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Watch the online press conference of tdengine community heroes and listen to TD hero talk about the legend of developers

2022-07-05 02:41:00 Taosi data tdengine

Small  T  Reading guide TDengine The community invites all developers to build a technology community !7 month 2 The first batch of Japanese 「TD Hero」 Online press conference , See together TDengine How to play with developers TDengine Community . Build together in the future , I still need you , Come quickly !

TDengine As an open source time series database (Time-Series Database), With the support of many developers 5 Year time . To thank many developers for their company along the way , We set it up 「TD Hero」 This honorary title . The first batch of TD Hero It is recommended by the community , They were GitHub Contributor、 Case Study author 、Meetup Sharing person 、 Community active users and other developer groups .

7 month 2 Japan , We will hold 「TD Hero Online press conference 」, It's not just about introducing newcomers TD Hero Get to know more developers , It's more about chatting with you TDengine More possibilities for the future of the community .

This event will hold round table discussions on four topics , We set up 4 All topics are related to what you care about TDengine Communication in the technology community 、 Co construction is closely related . Most of the guests participating in the meeting are our newcomers TD Hero member , At the same time, there are also from TDengine The mysterious big guy is in charge ! Come and see this 4 A topic ~

issue 1: Why to be Contributor?
Submission code , It's really not that difficult to become a contributor to open source projects !
If you really want to participate in open source contribution , But I don't know where to start , You might as well listen to it as TDengine Contributor Of TD Hero Talk about the technology contribution in the community .
( Welcome to scan the code to make an appointment )
issue 2: How to find like-minded partners in the technology community ?
Speed alone , Many travelers are far away . Find like-minded partners in the community , Do long-term valuable technology research and development work together .
From the community developers' own sharing , Is what developers need ! So what exactly do you need ? You might as well listen as User Group Meetup Sharer's TD Hero Talk about their feelings .
( Welcome to scan the code to make an appointment )

issue 3: How to present business scenario best practices ?
Business scenario problems , It has always been one of the most concerned issues of developers !
Want to find a suitable solution in the business scenario ? Give people roses , Leave fragrance in your hand , That as Case Study The author's TD Hero Have the most say !
( Welcome to scan the code to make an appointment )

issue 4: I have a technical problem , How to get the desired answer ?
The number of people in the community is huge , How can my question be seen 、 Be answered ?
It is inevitable that there are problems in the process of using the product , Technical support cannot support everything , So how to get the desired answer as soon as possible ? Focus on the community experience , Listen to active users in the community TD Hero Talk about his feelings !
( Welcome to scan the code to make an appointment )

We hope TD Hero Speak more real voices on behalf of developers , So did you say what you expect or appeal to as a member of the community ? It must be judged by yourself !

A total of 15 position TD Hero, The final position of the article , Please all of us 15 position TD Hero Come on stage !
<<  Slide to view all of this issue  TD Hero >>

Remember To sign up 「TD Hero Online press conference 」, and TDengine Build a community together , I really can't do without you !

Of course, we also look forward to you who are also interested in the technology community , Can also join us , Contribute to the , Become TD Hero!( For details of the project, see :【 Become TD Hero, Be a superhero who changes the world with technology | come from TDengine Invitation from the community 】)

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