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[kotlin] the third day
2022-07-04 23:22:00 【No. 101 of the top 100 most handsome faces in the Asia Pacific 】
Here is the reference
️ Author: intellectuals
️ Personal blog : Old nine CSDN Blog
Personal famous saying : Uncontrollable things Optimistic face
Series column :
Here is the reference
List of articles
- Nullability characteristics (?)
- Security call operators
- Use let Security call for
- Non empty assertion operators (!!)
- Use if Judge null value
- Null merge operator
- Exception handling and custom exception
- Prerequisite function
- substring function
- split operation
- replace Complete encryption and decryption operation
- == and === Comparison operation
Nullability characteristics (?)
fun main() {
var name:String = "lmp"
// This default is a non nullable type
//name = null
// When making a statement : Specify as nullable type ( Type followed by a question mark )
var name2 : String ?
name2 = null
Security call operators
fun main() {
var name :String? = "zhangsan"
name = null
// Change the first letter to capital
// If name yes null, The code after the question mark is not executed , No null pointer exception will be thrown
val r = name?.capitalize()
Use let Security call for
package com.lmp.s1
fun main() {
var name:String? = null
// var name = "lmp"
name = ""
var r = name?.let {
//it == name In itself
// If name It's empty , Do not execute after the question mark
if(it.isBlank())// If name yes ”“( No content )
Non empty assertion operators (!!)
fun main() {
var name :String? = null
//!! Assertion
// No matter name Is it right? null, All implemented
var r = name!!.capitalize()
Use if Judge null value
fun main() {
var name:String? = null
if(name != null){
var r = name.capitalize()
println("name is null")
Null merge operator
fun main() {
var info : String ? = " Bruce Lee "
info = null
//?: If the front one is empty , Just output the following things
//xxx ?: " So you are null" If xx be equal to null, Will execute ?: The back area
println(info ?: " So you are null" )
//let function + Null merge operator
println(info ?.let{
"【$it】"} ?:" So you are null")
Exception handling and custom exception
fun main() {
var info :String ?= null
fun checkException(info: String?) {
info ?: throw CustomException()
class CustomException : IllegalArgumentException(" Your code is too loose ")
Prerequisite function
fun main() {
val value1 :String ?= null
val value2 :Boolean = false
// Throw abnormal function
// Throw abnormal function
// by false And throw exceptions
substring function
const val INFO = "lmp is Success Result"
fun main() {
val indexOf = INFO.indexOf("i")
println(INFO.substring(0, indexOf))
println(INFO.substring(0 until indexOf))
split operation
fun main() {
val jsonTest = "Derry,lmp"
val list = jsonTest.split(",")
// Deconstruction operations
val (v1,v2) = list
replace Complete encryption and decryption operation
fun main() {
val sourcePwd = "lmp"
println(" The original code is $sourcePwd")
// Encryption operation : Is to replace characters with numbers
val newPwd = sourcePwd.replace(Regex("[lm]")){
"l" -> "9"
"m" -> "8"
"p" -> "7"
println(" The encrypted password is $newPwd")
// Decryption operation
val sourcePwdNew = newPwd.replace(Regex("[987]")){
when(it.value) {
"9" -> "l"
"8" -> "m"
"7" -> "p"
else -> it.value
println(" The decrypted password is $sourcePwdNew")
== and === Comparison operation
fun main() {
//== value Comparison of contents amount to java Of equals
//=== Comparison of references
val name1 = "lmp"
val name2 = "lmp"
val name3 = "ww"
println(name1 == name2)
println(name1 === name2) // true, Because it refers to the string constant pool
println(name1 == name3)
val name4 = "lmp".capitalize()
println(name1 == name4)
println(name1 === name4)
It's not easy to code words , Everyone's support is my driving force to stick to it
Copyright notice : This paper is about CSDN Blogger 「 The top 100 most handsome faces in the Asia Pacific region 101 name 」 The original article of
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