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What sparks can applet container technology collide with IOT

2022-07-05 01:26:00 FanTai geek Technology

Smart car 、 Smart community 、 The continuous maturity and application of technologies such as intelligent wearable devices , The Internet of things, which is closely integrated with it (IoT) It is increasingly becoming an important part of the working life of individuals and enterprises , It brings the improvement of operation process and better life experience to enterprises and individuals , Plus artificial intelligence (AI) As technology matures ,IoT And AI The combination of ,IoT It is also endowed with more and more abilities and values .

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Limitations of Internet of things applications

At present, with the rapid development of the Internet of things , Also faced with some in the user 、 Typical pain points in enterprise applications :

First, the hardware iteration cycle of the Internet of things is longer , The hardware is very different , The system upgrade depends heavily on OTA( Online upgrade 、 Over the air technology ), High system resource consumption .

Second, there are various types of IOT devices , With the traditional software carrier ( Such as mobile phone ) A completely different display , The software needs to be able to run on the opposite screen .

Third, the corresponding software applications are relatively lacking , It can cover both the IOT device end and App The number of terminals is even less , How to provide software services for users , It is a problem that puzzles manufacturers , It is difficult to form a more closed-loop service experience .

The demand of IOT manufacturers

So in general , Internet of things enterprises hope to have a solution , Can achieve flexible update 、 Cost controllable effect , It makes the functional services loaded on the device light and convenient , Of course, it is also very important to be able to adapt the car screen well , During this period, it would be best if the user experience could be improved .

Take an Internet of vehicles enterprise as an example , If you do a brief disassembly analysis of the requirements :

The first point , Car companies hope to reduce the cost of external service parking machines , Including boarding costs 、 Maintenance cost and update iteration cost .

Second point , Car companies hope to ensure or even improve the user experience of car owners , For example, the fluency of interaction 、 The adaptability of the function service on the vehicle screen , Further, for example, open up the intelligent voice scene .

The way to solve the problem of the Internet of things

But in wechat applet 、 With the popularity of Alipay apps, etc , In recent years, the technology of lightweight small programs has been continuously developed and improved , In fact, it is very suitable for the Internet of things industry . Because the applet has the following characteristics :

1、 flexible , There is no need to OTA, Cloud upgrade

2、 Light weight , No cache required , A few Memory

3、 Fast , Multi screen adaptation , Fast application

4、 Low cost , Standard framework , The quantity base is large 、 The scene is rich , Can be easily introduced , Provide and native App The same user experience

5、 Bluetooth provided by applet BLE、Wi-Fi、iBeacon、NFC And other interface capabilities 、“ Open and use ” And low threshold , Can help IoT Developers improve the device distribution rate 、 Frequency of use and Realization of device sharing function .

This allows the applet to participate in IoT It becomes possible in the process , It can make the development of the Internet of things easier 、 Easy to use . In fact, the relatively mature applet container technology can easily make IOT devices have the ability to run small programs , Again with FinClip It's a typical representative .

In more colloquial terms ,FinClip SDK Can be integrated into any intelligent host , Mobile Android 、iOS,PC End Windows、Mac and Linux, There is also the Internet of things device screen we are going to talk about this time , Provide a running environment for small programs , For example, wechat itself has a similar operator , So we often use suikang code 、 Only small programs such as online flower shopping can run in wechat . After integration , Internet of things devices get the ability to run small programs .

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The second is to APP Function small program , Then it will be put on the small program management platform of Internet of things enterprises .

On the one hand, we have cooperated with each other APP The service provider needs to APP Small program , There's a little bit of clarification here , In itself FinClip Support a variety of mainstream syntax , Wechat applet syntax 、taro etc. , So developers don't have to learn an extra set of grammar , As long as you are familiar with the mainstream development framework, you can get started quickly FinClip.

On the other hand, it is the introduction of external mature small programs , Because it is compatible with wechat syntax , Mature wechat applets can use FinClip Provided IDE Make verification and debugging modification on behalf of the buyer , And then quickly upload it to the applet management background . notice FinClip It also pays great attention to the creation of the ecosystem , At present, there are also 300 + Of merchants settled in , covers 8 Big life , Like food 、 housekeeping 、 Online retailers 、 Pets, etc .

In summary FinClip The solution combining applet and Internet of things has the following characteristics :

1、FinClip SDK Provide cross equipment 、 The ability to run across ends

FinClip SDK Run as a container for applets , Support in Android、iOS、Flutter、ReactNative、uni-app Five types of mobile terminal systems run , Support at the same time PC Duanru Windows、Mac、Linux System . In all systems , Hosts can integrate FinClip SDK Gain the ability to run applets .

stay FinClip in , Business developer ( Applet developers ) No need to care about complex system adaptation and docking , Just develop the business content according to the applet syntax , Rendering and execution in different environments , All by FinClip complete .

On the basis of cross end capability ,FinClip It also supports running on various special-shaped screens , Such as a small screen represented by a watch , Or the super large screen represented by TV .

2、FinClip Provide a fully privatized solution , Assist manufacturers to realize self built ecology

FinClip Support full privatization , Support public cloud on deployment 、 A hybrid cloud 、 Private cloud, etc . Based on privatized deployment FinClip, Manufacturers can realize a complete set of self built ecology . the FinClip The enterprise side is open to third-party developers , Allow third-party developers to work on the vendor's platform , Submit business application ( Applet ), The manufacturer is responsible for the application ( Applet ) After the audit , You can quickly update to the hardware or mobile terminal App.

3、FinClip Ecosphere provides hardware manufacturers with more optional software services

FinClip At present, it has accumulated a wealth of third-party services , Including life 、 entertainment 、 game 、 Travel 、 health 、 Medical care 、 Finance 、 Insurance included , A total of more than 100 small programs , These small programs can be introduced to mobile phones by manufacturers App Or equipment end .


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