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Locust performance test - environment construction and use

2022-07-04 22:31:00 Peng Yuyan in the testing industry

1. What is? Locust?

     Locust Is an easy to use , Scriptable and extensible performance testing tool . You can use the general Python Code defines user behavior , This makes Locust It can be expanded infinitely , And very friendly to developers .

2. features

  • Distributed and scalable - Support hundreds of thousands of users

Locust Make it easy to run load tests on multiple computers . It's event based ( Use gevent), This allows a single process to handle thousands of concurrent users . Although there may be other tools that can perform more requests per second on a given hardware , But every one of them Locust The user's low overhead makes it ideal for testing high concurrency workloads .

  • be based on Web Of UI

Locust Have user-friendly Web Interface , It can display the test progress in real time . You can even change the load while the test runs . It can also be in the absence of UI Operation in case of , So that it can be easily used for CI / CD test .

  • Can test any system

Even if Locust Main content and website / Services are used together , It can also be used to test almost any system or protocol . just Write a client for what you want to test , Or browse some clients created by the community .

3. Environmental installation

Official documents


install Python 3.6 Or later .

 Use pip install Locust.pip install locust
 Verify the installation and display locust Version number  pip show locust
(venv) E:\workspace\LocustConcurrent>pip show locustName: locustVersion: 1.4.4Summary: Developer friendly load testing frameworkHome-page: https://locust.io/

4. Quick start

stay Locust in , You can use Python Code defines user behavior . then , You can use the locust Command and ( Optional ) Its Web The interface generates and simulates a large number of these users as it collects request statistics .


''''Create by dell on 2021/4/13Author :wenchengdescribe :'''from locust import HttpUser, task, betweenclass QuickstartUser(HttpUser):    wait_time = between(1, 2.5)
    @task    def bky_deom(self):        self.client.get("/")
    @task(3)    def bky_demo2(self):        self.client.get("/wen-cheng")        if __name__ == '__main__':    import os
    os.system('locust -f locust_cnblogs.py -H https://www.cnblogs.com')

5. Startup and operation locust

open locust Of web Interface , Browser access :

Set the number of virtual users 20, Start every second 5 Users , Click on Start swarming Began to run

locust Of web Interface analysis :

  • Number of users to simulate It's the number of simulated users

  • Hatch rate (users spawned/second Represents the speed at which simulated users are generated

  • Start swarming Start testing

6. Analyze test results

  • Type: Request type ;

  • Name: Request path ;

  • Requests: Number of current requests ;

  • Fails: Number of current request failures ;

  • Median: In the middle , Unit millisecond , Generally, the server response time is lower than this value , The other half is higher than that ;

  • Average: Average response time for all requests , millisecond ;

  • Min: Minimum server response time for requests , millisecond ;

  • Max: Maximum server response time for a request , millisecond ;

  • Content Size: The size of a single request , Unit byte ;

  • Reqs/sec: Number of requests per second .

Interface chart display

 throughput / Number of response transactions per second (rps) Real time statistics 
 Mean response time / Real time statistics of average transactions 
 Number of virtual users running 

Derived data

The above is the whole content of this article , I hope the content of this article has a certain reference value for your study or work , If you have any questions, you can leave a message , Thank you for your support .

Learning resource sharing

Finally, thank everyone who reads my article carefully , Watching the rise and attention of fans all the way , Reciprocity is always necessary , Although it's not very valuable , If you can use it, you can take it

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