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Poap: the adoption entrance of NFT?

2022-07-05 00:49:00 chinadefi

POAP:NFT Adopted entrance of ?

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With NFT The world of is getting more and more attention , People are interested in Web 3.0 Tools 、 There is also growing interest in the interaction between platforms and projects . Now the general consensus is , By bringing consumers from the real world environment Web3 in , To speed up the adoption of this new virtual world , That's why POAP May be the earliest cryptocurrency ( And the most widely used ) One of the entrances .

What is? POAP?

POAP yes “ Proof of attendance agreement ”. It is used to prove the existence of a user's online or offline activities . Because a person cannot exist in two different bodies , So use NFT The nature of tokens to prove their uniqueness .

Proof of attendance agreement (Proof of Attendance Protocol) It is a decentralized application developed on Ethereum blockchain (dApp), Use POA Network as the core infrastructure . This agreement uses authoritative proof (PoA) A consensus mechanism to ensure that transactions are made by authenticated accounts ( Also known as verifier ) verification .

Essentially ,POAP It's a NFT.

POAP It can mainly solve two problems :

  • complexity

For most consumers ,NFT There are many things that confuse them in our world , And for the creator ,NFT It is also quite complex and difficult —— As far as the present situation is concerned .NFT We must have a degree in computer science to solve these problems , Or at least have a certain understanding of smart contract development .

  • cost

It is not only the complexity of technology that makes many people forget NFT The idea of , And another barrier to entry is to create real value NFT Cost of .

Of course , The cost of making some random images and generating them into blockchain is not high , But the back-end development of smart contracts and the creation of necessary parts of successful projects need to have an appropriate budget .POAP Create by reducing NFT The transaction cost of solves this problem . It eliminates an entry barrier to a certain extent .

Use... Correctly POAP, We can upload a picture after a few clicks , And create a NFT As a badge , This is our collection when we participated in the event . These collections will play a role in the real world , Before that, we will have to overcome many obstacles to create them , and POAP Will change the rules of the game .

As the creator platform POAP

therefore , As mentioned above ,POAP May be valuable to consumers , But for the creator side ? From a marketing point of view , These attendance agreements prove to be of great value .

Once someone connects their wallet to the project , The project side can directly connect to the user's world , Users can also connect directly to the world of the project side . Once the wallet is connected , The project side can airdrop items with future value in the user's wallet . You can effectively communicate with the project party through your wallet at any time —— Of course , This needs to be done in a smart way , Instead of just Airdropping images .

POAP How does it work ? After the participants scan the QR code of each event , The application will start the operation of verifying whether the user really exists . The software is scanning QR Code time , Detect whether the user is at the activity site according to the user's location data . Here are two examples .

Let's use a real-world brand example to illustrate ; I go to Nike store , Get ready to buy a new pair of Nike sneakers . I can scan QR code in the activity , Get the POAP, Then when the brand releases the extended series ( fleece 、 Athletic Wear 、 Hat, etc. ) when , They can air drop one to me NFT, This can give me some form of practical value —— For example, you can buy other series of products first . For brands and projects , The key is to use POAP As a Trojan horse . Any use of airdrop requires real attention , Not just a disguised promotion .

Another example , If Nike can pass POAP Throw me one in my wallet NFT, Then they can let me touch other things in the real world earlier ( This can improve their sales ), You can even have these things in the metauniverse in digital form . under these circumstances , They managed to sell me another thing , I will like them better , Because they make me feel like an early adopter , And I will now become a more active advocate of the brand , Because I can change my virtual image into NFT, So in turn, I am also their digital advertisement !

in my opinion , Brands that use this integrated thinking will be in Web 3.0 The success of CUHK .

Actually POAP The platform makes this easier by eliminating the need to create wallets —— The project party can provide a QR code for people to scan . These QR codes take them to POAP The ecological system , Where they can store these digital badges , Until they decide to connect their digital wallet to POAP In itself . If they work as planned , This will allow more people to enter the cryptocurrency field , And try various uses .

By linking utilities together , We can also provide services based on this POAP Token gated access . Now a lot of “ Open the box ” All control systems are identifying POAP, So this can increase consumers' access to our valuable content 、 platform 、 Information and community . The secondary market also recognizes POAP, So you can also list them there POAP.

The wave of change

POAP Is a smart development , Although it won't make us millionaires , however NFT However, it is possible to release , It inspires some passion in the community , And unlocked for some people “ Things on the next level ”, This allows them to step into Web 3.0 The world of .

Usability —— It's like POAP—— It further verifies that we will see that many waves of great changes will come from Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 The hybrid of uses blockchain in the simplest form , So that people can experience what they are entering .





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