Realize node autonomy , And try to reduce cpu, Memory resource occupancy , Realize an efficient edge autonomy scheme .

Scan the code and sign up now

 Official announcement ! The third cloud native programming challenge was officially launched !_ Alibaba cloud _03

Track three : Achieve one Serverless Architecturally Web IDE service

In the age of cloud ,IDE More and more towards lightweight 、 The direction of distributed evolution . In a small program 、Low code/No code、 Online programming education 、 Front end integrated development 、 Big data processing and other fields ,Web IDE Both reflect more and more important values .Web IDE The use of is usually multi tenant 、 Fragmented . Based on traditional architecture , To achieve a multi rent security 、 Scalable 、 High performance 、 Low cost IDE The service is very complicated . And with the help of Serverless framework , Will greatly reduce the difficulty . This competition question will provide a Web IDE Reference implementation of services , You can expand on this basis , Give play to your creativity , Create a unique Web IDE service !

Scan the code and sign up now

 Official announcement ! The third cloud native programming challenge was officially launched !_ Edge of computing _04

Award settings

 Official announcement ! The third cloud native programming challenge was officially launched !_ Edge of computing _05


 Official announcement ! The third cloud native programming challenge was officially launched !_ Cloud native _06

What are the new ways to play ?

Play method one : Competition training camp

The star tutor deeply analyzes the content of the competition question ,0 Basic fast get Entry skills ! After completing the punch in task, you can get the official customized honor certificate and exquisite gifts !

Opening time :2022 year 6 month 30 Japan

 Official announcement ! The third cloud native programming challenge was officially launched !_ Edge of computing _07

Scan the code to sign up for

 Official announcement ! The third cloud native programming challenge was officially launched !_ Alibaba cloud _08

Play two : Competition Laboratory

6 month 30 Japan -9 month 6 Japan , Just do it Serverless Experience the scene and sign up Serverless Track , You can get a customized Alibaba cloud backpack after completing the task !

 Official announcement ! The third cloud native programming challenge was officially launched !_ Edge of computing _09

Scan the code to sign up for

 Official announcement ! The third cloud native programming challenge was officially launched !_Serverless_10

Play three : There are prize papers in the competition

Share your experience 、 Competition technology introduction 、 Use experience of products related to the competition ( Service Grid 、 Edge container 、Serverless)、 Post personal growth experience and feelings to the developer community , Contestants will have the opportunity to win the following awards :

 Official announcement ! The third cloud native programming challenge was officially launched !_ competition _11

​ Scan the code to sign up for

 Official announcement ! The third cloud native programming challenge was officially launched !_Serverless_12

at present , The third cloud native programming challenge has been officially launched , Welcome to click  ​ here entrants !

