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[Jianzhi offer] 6-10 questions
2022-07-04 22:59:00 【Which bug are you?】
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Print linked list from end to end
The finger of the sword Offer 06. Print linked list from end to end - Power button (LeetCode)
From the end to the end , You can change the point to , But it's more troublesome , And also changed the structure of the linked list .
Observe the structure of the print , Print the tail first and then print the head , It is very similar to the structure of stack , So use stack to write .
class Solution {
vector<int> reversePrint(ListNode* head) {
stack<int> st;
ListNode* cur=head;
int sz=st.size();
for(int i=0;i<sz;i++)
return ret;
Reconstruction of binary tree
The finger of the sword Offer 07. Reconstruction of binary tree - Power button (LeetCode)
The idea of building a tree : The first node of the preamble sequence must be the root node , All nodes on the left of the root node in the middle order sequence are left subtrees , The ones on the right are all right subtrees , The specific measures will not be repeated . The following is an analysis from the perspective of code implementation
The difficulty of this problem is to determine the benchmark and the parameters of the recursive function , In fact, the interval is easy to calculate .
Determining the benchmark means whether the subscript position of the elements I use is based on the middle order sequence or the previous order sequence .
Next, I use the position of the root node as the benchmark of the preorder sequence , So in the parameters of recursive function pre_root It represents the position of the root node of the current tree in the previous sequence ,in_root and in_right It represents the left and right boundaries of this tree in the middle order sequence .
class Solution {
//TreeNode* _bulidTree(TreeNode* root,int left,int right)//root If not int You cannot determine the position of the root node in the preorder traversal sequence
TreeNode* _bulidTree(int pre_root,int in_left,int in_right)
if(in_left>in_right)// It shows that the left and right subtrees corresponding to this node are unreasonable
return NULL;
TreeNode* root=new TreeNode(preorder[pre_root]);// Create a root node
int x=find(inorder.begin(),inorder.end(),preorder[pre_root])-inorder.begin();// Find the position of the root node in the middle order sequence
int l_length=x-in_left;// The length of the left section
int r_length=in_right-x;// The length of the right section
root->left=_bulidTree(pre_root+1,in_left,in_left+l_length-1);// Build the left subtree
root->right=_bulidTree(pre_root+l_length+1,in_right-r_length+1,in_right);// Build the right subtree
return root;
TreeNode* buildTree(vector<int>& preorder, vector<int>& inorder) {
this->preorder=preorder;// Let the subfunction _buildTree You can get preorder
this->inorder=inorder;// Empathy
TreeNode* root=_bulidTree(0,0,preorder.size()-1);// Both sides of my interval are closed
return root;
vector<int> preorder;
vector<int> inorder;
This code also has an optimization point , Careful observation shows that every recursion I have to calculate the position of the root node in the middle order sequence , and find The bottom of the is to find one by one , The efficiency is not high , So here we can use the idea of hash to map the position of the root node in the middle order sequence .
class Solution {
//TreeNode* _bulidTree(TreeNode* root,int left,int right)//root If it is not for shaping, the position of the root node in the preorder traversal sequence cannot be determined
TreeNode* _bulidTree(int pre_root,int in_left,int in_right)
return NULL;
TreeNode* root=new TreeNode(preorder[pre_root]);
// int x=find(inorder.begin(),inorder.end(),preorder[pre_root])-inorder.begin();
int l_length=dic[preorder[pre_root]]-in_left;// The length of the left section
int r_length=in_right-dic[preorder[pre_root]];// The length of the right section
return root;
TreeNode* buildTree(vector<int>& preorder, vector<int>& inorder) {
for(int i=0;i<inorder.size();i++)
dic[inorder[i]]=i;// Subscripts of ordered sequence elements in mapping
TreeNode* root=_bulidTree(0,0,preorder.size()-1);
return root;
vector<int> preorder;
vector<int> inorder;
unordered_map<int,int>dic;// Dictionaries , Represents a mapping relationship
The next node of a binary tree
There is no link found in this question
Find the next node of the middle order traversal
I used to write about red and black trees ++ I wrote something similar , Here, paste the code at that time , The details are as follows (
This picture is the content of my red black tree blog)
self& operator++()// In front of ++
Node* cur = _node;
if (cur->_right)
// The right subtree is not empty , You can't directly give the root of the right subtree to _node
// Because the leftmost leaf of the right subtree is the next node that should be accessed
Node* right = cur->_right;
while (right&&right->_left)
right = right->_left;
_node = right;
return *this;
else// The right subtree is empty
// Look at my father
Node* parent = cur->_parent;
while (parent&&parent->_right == cur)
cur = parent;
parent = cur->_parent;
if (parent == nullptr)
_node = nullptr;
_node = parent;
return *this;
Queues are implemented with two stacks
The finger of the sword Offer 09. Queues are implemented with two stacks - Power button (LeetCode)
Use two stacks to simulate the implementation of queues .
Pay special attention to the empty stack , If you don't handle the empty stack, you can't compile it (VS Run too fast )
class CQueue {
CQueue() {}
void appendTail(int value) {
int deleteHead() {
if(st1.empty()&&st2.empty())// Consider the case that both stacks are empty , because _ move Empty stack is not handled
// If both incoming stacks are empty , It can lead to stack An error is reported when accessing the data at the top of the stack when it is empty
return -1;
int x=st2.top();
return x;
void _move(stack<int>&s1,stack<int>&s2)// hold s1 Move your data to s2 Inside
Fibonacci sequence
The finger of the sword Offer 10- I. Fibonacci sequence - Power button (LeetCode)
According to the formula given by the topic, you can recurse .
class Solution {
int fib(int n) {
return 0;
else if(n==1)
return 1;
int pprev=0;// Previous to current number
int prev=1;// The previous of the current number
for(int i=2;i<=n;i++)
int tmp=(prev+pprev)%1000000007;
return prev;// The result of the last calculation is tmp Give it to prev
There is also a kind of logn Solution method , But it's complicated to write , Not enough practical .
【 Expand 】 Frogs jump the steps
Fibonacci's deformation , It can also be used. dp To do .
Remember the frog jumping on the first n The number of schemes for the ladder is dp[n]; be dp[n]=dp[n-1]+dp[n-2]; For example, the frog is in the first N Steps , Then it can only be from N-1 Or N-2 Up the grade
class Solution {
int numWays(int n) {
int a[]={
return a[n];
int ans=0;
int pprev=1;
int prev=1;
for(int i=2;i<=n;i++)
return ans;
【 Expand 】 Rectangular overlay
No link found for this question … But it is also Fibonacci's deformation .
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