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The waterfall flow layout demo2 (method 2) used by the uniapp wechat applet (copy and paste can be used without other processing)

2022-07-05 00:05:00 I'm happy

design sketch :
 Insert picture description here

	<view class="container">
		<view class="left">
			<view v-for="(item,index) in leftList" :key="index" class="imgBox">
				<image :src="item.img" alt="" mode="widthFix"></image>
				<view class="txt">{

		<view class="right">
			<view v-for="(item,index) in rightList" :key="index" class="imgBox">
				<image :src="item.img" alt="" mode="widthFix"></image>
				<view class="txt">{

	export default {
		data() {
			return {
				list: [{
						img: "../../static/home/weixin.png",
						name: '0 Name of commodity , Can be very long, very long, very long, very long, very long, very long, very long, very long, very long, very long, very long, very long ',
						id: 100
					}, {
						img: "../../static/home/bg_yjc.png",
						name: '1 Name of commodity , Can be very long, very long, very long, very long, very long, very long, very long, very long, very long, very long, very long, very long ',
						id: 100
					}, {
						img: "../../static/home/bg.png",
						name: '2 The product name will exceed N Do not fold on line ',
						id: 100
						img: "../../static/home/bg.png",
						name: '3 When there are only two lines of titles, the height is 39',
						id: 100
					}, {
						img: "../../static/home/bg.png",
						name: '4 You can customize the specific style ',
						id: 100
					}, {
						img: "../../static/home/bg_yjc.png",
						name: '5vue Of H5 The same is true for pages ',
						id: 100
					}, {
						img: "../../static/img/shenfen1.png",
						name: '6 When there is only one line of title ',
						id: 100
					}, {
						img: "../../static/home/bg_yjc.png",
						name: '7vue Of H5 The same is true for pages ',
						commdityPrice: 100
					}, {
						img: "../../static/home/bg.png",
						name: '8vue Of H5 The same is true for pages ',
						commdityPrice: 100
					}, {
						img: "../../static/home/bg_yjc.png",
						name: '9vue Of H5 The same is true for pages ',
						commdityPrice: 100
					}, {
						img: "../../static/home/weixin.png",
						name: '10 Name of commodity , Can be very long, very long, very long, very long, very long, very long, very long, very long, very long, very long, very long, very long ',
						id: 100
				], // List of goods ,
				//  Initialize left and right boxes 
				leftList: [],
				rightList: [],
				//  Initialize the height of the left and right boxes 
				leftH: 0,
				rightH: 0
		//  Page loading 
		onLoad(e) {
		//  Page shows 
		onShow() {

		//  Method 
		methods: {
			doList() {
				const that = this
				this.list.forEach(res => {
					//  Get the width and height of the picture 
						src: res.img,
						success: (image) => {
							//  Calculate the image rendering height 
							let showH = (50 * image.height) / image.width
							//  Judge the height of the left and right boxes 
							if (that.leftH <= that.rightH) {
								that.leftH += showH
							} else {
								that.rightH += showH
		//  Compute properties 
		computed: {

		//  The listener 
		watch: {

		//  Page hidden 
		onHide() {

		//  Page uninstall 
		onUnload() {

		//  Trigger pull-down refresh 
		onPullDownRefresh() {
			this.pageNum = 1
			// this.getListData()
		//  Handling function of page pull bottom event 
		onReachBottom() {
			// this.getListData()

<style lang="scss" scoped>
	.container {
		padding: 0 30rpx;
		font-size: 14rpx;
		line-height: 24rpx;

	.left {
		display: inline-block;
		width: 40%;
		vertical-align: top;
			margin-bottom: 25rpx;
				font-size: 24rpx;

	.left {
		float: left;
		float: right;

	.left image,
	.right image {
		width: 100%;
		margin-bottom: 10rpx;

Reprint : Thanks for sharing.
Link to the original text :https://blog.csdn.net/He_n_ry/article/details/125242284


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