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Why do some programmers change careers before they are 30?

2022-07-05 03:16:00 Java architecture design

I've been dealing with programmers in many small companies recently . After in-depth communication with them , I feel the current situation of many small company programmers , From this deep sigh , Maybe there are many programmers in small companies who may not be able to 30 year , even to the extent that , Some programmers with general technical attitude and bad attitude , May not be able to 28 year .

1 Programmers who can do a good job of adding, deleting, modifying and checking reliably , Even if the ability meets the standard

I went to a software company owned by my friend and sat down , By the way, I observed them closely java Programmer's development routine , First of all , The programmers I came into contact with are not new , It's universal 2 To 3 Years of working experience . Their development team is led by a project leader 10 Many people do java Maintenance items for , Yes spring boot.

Among them, the so-called skilled programmers , It can copy the code according to the existing business , Write new business functions . In the process of writing , If you encounter unfamiliar api, You can also check on the Internet according to the function , For example, to output the specified format , Then check it and use Calander And so on . If you encounter some database problems or basic problems when writing code , You can also put the question keywords on the Internet , And find the corresponding solution .

On this basis , If you encounter bug, Can also take the initiative to solve , Don't shrink back when you encounter life , That is to say, good technology plus good attitude , Such people are already rare , As for familiarity maven or git And other basic management tools , That's the backbone of Technology . In this team , A lot of doing java Back end , And there are 2 Years of development experience , It is impossible to solve practical problems . For example, you can't pass debug Troubleshoot problems , Meet some JPA Problems in , Or data source configuration problems , I don't know how to check .

And their project leader , More responsibility is to manage the progress , At the same time, publish the system on the Internet in the simplest way , And do simple database configuration management . For example, use it directly mvn Command packaging , Copy and paste jar Put the bag in linux On , Encountered database performance problems , It can also be connected to linux Use the command to build mysql The index of . however , That's the technology , Used to manage their company's projects , More than enough .

2 In addition to business knowledge , What else can these programmers do ?

Programmers in my friend's company are creating value every day , The projects developed and maintained are really worth a lot of money , They can't be idle every day . But except for the programmers who fish , What skills have those programmers with positive attitudes mastered in technology ?

1 Business knowledge points , For example, how to do a business process , Where to get data in the middle , What to return . These businesses may be the so-called skills that these programmers usually contact most , And the company also relies on “ Be able to develop business correctly ” To assess programmers , But these can only be regarded as business knowledge , Not technology .

2 use Spring boot Business development skills , That's not true , But use Spring boot The skills of developing business with related components are too cheap , Even the use of zero basis 1 It will be able to , And this kind of zero base programmer enters the company 3 You can be familiar with all kinds of businesses in six months , Can also be used Spring boot Develop various functions , So there are too many programmers who only master these skills .

3 Be able to analyze and troubleshoot problems , For example, a null pointer appears , Can pass debug Find the problem , Or something happened jpa Error prompt for , You can put this hint on the Internet , Then modify several codes and configurations according to the prompts , To solve the problem , But this skill is too miscellaneous , When I change jobs through interview in the future , You can't show your ability through such skills .

4 The so-called project management ability , For example, I can use it Maven and Git etc. , But these skills may just stay “ Will use ” On the level of .

What is more impressive is , I observed , Programmers in this company , There are many fishermen , Work is limited to completing functions without making mistakes , You may not care about other valuable technologies and project development skills .

3 What other capabilities do senior programmers and architects need ?

If a programmer works to 28 or 30 year , We can't just stay in the initial stage of adding, deleting, modifying and checking businesses , Because if these abilities alone , It's easy to be fresh , Even the replacement of trainees in the training course .

If you stand in the perspective of the boss , Young people are willing to work overtime , And it is easier to be brainwashed by the so-called feelings , Pay back low , by comparison ,28 Year old or 30 A - year-old programmer is not an old oilseed , But if you still do the same work as young people , The boss is likely to want young people .

Let's not talk about big factories here java Technical requirements of architects , Not to mention the ability required by the advanced development of large factories , Just talk about the general company's demand for senior programmers .

1 Can be familiar with Spring Boot Related skills , such as jpa,aop,ioc,restful,junit etc. , Even if you are unfamiliar , It should also be able to (3 Days. ) Familiar with .

2 Familiar with basic database performance tuning , It can solve the problems of stand-alone database , Like complexity sql, Index and other problems .

3 Can be in linux Look at the log , And can pass the log , Solve most stand-alone versions ( Non distributed components ) problem .

4 Can be familiar with Redis,Dubbo Usage of equally distributed components , At least api, If possible , You should also be able to use these api Develop basic high concurrency applications .

5 Other stand-alone problems , such as api Call or troubleshooting , Even if I haven't done it before , It should also be able to solve the problem quickly by checking the information on the Internet .

By the way, let's talk about the requirements of big factories for senior developers and even architects .

1 Be familiar with the configuration method and usage of various distributed components , Be proficient in using distributed components to develop various high concurrency requirements , And be familiar with current limiting fuse and other technologies .

2 Be familiar with the process of software release, deployment and launch , Like building mysql Environmental Science , build redis Components , Even docker and k8s.

3 Can pass the log , Check and solve OOM, Advanced problems such as database performance , All problems that cannot be solved by advanced development , Architects should be able to solve .

4 It is conceivable that junior programmers are 30 The situation at the age of

If you only know the basic skills of adding, deleting, modifying and checking , stay 27,8 There should be no problem finding a job before the age of , After all, there are too many software companies nowadays , There should also be many primary development positions .

But there are 3 To 5 Years of development experience java Programmers should need to upgrade to advanced , in other words , If in 27 or 28 year , If you still can only develop primary skills , The interview for advanced development should not pass , I haven't even heard of some techniques mentioned in the interview . Here are some advanced development questions .

1 What components are used in your project to cope with high concurrency ? How to solve the problems of current limiting and fusing ?

2 Redis colony , or Dubbo Have you ever used cluster ? If you haven't used it , How did you solve redis through , or dubbo Graceful downtime and other problems ?

3 How do you check the project OOM And database performance problems ? How to monitor performance in the project ?

Need to know , For my primary development , Recite before the interview java Eight part essay is also useful , But for the Java For advanced development , I can only recite eight part essay , The interview must not pass .

So for these in 28 Years old and even 30 I'm still doing java For programmers in junior development , It is possible to raise wages by job hopping , However, due to the inability to upgrade to advanced development , The situation in the company may be very embarrassing , Because young people can do all kinds of work , And they can work overtime . In this case , There are problems in the operation of the company , It's really possible to be optimized . And after being optimized , There may even be no interview .

5 Are there many older programmers in their infancy ?

I only rely on speculation , But there should be a lot of programmers in this part .

1 Many companies may pay more attention to business , In the project development environment, there is no practical opportunity for valuable technologies such as distribution , This leads many programmers to think , The development project only needs to use some relatively elementary technologies . No chance to practice advanced technology , Promotion is impossible .

2 Many programmers may be more concerned about salary when they change jobs , You may not care about the technology used by the company , So it is likely to enter the new company , The salary has increased , More people are in charge , But the same old technology is used .

3 what's more , In order to find companies that can provide valuable technology practice opportunities , First, you have to prove the project experience of relevant technology in the interview , It's not easy to do this .

4 Besides, , Many programmers are in small companies , But the degree of overtime is not necessarily less than that of large factories , Often after a busy day , It seems very substantial , I did earn money , But even if it is accumulated over time , The work done every day is repetitive work , Promotion is impossible .

therefore , I saw some programmers in my friend's company , It may not be an isolated case . It can't be said that most programmers in small companies are like this , But programmers like this are not necessarily in the minority .

6 People go high , Programmers should be particularly vigilant

Compared with other professions , Programmers can really use overtime in exchange for high salary opportunities , But you can say that , Programmers are really a profession for youth .

Not to mention others , Just look at the fresh computer graduates who graduate every year , Look at the number of programmers output from the training courses of some large factories , Enough to alert most programmers .

But there's no way out , I myself recently , It has also helped many zero foundation programmers enter the industry , Also helped java Many primary developers have successfully upgraded , Let's take a look at some big factories that recruit people every day , That's enough to say , Even if you are currently in a small company , Even if the current technical ability is average , Programmers should also have the opportunity to constantly upgrade , Or we can enter big factories through efforts . I also prepared a copy of Ali for you today P8 Handwritten interior Java The core development growth manual covers p5-p8 Technology stack , Very comprehensive , I hope this information can be of some help to those friends who want to be promoted and paid . Now I'll show you this information

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