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Last week's hot review (2.7-2.13)

2022-07-05 02:09:00 Blog Park team

Hot essay :

· 2021 Annual summary | Review of software development technology in grape city ( On ) ( Grape City technical team )
·  Generate... From the server Excel The spreadsheet (GcExcel + SpreadJS) ( Grape City technical team )
·  Zhang is very happy .NET IoT Getting started :( 7、 ... and ) Make a weather station  ( Happy Zhang )
· Element Plus The official version has been released ! ( Zhu Kun )
· .NET Born 20 Anniversary of the , Your .NET Whether skills still remain 2010 year ? ( Zhang Shanyou )
·  Advanced technology management ——Leader Should we pay attention to the students who grow slowly ? ( Leaf languages )
· dotnet Replace ASP.NET Core The underlying communication of is named pipeline IPC library  (lindexi)
·  Goodbye, ugly SwaggerUI, This open source API Document generation artifact interface is more cool , Push the grid higher ! ( Silent king two )
· JWT+ASP.NET Core Integration solution  (、 The moon in the sky )
·  gold 3 silver 4 Before the interview , Make yourself the king of rolls ! ( Little brother Fu )
·  Talking about C# Variable parameters params (yi Between reading )
· .NET Core The most elegant way to analyze assemblies , no need Assembly.LoadFile(), transcend ReflectionOnlyLoad ( Yang Zhongke )

hot news :

·  The original Wande employee changed jobs b The station is claimed 200 ten thousand The second instance won , court : Competition restrictions should not prevent engineers from re employment
·  Tsinghua postdoctoral presentation AlphaCode The technology behind it , Programmers are not so easy to replace
· 59 Megajoule ! The European nuclear fusion experiment set a new record for energy output
·  The largest dark energy mapping to date : May reveal the fate of the universe
·  NVIDIA acquired ARM The transaction failed Lao Huang compensate sun Zhengyi 12.5 Billion dollars
·  fact B The station auditor died suddenly, and the blogger said : A lawyer's letter has been received , Prepare to respond
· NASA The first small rocket launched from Mars will be developed , Send samples back to earth
·  The first black hole floating freely in the interstellar appears
·  The core of the earth is not a solid state but a superionic state
·  Can we live in a virtual world ?
·  It took five years VS Code , I decided to change to JetBrains...
·  Run away from the factory , I can't go back to my hometown


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