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Why does infographic help your SEO

2022-07-04 23:15:00 IDC industry observer

Information graph has existed for quite a long time , But there are still more unused websites than used websites . Information maps usually involve hiring people to make , If you don't hire someone , It will take up a lot of time of your design team . Obviously , Infographics are a great way to interact with your audience and present content in a more interesting way , But for some companies , Traditional content is good . The information graph is the last one on the list .

However , What many webmasters don't realize is , The function of information map is not only to look good . They can also have a positive impact on websites SEO effect . If you want to strengthen your SEO Activities , Spending time and money to create an information map may be the extra motivation you've been looking for .


Infographics can help you SEO The biggest reason is that they provide link value ( It's just SEO One of the biggest and most important aspects of the activity . There are three main ways , Infographics can increase your links ).

  • Links have value . Links found in information graphs are as valuable as links found in text . Although Google has discussed making these links less valuable than links in traditional content , But everything helps . Using internal links will help improve your navigation , External links will help improve your credibility , This is all important SEO factors .

  • More sharing means more links . Because information charts are easier to read and understand , Not to mention the more interesting appearance , They are more likely to be shared among readers . The more times your content is shared , You will get better visibility and participation ( Google robots will also see ).

  • Republishing is equivalent to backlinking . People are not only more willing to share information maps , And the information map is also easy to publish . Most infographics have an embedded code , So putting it on your website is a good way to encourage people to republish it . As long as the content is republished , You will get a backlink , This will only help increase your link portfolio .



Other benefits of infographics

Last , Infographics actually offer many benefits , These benefits far outweigh the few they can provide for websites SEO benefits . Interestingly , If you start posting more infographics on your website , You'll get some " Additional benefits ".

  • Attract attention .

  • Easy to understand difficult concepts .

  • More memorable content .

  • It is more likely to spread like a virus .

  • Read faster ( So it's more popular !).


​ Do you manage a website that uses infographics ? Since you started publishing on your website , Do you see any SEO The benefits of ? Please tell us your story and your thoughts in the comments below .

Article from https://cn.bluehost.com/blog/seo/15359.html


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