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Lost in the lock world of MySQL

2022-07-04 22:35:00 ImportNew

( to ImportNew Plus star , Improve Java Skill )

1. drinks

This is a drink .



This is a 3 A drink , Every drink tastes different .



But humans don't call 【 drinks 】 by 【 drinks 】, It's called 【 drinks 】 by 【 Record 】.

2. Red Octopus

This red one , A guy who looks like an octopus , We call it the red octopus ~

Red octopus is divided into head and tentacles .



Red octopus has tentacles , And it can have any tentacle .



Red Octopus loves drinks , Put your tentacles in the cup and you'll get the drink .



Red Octopus put different tentacles into different cups , You can drink more than one drink at the same time .



More than one red octopus can appear at the same time .



But the red tentacles that are drinking will repel other tentacles , That is, a drink can only have one red tentacle at most .

First come, first serve , Later tentacles have to line up .


There can be more than one red octopus in the same drink In order Waiting in line .



Red octopus is obsessed with the feeling of sucking multiple drinks at the same time , So all its tentacles are either waiting , Or they're all drinking .

in other words , If one of the red octopus tentacles is in line , Then its other tentacles have to line up as well , Even drinks that nobody drinks have to line up .



Drinks with tentacles in line but without tentacles , It can still be drunk by other Octopus later .



But humans don't call 【 Red Octopus 】 by 【 Red Octopus 】.

Human appellation 【 The head of the red octopus 】 by 【 Intention exclusive lock 】;

Human appellation 【 A red tentacle drinking a drink 】 by 【 Exclusive record lock 】.

3. Green Octopus

These are green Octopus .



Most of the characteristics of green octopus are identical to those of red octopus , Except for one thing. : Green octopus tentacles are willing to share drinks with other green tentacles .



Because red octopuses don't share drinks with octopuses of any other color , And green octopus will only share drinks with green Octopus ,

So red octopus and green Octopus don't drink the same drink at the same time , Later, we have to wait in line .



According to the above rules , Red and green octopus can form many states . Here's one , The numbers indicate the order in which they came .



But humans don't call 【 Green Octopus 】 by 【 Green Octopus 】,

Human appellation 【 The head of the green octopus 】 by 【 Intention sharing lock 】;

Human appellation 【 Green tentacles drinking drinks 】 by 【 Shared record lock 】.

4. clearing

in fact , Drink cups are not always adjacent , There may be space between them .



No matter how far away the two cups are , If there are no other drinks between them , Let's say that there is the same space between the two drink cups .



The left side of the leftmost Cup , The right side of the rightmost Cup , It's still open space .



For Octopus , Except for the tentacles of drinking , Sometimes they have extra tentacles , They will be in ` When drinking drinks ` Put the extra tentacles on the empty space between the cups to rest .



Because there's nothing in the open space , Tentacles in the open space don't have to rush for drinks , So the red and green tentacles in the open space can coexist peacefully .



But humans don't call 【 clearing 】 by 【 clearing 】,

Human appellation 【 clearing 】 by 【 The gap between records 】;

Humans don't call those either 【 Tentacles in the open space 】 by 【 Tentacles in the open space 】,

Human appellation 【 Tentacles in the open space 】 by 【 Clearance lock 】;

If an octopus reaches into a drink and sucks , Just put the other tentacle on the left side of the drink to rest , So humans will call these two tentacles one 【 Temporary key lock 】.

5. Black tentacle

There is another kind of red octopus in this world , This red octopus has black tentacles .



Black tentacles are different from red and green tentacles , Black tentacles can't drink .

But the black tentacle has an adverse function , When the black tentacles touch the open space , At the point of contact, a drink will be produced out of thin air !



Because black tentacles can create Octopus favorite drinks , So other octopus are obsessed with black tentacles , When the black tentacles touch the open space , Other tentacles don't come to disturb .

Black tentacles will only land in the open space without other tentacles .



A red octopus with black tentacles , You can put more than one tentacle in the same open space ( If there is enough space ).



You can also place multiple tentacles in different open spaces at the same time .



But humans don't call 【 Black tentacles on the open space 】 by 【 Black tentacles on the open space 】,

Human appellation 【 Black tentacles on the open space 】 by 【 Intention to insert lock 】, And think it's 【 Clearance lock 】 A kind of .

6. laser

Here's a red laser , Across all the cups .



The red laser is very hot , Red octopus and green octopus will be burned when they meet red laser , So in the presence of the red laser , The octopus are hovering above and dare not come down .

On the other hand , Without any tentacles on the drink glass or empty space , Red laser is possible .



This is a green laser .



The green laser is softer , The green thing can pass through the green laser without damage , So the green octopus is not affected by the green laser .



in fact , A green laser can produce multiple lines at the same time , And the red laser has at most one , And red and green lasers don't exist at the same time .



But humans don't call 【 Red laser 】 by 【 Red laser 】, Human appellation 【 Red laser 】 by 【 Lock the watch 】.

Humans don't call 【 Green laser 】 by 【 Green laser 】, It's called 【 Green laser 】 by 【 Shared table lock 】.

from :MCTW

link :https://www.cnblogs.com/duck-and-duck/p/14713827.html

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